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Posts posted by Chris4u

  1. I find that the look with a pierced tongue can look sexy, depending on the girl. The feel of cold steel on my hot rod is definetly not sexy though. Grant you, even if it were plastic, I still wouldn't like it in comparison to a non-pierced tongue. For me, I'd last longer if my girlfriend was pierced. The sensation isn't the same, akward really, feeling that nub glide against my penis.

    Your boyfriend never had oral so he wouldn't know the difference. Also, he didn't last long because of his entry into this realm of sex.

    Well, whatever his stamina is presently, you can take the accessory out of your tongue and see which he prefers, pierced or natural.

    To each his own. He may prefer the pierced tongue or it may make no difference.

    Make him close his eyes or not look down when you give him the test, just so he doesn't see the wound in your tongue. I don't know, but that could turn him off or even freak him out a little. Which ever his preference, he'll still love head. :)

  2. I don't know what poses you've done or how seductive or innocent you've tried to look, but go under a porn site (not some sleazy, really hardcore site) and see how the models pose there. As you know, the internet is full of free porn, so don't feel the need to caugh up money.

    www.atklounge.com has samples and links to galleries with photo spreads you could take into account during your next shoot.

    I think it's nice you're able to do this for your husband. Iraq is definetly no vacation and getting a glimpse of what lies instore for him upon his arrival will certainly make him happier there. You shouldn't feel nervous. Your pictures are for him not for anyone with internet access. If you feel comfortable and confident it will reflect in your photos and make them sexier. :)

  3. I'd refrain from having sex on the 1st date, maybe even the 2nd. Why...because for a guy, sex on the first date means 2 things. #1: this person is easy and why commit if you can get it everyday. #2: she most likely isn't looking for a lasting relationship (as your trying to do), so just get the sex while it lasts. It's almost like a one-night-stand.

    I know that sounds aweful, but it's true for the most part.

    Listen to Steph. Sex doesn't make a relationship, but it's really great to have it in there. Refrain from it initially and see whether the guy is also looking for a relationship or passes from girl to girl.

  4. Yeah, the hymen is for real. Some girls will bleed when they lose their virginity. I've taken the virginity of two girls and the first didn't have any blood come out, and the girl I'm currently with lost tiny bit...you could see some spead out on the condom, but only a very thin layer, not gushing out or anything.

    I know you asked how girls like to have it taken, and since you lose it only once, you either have a good or bad or okay time doing so. But from the 2 I took it away from, I went slowly in, nothing rough or fast, just to keep her at ease, because even though they were excited to lose it, I thought they might, in the back of their head, fear it may be painful and I didn't want to cause that. That's out of curtisy to them, but like I said, I wouldn't know and perhaps everyone's different in this area. Guys just have to take into consideration that they are somewhat nervous about defloration and want it to be a great moment (and some just want it out of the way).

    If I were you, I start slow and pick up the pace gradually and see her responses.

  5. If it sounds gross to you, then don't go through with it. The next time your boyfriend brings it up, whether it's at the end of sex or elsewhere, just explain to him that your not ready for it. Don't tell him it's gross, even though he'll know or suspect you think this. Telling him it's gross might hurt his feelings, b/c it may be a fetish of his, i don't know.

    Personally, urine is meant for the toilet or on a tree, not on your body. I would feel degraded, like he was marking me as his own or regarding me as a lesser person. Either that or he's too lazy to go to the bathroom.

    It's probably just something he thought might be fun to try or maybe he has a kind of fetish or a full-fledged fetish for watersports. That's alright, some peoples fetishes are kind of strange to those who pretty much share the same ones.

    One of my friends was peed on by her guy and she didn't find it gross, so much that she smelt bad afterward and had to take a shower (hells, I'd take one if it didn't smell) and it got the sheets dirty.

  6. Well getting wized on to me is just plain disgusting. Just the smell and really the thought of it just grosses me out. I never understood why someone would want to do this and if they're willing to take that, why not just have their girl/boy friend take a crap on them as well.

    Well whatever floats your boat.

    Well it shouldn't really harm you, maybe irritation if you have sensitive skin. Urinination is eliminating toxic wastes from the body and ammonia, in high concentrations will burn you. Did your parents ever tell you that your skin turned red when your dipper wasn't changed soon after you peed in it. That's because your skin was being wasted away from your urine.

    If you go through with this, have your boyfriend drink "a lot" of water to dilute his piss. This will cut down on the saltiness, the smell, and the chance of irritation from it.

    I wouldn't have him piss on your face though. Just in case it gets in your mouth, you may vomit, you never know. But if it gets in your eyes, which is much more delicate than the skin (skin can take a beating) it will cause burning and possibly slight damage.

