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Posts posted by mailahn97

  1. Well I was seeing someone for about 8 years and had finally got to a boiling point and had enough. Mind you we have a 5 y/o daughter together. I was trying to work things out for her. Well in November out of anger and disgust I put an ad on craigslist. I had no intention of acting on it. Well of course I found some real winners. I said on the ad I was looking for a relationship not a one night stand, but the losers came through anyway.

    Well this one really nice man emailed me and had a lot of the same interests as I. I emailed him back and included my pic. Well then my daughter got hurt and ended up in the ER...not more than some stitches. So I was a little distracted for about a week or so with this. Well 2 weeks goes by and he emails me again wanting to know if I was interested or not that he really liked what I had to say. He asked me if I changed my mind to let him know. I thought his email was really sweet. So we emailed back and forth from November 27th-December 26th. Well we then decided to meet for dinner. I was nervois as all hell. We met for dinner I didn't look much at him and barely talked or ate. In fact he still jokes about it. That night we really hit it off. We decided to spend NYE together and have been completely together every since.

    He has been through a lot with me. Our first night together he compared me to being in a cave because I had a lot of mixed up emotions and was scared. I had only been with one other man. Also he is 14 years older than me. I am 33 and he is 47, but we get along amazingly. I went through a cancer scare and medical issues and he was beside me as if we have been together years and not months. This concreted everything to me that he and I are great together.

    In fact today is our 3 month anniversary and he is up to something. He has been sick for the past week with the nasty flu. I will see what the night holds. I never thought that I would meet someone off of craigslist, but I guess it was meant to be. If I didn't place that ad I probably would have never met him.

  2. Welcome and enjoy. I will tell you this. I have been around a little over a month and in the beginning I was very shy. I am starting to really open up and post now. It takes a litle adjustment and time to get comfortable. Everyone has been great here.

  3. NO1850-1main.jpg

    Satin Sensationals G-Spot

    At first when I received this I was a little intimidated. I have only used one other toy before. I am thinking it was the ridges. It was very nice it even comes with it only satin type pouch to store it in. I unscrewed the cap and inserted the batteries. At first this was found to be a little difficult. There was a little clear plastic thing in there which I did not see at first. I would say make sure you remove this then the batteries were easy to insert Then just make sure you screw the cap back on tightly to avoid and water getting inside. You are then ready to go.

    The tip is soft and pliable which is really nice and it gets stiffer as you work your way down the shaft and towards the ridges which were something. We then lubed all of the necessary areas and then inserted the toy slowly without vibrating on. It felt like it filled me well, then it was slowly turned on and that took me over the edge in no time.

    This hit the gspot perfectly for me and caused several orgasms for me. So this just goes to show you that looks can be deceiving. I would always recommend trying an item first before you dismiss it. To think what I might have missed. This made for a very enjoyable night.

    This toy is very easy to use and care for. It is waterproof and cleans up easily. With being a beginner to toys I was happy with the ease of use of this product and would definitely recommend it to others.

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    Coochy Shave Cream

    I received the original scent of the Coochy Shave Cream. I just want to tell you I was very hesitant. I have very sensitive skin….to the point that even some products that are for babies I am allergic to. In the summer I have to use baby sun block, because I am allergic to the others.

    Well I broke down and gave it a try on my legs first. I was very impressed it didn’t take a lot and the shave was very nice. They came out very smooth and no bumps or rash were to be found. I then used it on my underarms and the same result. I was very happy.

    The next day I decided to try it on my “coochy”. I first soaked in the hot tub for about 10 minutes to make sure the hair was softened up. I then sat on the edge of the tub and with just one pump of the cream and then covered myself. I then started shaving. The razor just slid smoothly over and shaved the first time. Afterwards I rinsed and decided to have a feel. I was very impressed. It was smooth and also not a bump or rash. I have used this now 2 times after just to see if it was a first time thing, but no I am very happy.

    This product is well worth the money. It works well for very sensitive skin as well. It seems to me also that the hair took a little longer to grow back than normal. It might just be me, but that is how it seems.

