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Everything posted by Kristie

  1. To make it in simpler form and understanding where I was going with that. We all especially women have a favorite love story movie as men call chick flicks. What happens when we watch it over and over after so many years. It loses our attention. We start to lose interest and cannot hold our attention like it use to, but we do however still love it. There is something very special about that movie and always will be.--but the movie is predictable, we become distracted easily in the middle of the movie even if you hear one of your childrens radio playing you listen to the song playing which normally you would'nt of even noticed it before. so it's not the actors that need changing it's the movie and details within the movie and then you have a new favorite movie you are in love with. that's it all in a nutshell. hope this helps you.
  2. Have you asked yourself what it is about this other person that you think you are falling for....Why it is you are falling? Is it really him? or could it be the excitement of something new. Change of pace. Do you say everything is great and the person you are married to is great also, and you are questioning yourself, as to why if you are in the perfect relationship that you could even fall for someone, and they even caught your eye? You said you can't stop thinking about him. I have to ask what it is you think about? Is there sexual thoughts and just imagining what it would be like and any fantasies such as in his office sexual encounters. Because that alone not meaning him, but the excitement, change, fantasy, something new, non predictable, possibly could really be what is going on inside. If you do imagine such things with this other(your boss).... Imagine and try the things you dream of excites you, desire and if you want him to surprise you in any way, like him( husband , coming home early, not telling you and coming in quietly, come up to you telling you not to speak and start softly kissing you on the neck and start unclothing you---etc. Try with your husband the things you think about with this other man. Then take it from there to see if any feelings change///shift.Just because your husband does not do certain things does not mean he won't He might be too shy to and so are you thinking he is not that way or that telling him will take the excitement out of it, but that is not all true.
  3. Thank You for answering back to me. I do not know how to do a kegal , yet alone the opposite. I do not feel nervous or tense. I am completely, utterly letting things happen naturally. This is happening without me being able to control it. I cannot stop from orgasming, squirting, or hold back to make things last longer either. No matter how many times I do orgasm like this, I become even more tighter. That's the best way I can explain it. I have even been stuck in an orgasm even after the squirting for an hour or two even though I cannot squirt anymore. I don't get it. Iv'e thought about asking a doctor about all of this and maybe something is wrong , but I am too embarrassed too. I'm embarrased to talk to anyone which is why I am on here hoping someone can explain what is happening to me and why. In hope too that maybe they know a way I can stop this, control it, when I want too. Cleopatra.
  4. I will explain in more detail. When we are having intercourse I am vaginally pushing him out and sometimes he cannot push himself back in or he can but I end up pushing him back out over and over again. As far as foreplay and having more orgasms first, the more orgasms I have the worse it gets, as if my vagina stays tight, or maybe when you describe locked on to your penis, that is when I end up pushing him out and I do not know how to not do that, nor do I know how to control my muscles for this not to happen. We do foreplay and I squirt on average 5 times or more, about every two minutes, but it seems the more I squirt the worse I am tight or something. Possibly, when I was pregnant with my first child, my doctor said that I have very strong muscles and that giving birth will go very fast. I have had three children and gave birth in less than an hour. When it was time to push, I only had to push three times with first one and twice with the other two and they were born. nOne of my doctors made it to the hospital quick enough and I was stuck with a doctor I did not know. My hypothesis is two things, I have strong muscles naturally, and the second is, whatever the kegel exercise effects women have done, that maybe , because I have never done kegels it, is not something I learned how to do, that I do not know how to control in anyway. We have foreplayed so I can orgasm-squirt, and even after I end up pushing him out, he will just rub his penis fast up and down my clitt and I squirt, in hopes that eventually I will be so worn out that maybe to the point I cannot squirt anymore, and not be able to orgasm so he can be inside me, but no matter how long we are having sex I have yet to stop squirting, and I become even tighter to where he cannot even insert his penis, so most of time at that point, he will eventually masturbate and cumm on me, or I finish him off. I have even become so frustrated I ask for him to anally , because I will give up and I do like that too. We do all kinds of different positions. I like variety and so does he, but being in any position does not make a difference. The same thing will happen. We have at times, skipped foreplay and if we just have quickies and I mean really quick it seems to be more sucessful, but we do not want to only be loving each other for 5 minutes or less and only one orgasm together every time we make love. Does that make more sense, and enough detail. If not reply with whatever you do not understand, or what more information is needed. Can you help me or have suggestions. I really do not know what I am doing , but it happens naturally. Is there anyway I can learn to not do this, and if there is how? I also cannot control having to not orgasm. My boyfriend says it's ok. i am always apologizing and I want it to be intimate. To me quickies, I am only out to get off not make love, so it really bothers me and I love him. He is also the first, I have ever squirted. I have not loved someone the way I love him. He is the first man I have ever trusted enough that I am not out to get off, I am making love. ---And no I cannot just, excuse my expression just fuck him like I have with my other sexual partners. I cannot control that when it comes to him, because I love him 100% and then some. Please help me, cleopatra
  5. I constantly orgasm through sex, and the frustrating part is during intercourse I am continuously pushing him out, which is even leaving me stuck in an orgasm, or loose the orgasm only half of one , but I cannot stop going until I have multiple full blasted orgasms. It becomes distracting problem. I want to orgasm with him inside and I do not know how to control or stop doing this. I don't even know what exactly is happening to me other than I'm orgasming or sometimes I even feel as if my orgasm never ended and he can't completely get in or instantly pushed out. What can I do? WE do alternatives to where he finishes making me squirt in other ways without the intercourse , but I want him inside and feel as one with him.
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