    Remember to have a chage of sheets ready and make sure it doesn't seep into the matress.

  7. It's not gross that you want to have anal sex, however, I wouldn't impose it on her. I'm in med school and have a good understanding of what hemeroids intails. It's painful. They sell creams that she can use to num and lessen the protrusions. If she hasn't seen a doctor, she should and find out what she should do. There are treatment options, but this isn't something one can cure 100%. If she has it now, it's pretty much for life. It may go away altogether, or at least seem so. It may get worse, but with the ointments out there, she should be able to keep it in check and lessen those grape-like clusters.

    Stool softeners work to cause less pressure and pain.

    If she's been using creams and what have you and she still suffers to a degree, then don't ask her to do anal. If you she consents to and you guys do try it, it will have devastating results. You'll worsen the pain by making them even bigger and more inflamed.

    Some people are more prone to hemeroids than others, genetics really.

    Anyway, first have her see a physcian, then get what he/she perscribes and creams. Also stool softeners wont be a bad idea, but only do this if she still has pain after using the above for a few months. Stool softeners cause dehydration and you don't want to imbalance her system.

  8. Oils are great. For less mess, try a sock. I live in the South and there isn't much need to wear socks from April to mid October, so I use my socks as a means to keep my hands clean and no clean up job. Then just throw them in the laundry and it washes out.

    Now actually put your dick in your sock, don't use the sock like a hand puppet. I have those socks that are cut at your ankle and the fuzzy bumps inside create a great sensation.

    Don't worry if your not doing laundry that day, it comes out whether you do it that day or next week.

  9. Looking to the past can be unpleasant. I know looking back at mine, there are things I'd like to have done differently or not at all. Listening to your girlfriend's can be likewise. There was a girl I was seeing that talked about her past sexual experiences with much delight and detail, that I ended up breaking up with her...due to the amount of jealousy and sometimes disgust I saw her in after such tales.

    You can go down that road, but be prepared to take the consequences. Personally, I like to know as little as possible. I don't mind a girl telling me how many guys she's been with, but I do mind when the story drifts to the point where I listen to her wild sex stories with other guys, for it makes me feel kind of pushed aside and perhaps not as good as past sex partners. Looking towards the past is a means of comparison to what you share now. The unpleasantness from both your pasts may be because you look at yourselves as whores/pimps. It makes me feel bad when I'm with someone that's been with 1-3 guys asks me how many girls I've had sex with. I feel uncomfortable, because I make her look pure compared to me.

    She may need to open up and that may be best to keep the relationship alive longer, however don't ask or allow her to converse too much. You wont look at her the same way and unless you accept her past, you wont be able to keep a lasting relationship.

  10. I'd ask a urologist. If it is correctible, then find a surgeon who has experience with these. The local one may not be the best for such a job. Always try to find someone who's experienced or has a good reputation, even if it means driving a few hours to get to the surgeon. I've heard horror stories about corrective surgeries and in the end, due to complications and infections, part of the penis had to be cut off.

    If your husband doesn't have a problem with it at that size when not aroused, then I wouldn't touch it, just because of fear of losing part of it to complications.

    If this affects the size when erect, then you may want him to get surgery done.

    It all really depends on how he feels with it (physically and psycologically) and how it affects your sex lives. If you enjoy having sex and it's big enough when erect, then don't fool with it.

    I can't stress enough, whatever surgery one gets, one should get it from an experienced physician and not go to someone cheaper and not as compitant. Investing more money into an operation can mean added insurance into a successful operation and post-operation results.

  11. Well simply because we like it. Some people like it, some are obsessed by it, and some don't like it at all (I found this hard to believe, but there are many offended by porno websites, magazines, etc.)

    I've been exposed to pornography (whether it's in the form magazines, tv, cards, whatever) since I was 5 years old. I don't know what compells me to like it and why I liked it at such an early age. Well it didn't do much for me then, except open my eyes to a whole new world and cause seriouse curiosity in sex.

    It's used in many respects: just to relieve a pent-up sexual drive, get you in the mood, fantacise, do so because they're not in a relationship currently and need to get off, and even to make one concentrate harder on something else (like an essay or test). I don't know how it is for any of you reading this, but I can't quite concentrate on my studies unless I've climaxed. I get that rush of blood to my head and my thoughts towards sex faid rather quickly, unless I'm in the middle of having sex. However, when a guy peaks, his drive slows down considerbly.

    I think the sayings' true, "God gave man a penis and a brain and only enough blood to operate them one at a time." At least it's quite true in my case.

    I view porn for that reason and to get rid of built-up sexual energy. Others do so for similar or the other reasons I've listed (and others I failed to mention).

