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Everything posted by SmokingYourWeed

  1. Haha, I miss my pink cast Thank you <333Do any of you ladies have any pictures of yourselves??
  2. Thank youuu . I've been running and eating healthy. The only body parts I work out are my abs and butt. I'm waiting to get my license back so I can get a membership to a gym because I really want to start lifting. Ironically, i'm in better shape then I was when i was in track in HS probably because my diet consisted of mcdonalds, junk food, alcohol, soda, and anything I could find in the freezer.What about you?
  3. Well, here is a more recent pic of my body... I need to get my GF to take some body pics...my body is nothing compared to hers :X.
  4. Thank you for the compliment . I broke my thumb in a fight. The cast is off though, thankfully! Sorry it took me so long to respond .
  5. i think you're right.. i think i heard you can get hepatitis from fecal matter but i don't know. thanks for the advice, kind of sucks you have to be so cautious about this...kind of kills the mood if you just stop what you're doing and to go clean yourself off.
  6. So the p-spot is located outside or inside lol? I do what you suggested almost every time i eat her out but i just wanted to change things up a little because i know shes into that.
  7. Thanks for the response. Where and how can I stimulate this p-spot?
  8. what kind of techniques generally feel good while fingering a girls rectum? like how you can use the "come hither" motion to stimulate a girls g-spot, can you stimulate the g-spot through her rectum? also my gf is convinced i wont do analingus and i want to surprise her tonight and do it. she has hinted at it several times that she would like it. she is always very clean but I still worry.. can i contract anything like hepatitis doing this? neither of us have any stds.. so i'm not worried about that. We've done anal sex without a condom quite a few times too and as long as we are both std free is this safe?
  9. pic sucks but i have a crappy webcam and no digital camera sorry
  10. Lol, oh.. well you obviously have me very confused then because i'm very confident about myself and sex in general. For some reason you think I have a problem talking to women about sex in real life..I think i'm where i'm at today sexually because i've always been open to communication with females and have been caring. My gf talks about sex a lot with her friends but it's a different story if I talk to a girl about sex. I've been with 16 other women before my gf mostly because i've never had a relationship besides her..and she has a huge problem with this which is understandable so i try my best to make her feel special..
  11. I agree but I have a girl friend and most of my friends that are girls aren't going to talk this openly about what they enjoy with me knowing that i have a girl..it's a little different when you're single. Plus, my girl gets jealous easily
  12. Hey, surprised you replied to my post. Thanks for all your information and knowledge..nice to see a woman who knows what she likes and wants. Wow, you got 200+ toys?? Where do you find the time, haha...seen you're from chicago too...I use to live in downers grove myself.
  13. Hey, thanks! Good to hear, that's the wonderful thing about the internet...lots of girls not afraid to say what pleases them
  14. Hi everyone, after reading a few of Mikayla's articles and snooping around the forums a few days ago..I felt enticed to join and talk to you wonderful people. I'm a 20 year old male from Pittsburgh. I have a wonderful girl friend that i live with and been with for a little over a year now. She is amazing and nothing makes me happier then pleasing her. I love trying new things with her which is the big reason why i'm here because I always like reading about what other women enjoy so I can try new things on my woman . By the way Mikayla...I love your articles and reading about some of your experiences. Thank you for them!
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