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Sunshine Sam218

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Posts posted by Sunshine Sam218

  1. My ideal position would love to be on top of course, I love being able to face my partner. Love being able to look deep into their eyes, give them sweet little kisses, whisper in their ear while there resting they're hands on my hips. Another position of mine would have to be doggy style, cause I love the way it hits all the right spots. Always seem to have the best orgasmns during that position. Plan on trying out more positions out in the future cause I want to open myself up to trying new different kinds of positions.

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  2. This has happened to me as well, I think I'm attracted to a lot of woman but I've never had an encounter with a woman before. I've certainly had my fair share of fantasies but I've never did anything with a woman before. Believe this is normal but most men won't admit to it, of course some will. ;) Doubt you're alone feeling this way, I believe there's a lot of men out there who feel the same exact way as you do. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. I've never had this ever happen to me and I'm not sure if I'm cable of ever squirting, I've got the pee feeling before but it's never happened to me.

    This has happened to me many of times but I never squirted and I was feeling very relaxed at the time. It may work for some, but I don't think it'll work for everyone,

    If it doesn't work for me, I'll be fine with that. The one thing that frustrated me was my boyfriend at the time was trying to force it to happen and that turned me off.

    If it's not going to happen, don't force it to happen. Believe it happens naturally and it's something that shouldn't be rushed at all.

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  4. Whenever I'm passionately kissing them I do close my eyes, but everything else I usually keep them open. During love making there's times where I'll close them and it usually happens when they hit the right spot. It helps me feel everything more, but otherwise I love looking into their eyes: there's something so passionate about it.

  5. It doesn't really matter to me, unless he has a suggestion to me before hand. If he doesn't let me know though I'll be sure to swallow or let him release any place he wishes for it to go. ;) Love hearing his thoughts and idea's cause I just want to satisfy him. And it satisfies me as well which is great!

  6. I agree. Any man that doesn't want his mate to enjoy, be interested, or want to learn more about sex, is slutty, is archaic to say the least. I would think he's also a very selfish lover as well.

    I agree, my last relationship was very much like that too. He knew I watched pornography and read Erotic books. And I opened up to him about it, in the end he told me I was slutty and shouldn't be into that sort of thing. Only I caught him watching porn as well, so it kinda makes me laugh. I don't think porn degrades woman at all. There's all different kinds of different porn, there's even porn made for woman as well. I won't deny I enjoying watch it as well, and sometimes it's hard finding a good one to watch. But everyone has their own perferences on what they want to see in a porno film.

  7. I might have to try this out. I've seen it on the site and was wondering how well it works. I'm always in search for good stimulants, especially with a warming sensation. Once I use it, I'll let you know what I think of it. Love you're review of the product! ^_^

  8. I've noticed the more I get older: I start realizing things about myself that I never noticed before. In the past I remember I used to be very down on myself and now I'm starting to feel totally comfortable in my own skin. Feel very happy and started to become more open minded too. I've always been open minded but I love discussing things and having deep conversations especially.

  9. Oh gosh, so glad you posted this up! Yes I enjoy givng oral sex. It's something that's sexy to me, especially when a woman is pleasing you and you can see how she's enjoying herself giving you pleasure. Trust me your not alone on this. In the past however I hated giving head, but now I've completely changed my views on it now. Giving oral to someone I love really satisfies me and makes me happy. And the more I hear him enjoying himself, I don't want to stop, lol! Just want to keep going. :P

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  10. It's been two and a half years sadly since I used any toys. I kind of miss the feel of it. Right now I see so many toys, but I feel as if I lost my luck on finding a good toy. Before I had so many toys but I decided to get rid of my old toys cause they had bad memories with my ex boyfriend. Now I'm back to having no toys and I'm on a hunt looking for a new toy. I'm not sure which one to get though. Can someone help me out with this please. :unsure:

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