  12. Spontaneity is the key for me. I'm not married nor have been, but I imagine running a household with kids can cause your wife to be tired and not as in-the-mood, unlike me and my girlfriend.

    My girlfriend and I found spontaneity to be the best way to introduce almost anything in the bedroom (and sometimes out). However, don't scare her. Don't just have her walk in the bedroom to find you wearing a prong colar and holding a whip.

    During sex even, move her (or tell her...but this isn't always as deceptive) into positions that you haven't tried and that kind of forces her to test them out...otherwise her refusal could spoil the mood, even if done gently.

    Of course my girlfriend and I are almost ready to try anything. However discussion and time is sometimes the answer. I know when she proposed anal, I was hesitant (due to cleanliness). But we tried it eventually.

    You may not see imidiate results. Creating the mood and driving her wild, though, will help greatly in persuing fresher sexual acts.

  13. In response to admiraltolokus's quote, no I don't live in the middle-east, I live in the next closest thing...the Bible Belt and am a Christian myself. If you agree with what the original post read, then you don't have much respect for women and are a male chauvinist. I've lived amongst the die-hard, supposidly Christian people here almost my whole life and have found that most don't follow the Bible to the letter at all, even though they claim to. In fact adultry isn't uncommon at all.

    My post was only to suggest that the thinking of the olden days is no longer in sync with todays society and that marriage is both partners compromising, and not one being subjected against their will to the other. I have nothing against the Bible. The teachings in it house important values, however, some of the thinking and conduct towards others is appauling. I didn't comment on the original post's clause about being gay as being bad. However to think they are not as equals among us is sad. Jesus loved all men, didn't he.

    Also the fact that the term "rape" should be thrown out once married is scary in itself.

    Niether the husband or wife holds a higher postion in the marriage, so one cannot say they must obey like you tell your dog to sit. You must be willing to have trust, faith, and willingness to comprimise.

    Your presumption that I may live in the middle-east shows you no nothing about their beleif in the Quran. Women have to obey the men in their culture, much like this topic would like to have confirmed. You should watch a program about Islam (I'm sure you'll find it easily on and educational channel) or open a book, because your naive state is illustrated in your writing. :P

  14. The hypocrisy is frightening. You quote biblical text and then offer that if your wife doesn't obey you to have sex a set amount of times a week, then you'll cheat on her...isn't that one of the 10 ABSOLUTE DON'TS!

    Plus, you seem to treat sex like masturbation. Seems like you should get a blow-up doll, because you treat your wife like a living one. Why don't you try getting her in the mood. Your lack of sex could be that you don't turn her on like you used to. As you get older you have to put in more effort.

  15. Definetly don't use milk. Only water and don't do it often. People are under the impression that cleaning out their intestines like this is good for them. Once in a while it's fine and leaves you feeling really good. However, if you douche every day or a few times a week, your providing an opportunity for infections that will make you go through a hell of a lot of pain. I shadowed a proctologist and beside finding out I'll never become that kind of doctor, she told me that your ruining the natural flora of your intestine. You have helpful bacteria in there and water washes them out. Stools take some away, but not the majority. Constantly douching will make you loose more and more, and you can't replenish the supply. It's kind of like your vacating houses and allowing gang members to buy them. You don't want them in your neighborhood, and the same with "opportunistic" fungi and bacteria which wait for such "clean feeling" conditions.

    Make sure your water is going through a clean device and do it at most twice a week she said.

    If your going to have anal sex, well by all means do this. For anal I like I like my penis to come out of her spotless :P

  16. I have to agree somewhat with 2gtbt2 about marriage. Maybe marriage is too soon for you. If you truely love someone, you wont do anything to harm them, and if you do you should feel sick to your stomach and are plagued with guilt. If niether of these feelings overcome you, then I don't think you love your fiance.

    I think you, like so many girls and women out there, like the prospect of marriage, but feel like there is someone else out there for you. Those people treat marriage like it's a burden that one must carry. Some feel pressured by society and rush into things too quickly (whether it is sex, marriage, kids, etc.).

    Jen made an observation that you don't like your partner's penis. I hadn't thought about that when writing my first response, but it shows your priorities are not straight. You marry the guy for everything he is and isn't. So he doesn't have the best penis. Your living a fantasy. When your in love, no one elses body parts (even if gorgeous) make much of an impact on you. You look at them as though they are almost perfect. People shouldn't get married if they'll be tempted and fold at that first impulse. You should postpone the wedding until you realize that he is the man you want and no other guy compares to him. Sex with someone you truely love is a feeling you can't get with any one night stand or short term relationship.

    But do try breaking the ice with my suggestion of having your fiance walk in on you blowing a dildo. Maybe you'll see that blowing him will make you loose any cravings for other guys.

