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Everything posted by BLUE_INC

  1. I almost wish the same thing! You know back when you were lil you never had to worry about anything... And now days you have alot to worry about!
  2. Yea happy anniversary. May it be a happy one. And yea Id toast to you! I'm probley be going to get a case for my 23rd birthday and plan on just getting wasted! Thats about what my plans consist of.
  3. I agree! Oh and its by one week exactly. I'd would date you if I lived in your town though. I can see where your coming from. But lets say you are mom my you'd have to let me do what makes me happy also as long as its not hurting anyone! And I will also say being with a women a lil older then me kinda makes me happy. I don't mean to sound gross or something but I've tryed dating someone my own age and I dont really feel any happiness.
  4. Excuse me? What do mean by that!
  5. I guess im not the only one! But then oh I almost forgot thats me every single night!
  6. Its lil more then 2 months before my birthday. And I find myself not even wanting do anything for it. Boy is that sad. As far as I see it its just another normal day! I wish I had a special someone though to spend it with but I doubt I will. Do any of you still celebrate your birthdays anymore?
  7. OMG dose that make me think differently about those greeters know!! Ewwww *Shakes as shivers run down his spine* Nasty!
  8. True but I'm not talking drasticly older then me maybe like 10 to 20 years older then me and yes I understand that 20 years older then me would be pretty much dating someone of my moms age. But I don't care. Its like what I've said before its natural beauty that I like. My birthday is on October 22, 1985
  9. Its both and for some odd reason I just can't see my self ever dating someone younger then myself. . . I don't understand why! I just can't. I wish I could though!
  10. Very true and one other thing I've liked also is the older women tend not to wear make-up. And like you said they dress nice. I really can't stand women that wear make-up or dress like their a courner hooker! I like them just dressing nice and not wearing anything to drastic! I mean for me I love to see to their face without make-up. Cause to me beauty is skin deep and make-up covers up the beauty!
  11. @ littlemissnonamegirl Yea I find this place kinda like a second family! I love this place everyone here is so kind! I absolutely love this place!
  12. <-- Can't wait for the fall as Meg said!
  13. That got me thinking. . . You know I think I know why I like older women now. . . I think its because all the time when I look at a women of my age they either have. . . to many piercings, act immature, or they play games way to often. And older women don't act that way. And I actually think that because the more I look at things I'd rather sit @ home and be a normal type a person cook dinner then invite a few friends over for a beer or 2. And just be normal!
  14. Ok something that I can't get out my head is for some odd reason I've always had a thing for women old then me? Dose any of you other guy(s) feel the same way? I wish I could really describe it! I've always felt this way every since I was little! *Edit* I guess you can say this topic isn't just for men anymore!
  15. Lol thats me and some huge cuts on my knees and legs! But then on one of my fingers there was one 4th of July that I should have went to the hospital cause I had a black cet firework go off in my hand and it completely took off a piece of skin the size nickle or quarter! But I didn't and not only that I couldnt hear for like 5 mins afterwords. And the fireworks thing is my friends fault he scaired me and made me jump! And I got startled and accidentally lit the black cat. And to tell you the truth Im really surprised I dont got any scares from it grew back just like nothing happened.
  16. BLUE_INC


    Now only if I could get to feeling like that! I can't stand being alone!
  17. BLUE_INC


    Thanks you guys/gals you are all so very unsrstanding and I'd like to thank each and everyone of you!
  18. BLUE_INC


    See thats the problem I've tried just hanging out and trying to goof off with friends and It just don't work! I feel like a wussy saying this but im almost ready to cry!
  19. BLUE_INC


    I think I need a hug I just don't know what to do! It seems like if I have a special someone I can be happy! But when im single im down in the dumps. I dont know what to do anymore! Its not that I want anything right away I mean I just love saying I got someone special even if its nothing that serious. I guess I don't know what to do I'm just bummed! I wish I had someone special! Any thoughts on anything that dont cost to much? I mean I've tried going on vacation that didn't work it only made it worse it cause I just became more miserable I don't know what to do guys please help!
  20. I second that! And as I told my ex fiance it not whats on the outside that counts! Its all on the inside!
  21. Thanks all of you!! You really know how to lift ones spirit! Thanks all of you!
  22. Thanks Tyger. Your really nice thanks, and thanks for being so understanding! And its not in her Aparment/House. It was in storage. And she said it was fine that I put it there. I was going to move it. And yea we were apart for about a month be she told me herself that she wanted to try to work things out with me. I guess I was a retard for feeling I could trust her. Now I guess she lived up to what I've been calling her! And thats a conartist!
  23. OMFG!!! I don't understand it how can they be so evil! I was still talking with my ex fiance. And now out the blue she deiceds now shes going to start throwing my shit in the trash. When I last remembered we were still on speaking terms and she still liked me. I was going to try to get back with her then she goes and dose this shit! I'm sorry for the swearing but damn! This is what gets me to hate women. I told i was to come and get it my stuff in 3 hours and she said she wouldnt wait that long that I need to come get it now. I told I couldn't cause I have no truck so I had to wait for someone to help me. And she said she wouldn't wait! Its shit like this that gets me to hate women! I know that they aren't are evil but its the ones like this that spoil it for the others!
  24. Well I can certainly say shes not a drug user or dealer! Actually I just got done having a talk with her about that yesterday morning. I told her theres no chance in hell of us getting back together if she even talks to one let alone be one. Then theres no hope for us getting back together! But anyways I dont know she told me something that she was going to talk to a counselor I think thats how its spelled. But anyway yea I know the hole private thing about telling about what your patient and the counselor talk about but she can tell me if she has yet talked to her and she said she was going to so all I got to do is call and ask. And I told her yesterday if she lies to me again theres no hope at for either of us. But I will make sure to let everyone here know what happens weather or not we get back together.
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