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Everything posted by BLUE_INC

  1. Thanks again Tyger. I agree 100% with what you said! I think im not going to date her for awhile and I'm going to watch her and see how she acts! I know it was wrong of me to tell her to prove herself to me but I did. I figured if she wants to date me again in due time I told her I want to see it. And I no longer want to see or here about any lies!
  2. Thanks Guys and Gals. Your some really nice ppl. And she has been lie'n to me about lil minor things but what has also got'n said was If its something minor how long till it becomes huge. And thats what I've been asking myself. Then she gose and asks me can we start dating again in 2 months? I've told her highly doubt it. I also have told her as many lil lies she has lied to me about might even take 2 years or more. The sad part is for me to say that really hurts me on my part but I gota realize I'm doing it for the best and if she loves me she'll stop lie'n and prove it. I'm say thanks guys! You guys are great!
  3. *Turns head and coughs Asian* I've always kinda had a fond feeling about them! I don't know why I guess.
  4. I haven't been on lately because me and my finance have kind hit a hard spot and broke up!. *cries* I loved her and still do. She also still loves me. But she started to lie. And still continues to lie! I dont know what to do. I want to get back together with her and she wants the same. But I want her to stop lie'n to me! And the part that gets me the most is when she tries to say shes not lie'n and she knows she is and she knows I know shes lie'n. I have started to wonder if she lies when she says she loves me. I know I shouldn't but I do. I love her with all my heart! I feel empty with out her. Its hard for me to sleep because I'm so used to her falling asleep in my arms with me. I need help I don't know what to do so I thought I'd come here in hopes that someone would be able to help me! I still love her very much!
  5. I'll make sure to do it. Right now wear I live is in Norfolk, NE. And I hate it with a passion. I've allways said if I move it will be to either Denver, Or DeathValley. And why I chose those 2 towns is because I either want to live in the Mile high city or I want to live where its allways beautifull. And sorry for the miss spelling of words my spell check is screwing up again.
  6. Yes I am new. And I dont really live in DeathValley, Cali. But I'd like to sometime. I've always loved DeathValley, Cali. I want to move there sometime. I've seen and herd stories on how beautiful it is there. But anyways back on topic thanks guys for all you help!
  7. Well I'm just wondering if alot of you met your *Special someone* like I did. I met my fiancee threw a former friend of ours and it was on a blind date. I'd kinda like to say she really has saved my life I was very depressed and I was tired of being alone. I was just about to commit suicide because I though nobody would ever like me. I had actually had it planed out. I knew how I was going to do it and everything. Then I found her and shes the most light I've ever had in my life! But I went on a blind date. And I was so shy. I felt kinda stupid cause I didn't want to rush our relationship so I did absolutely nothing. Then I told her If there was something that she wanted to know about me or do like hold hands then I'd let her start us off cause I was so worried I was going to screw up when I thought she was so beautiful I didn't want to lose her. Then later on we both propsed to each other one night. While we did we were so nervous. That we had thought that one of us would say no. And when we finally did we both said yes. And I hope im not meaning to sound like I was desprit or something. . . But I say theres 2 types of people in this world besides Female and Male. 1 type can stand being alone there hole life and never know what true love is like. And then theres the 2 type that sooner or later has to find their soul mate! And shes the only thing positive in my life right now! I guess you can call her my guardian angel. If you feel like it. Feel free to say how you met your someone! And this gose to prove that never ever give up that someone out there somewhere where someone loves you. That if you take your own life you will make them miserable!
  8. I need a lil help my fiancee gets back home this Thursday or Friday. And I need a lil help on what I can do to get her like really fucking horny. I mean I really want to play with her mind. I'm willing to do anything! Please help me.
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