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Everything posted by RubyGirl

  1. Thank you, everyone. Yes, you're right, I have been burned too often; as in, OMG, what does someone her size want with sex to begin with? I'm about Carnie Wilsons size pre-WLS surgery. You've given me some excellent suggestions, and I'll look to see what might work best for me. As a novice evaluating and buying these things, there is sure a lot to learn. I dont know how I feel about asking hubby to join in, but I have a feeling he will be willing to participate. He is the one who asked me to buy the dildo in the beginning. He had just started having difficulty with penetration and said maybe I should get one to "open myself up" a bit in order to make penetration easier for him. It didnt work, but I didnt mind the feeling of it. We tried it a few times, didnt work, and then one day he says I dont want you to use that thing. Whether he felt a little threatened by it (it was the Ron Jeremy lookalike model) or why he said that, I dont know; and I did ask. Now I am the one who is going to have to get over my shyness about asking him to join in. Thank you again for the responses and taking my question seriously. I appreciate it very much.
  2. I am a 50ish woman. My husband has medical conditions which will not allow him to sustain an erection suitable for intercourse. We have tried everything, and I mean everything. He is very skilled at oral sex, but seems to be losing interest in that as well, as he is substantially older than I and has developed Alzheimers. I have never owned a vibrator or dildo in my life until about 2 years ago, I bought a dildo. Didnt need to. Despite my size, I had no problem all my life with men and having a wonderful sex life. I love it, and am an enthusiastic participant. I'm also lucky enough to be multi-orgasmic. Typically, I have screaming bloody murder type orgasms. Problem is, I am quite large in the middle, and my arms are too short to adequately use the thing. I cant reach down to the critical parts to use one. Is there any thing which I could use for penetration? I have thought I might need to buy a double one, or one with a handle. I dont know what else to do, and I am going nuts. I miss the penetration. Help, anyone. This is a serious post, and not meant for comic relief.
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