  17. It's very possible you are. The only way to find out is to try it with a girl. I once thought that no guy could turn me on. I was wrong and sucked a guy once or maybe twice...the thing is that I loved watching a girl suck on a guys dick and playing with his balls with her tongue. It was through a buildup of horniness that I wanted to see if I could do that equally or better so.

    One day you may find the right girl to try it out on. You'll be nervous, but that will go with ease as you progress through. If your uncomfortable with it at any time, then it may be not your time to try. If the opportunity presents itself, try it. It doesn't mean you'll want to have sex with girls all the time (or it may). I haven't sucked cock in like 8 months, nor have I been tempted since. Maybe it was a one time thing or maybe I haven't seen or been stimulated to make me crave one. I don't know, but if you don't like it then you've tried and you don't have to worry about it.

  18. Well no woman is alike, some things work for some while not for others. Same with orgasms, some not one woman orgasms like another. For some they need a lot of time and stimulation, others can cum in less than 5 minutes. I was in a relationship with a girl who never let men go down on her pussy, because it did nothing for her...it just wasn't as sensitive there.

    Size and girth of the penis can be a problem. It can be too long for some, or not thick enough for adequate stimulation.

    Maybe your sexual positions are not right. My last girlfriend didn't do doggy right our first time. She had the right idea, but her stature was what was holding her back from experiencing a great deal of pleasure in this postition.

    From what I've heard and read, some women can't orgasm from just vaginal sex, they need hand and oral play during it. Even doggy style isn't powerful for some, so fingering needs to be done.

    The fact is that you may be not very sensitive in the vagina. A ribbed or studded condom might be the answer if this is the case.

    Oral and toy action to the vagina before vaginal sex could help waken up some of those nerves in your vagina.

    First off, try numerous positions and make sure you do them correctly. Sometimes they need to be modified slightly, but you can test that out during sex. If you need advice on positions, just email me personally. Certain ones work better or worse, depending on the individual. Positioning your body correctly is key!

  19. I have to agree with Janet with this one. Cheating will wreck your relationship if he finds out, plus aren't you breaking one of the Commandments (since you claim to be very religious). Start gradually with your guy. Maybe stick your hand down and play with it. then while giving him a hand job lick it and pull back. Do this some more and then start going with your rutine...well don't give in 100%, but satisfy yourself.

    If not that, get yourself a realistic penis toy and purposely get yourself caught by your fiance sucking the hell out of it...just as a means of breaking the ice. He'll let you suck him then and you wont make him suspicious.

    This isn't a disorder, just a weakness in will-power. No drugs will solve this, just sorting out what's important.

    Pray to God for guidance, if He'll still listen to you. I gave up faith long ago, because the Bible is out of touch with society and their temptations.

    Just don't cheat on him. It's not fair to him or what's left of your faith.

  20. I don't understand what your complaint is concerning...is it because you can't get her to have multiple orgasms or because you want a bigger penis?

    She says your big...is she saying yours is too big?

    If your white than this is above average, suprisingly, because the average is about 6 inches. If your black (excuse me...African American) than your average length.

    Size matters, it does. So for guys like you and I, we don't need much of a show to get them to orgasm. If your average or smaller, then you'll need to if it's not girthy.

    If you want her to have multiple orgasms, then you'll have to add variety and sensuality into your rutine. I have no idea what you do persay...

    If your complaining about not having a bigger penis, well it's impossible without surgery, at least for permanent results.

    Don't complain about it, your above average.

    If she orgasms, great, if not, you need to do more...that's why variety. If you want to make her cum multiple times, don't stop outright after she orgasms, experiment some with your hands, tongue, etc. Experimenting allows you to see what makes her go extatic and what's so-so with her, and possibly is off limits. All women are different so what makes my girl go absolutely crazy wont nessessarily work with yours.

  21. You pose an interesting question. I didn't want to lose my virginity to just some random person, but waited till I found someone I felt comfortable with. I wanted my first to be someone who wouldn't criticise me for my inexperience and whatnot. After that first someone, I didn't care if it sex wouldn't save the relationship. Your first girl or guy (if your a girl or if your homosexual) doesn't have to be someone your going to marry. Find that someone who makes you feel really comfortable and happy to be around and you wont regret losing your virginity to that person. I think you'll know when that right someone is, because for one you'll not be nervous (or at least very little).

    If your in a long relationship, sex is a good way to see if your on the same sexual level. Some people really like each other but don't like anal lets say. If the partner loves it and the other will never in a million years, then that relationship may have problems in the future, in terms of faithfulness.

    Just be patient, you'll always remember the first one was good. If you choose poorly, it could hirt your labido.

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