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Posts posted by Mr.SP

  1. I don't know. D and I have never been fans of the rounded bases. The rectangular(flared) bases are what always have been better for our own personal use. Rounded have always seemed to slip out of us. You don't have to be all clenchy(not sure if that is a word, but if you are into anal play you know what I mean) with the rectangular base it just kind of fits in the groove of you ass better. It's important to us because we both like to have plugs in when we are having sex. I guess it is personal preference, i just have always recommended against using them. I hope that helps and doesn't hinder.


    I would agree, the rounded bases are for lack of a better term "a pain in the ass." I have noticed that the round bases pop out often but I thought that was just me.

  2. There is a stainless steel version of this toy (I believe made by Njoy) we have one (the midsize) and it is my favorite toy, although Lovegoddess did not enjoy it as much when she gave it "a whirl." But I do think this toy is more designed for "Prostated" consumer. :P

  3. I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends. Personally, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

    Thanks to all of you for making this message board a success!


    And a Happy Turkey Day to you and the rest of the forum also.

    LoveGoddess and I have recommended TooTimid to one of our close friends who happens to live only a few blocks from Newbury street. It would seem she is in the market for some new toys, and is now planning a visit to the store sometime on Friday. ;)

    She had also commented on the write up in this weeks "The Improper Bostonian."

    Call it a hunch but she might be hunting for Rabbits. :P


    What is this world coming to nowdays?

    Geeze, people yell racisim for the tiniest infractions nowdays, "He flipped me the bird because

    I cut him off, its racisim, I'm calling the union"

    We sue anyone for anything "Have you or someone you know died from this medicine?"

    Yeah sure, I took it and died, now gimme money.

    To me, a "ho" is a garden tool, you use it to cut into the soil to remove weeds or make rows for seeds.

    Or if you want to get raunchy, A ho is a skank, pure and simple,

    one of the ladies of the night who wear too short too tight skirts that leave nothing to the imagination, shirts that are non existant, and makeup that reminds me of a circus clown gone crazy with the face paints.

    I know both definitions, and I refuse to believe for even a half a second that some woman will walk by a bell ringing santa and him say the traditional "HO HO HO"

    and she will get offended and tell him where to stick that bell, or offer him a freebie.

    This world is just losing it,

    whatever happened to the good old days of kids going to mall and seeing santa, sitting on his lap and telling them what they wantyed?

    now they cant even do that, they have to stand next to him, for fear parents will sue for child molestation.

    now he wont be able to speak.

    We should give a big THANK YOU to the long winded "need to make a name for myself" money grubbing lawyers of this world for forcing their narrow minded and politically driven views upon us. <_<

  5. but for those hot tub adventures, MUST go silicone for obvious reasons!

    Most definitely silicone for the tub.

    **As long as your are not using silicone toys.**

    If you are using "Tub Toys" be sure that your lube is compatible.

    You may want to keep an eye on the filter and check your chemical balance after usage of various lube in the hot tub, you tend to use more lube in water. ;)

    Mr. SP

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