    I will definitely order this product and keep using it.

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    Too Timid Pleasure Gel

    The Too Timid Pleasure Gel was a very good product. This was the first time I have used any type of lube. When I first looked at the small bottle I was concerned. I wondered if it was enough for the cost. Then when you go to use it you realize a little bit went a long way. It was thick and did not turn sticky. It lasted the entire time that we needed.

    We used it while doing anal. This was my first time with anal so I was glad that we had a product that lived up to its expectations. It was first used with a toy anally and that was fine. Then my significant other lubed himself up and we tried it that way and still was perfectly fine and lasted quite well.

    The only drawback that I found was that it took a lot of squeezing to get some out. We ended up taking the lid off and doing it that way.

    It is nice that it is small in size so it is easy enough to take with you for travel. There is no strange smell from it and it cleans up very easy. It is definitely worth the money.

  6. I agree I hope that everyone has a Happy and Safe Easter. I am sending my daughter with her candy to her grandparents. They live 5 hours away and they are taking her tomorrow to their house until next weekend. I won't know what to do with all of that time on my hands. :D My SO better look out. No child around anytime and anywhere will be fair game. He just has to get better first.

  7. Thank you everyone for your advice. I will definately put it to work. It gave me a lot of food for thought. I definately enjoyed when the toy was inside so I am definately looking forward to working my way up to having him inside of me as well.

  8. What types of things is she lying about? If it is something really major I would definately have to do a lot of thinking. If it is minor things maybe just take a step back from the relationship for a little bit. Sometimes you can get a clearer perspective not being right into the throws of things. Analyze it to see is it her age(maturity) that is pushing some of this. Maybe step back with the relationship as well and starting dating per se again and work the trust back up if you feel it might be something that she can work on.

    My only thoughts are if she is lying while you are engaged....will it continue when you marry. The other things I hate to say you have caught her in lies, but are there any that you haven't found out. I have been through the lying and ultimately I found the worse lie my other half of 8 years was cheating. To him he didn't think it was cheating but to me it was. He kept denying it that he did nothing at all, but when I confronted him with proof it shut him down. He then said yes he did it but it wasn't cheating.

    Some background my former was into bondage...I really wasn't. I went away for a long weekend with our daughter to visit my parents well he met a woman off the internet, went to her place in her bedroom....she undressed to her underwear, he tied her up and took pictures. He kept saying it wasn't cheating. I said well if you honestly felt that way you would have told me. That stopped him dead in his tracks.

    If you have a friend that you can trust that knows both of you...they can sometimes also help you analyze things objectively that is another approach that might work. Just remember this is something that is better off figured out now than once you say I do then it is even harder.

  9. I have had the who is paying battle. My other half is very old fashioned in that respect and feels that the man should pay for everything. Well before we went out on our first date we had chatted a little about this. I told him I would let him pay for dinner but I would pay for the movie...he finally relinquished or so I thought. Then when we got to the movies he handed me tickets he bought them ahead of time to avoid the argument. So I got one up on him. The next time we went out to dinner I excused myself to go to the ladies room and I found the waiter and asked him when he brought the check out to hand it directly to me and not to let him get it. He did exactly that. So when it happened my significant other asked me what that was about. I said that was for what he did at the movies.

    From then on her realized I am very independent and like to treat as well. He was telling me how he was dating one woman who totally took advantage of him paying for things. I am not like that. I just feel it is only fair. The relationship is 50/50 so should the expenses be the same way. He has his moments about this but he has gotten a lot better about it.

  10. We did use lots of lube. I am just thinking possibly the girth was the problem with having him inside of me. The toy wasn't so bad at first it was a little trouble but then as he moved it around it got easier. I am just thinking I will just have to work up to having him inside of me. I was definately very aroused so I am doubting that is the problem. I had already had several o's.

    I am looking forward to trying it again when he feels better. He is down for that count with a really bad sinus infection now to the point he has been dizzy and lightheaded for the last 2 days.

  11. Well we had been talking about trying anal for a little while now. Well Wednesday night we had decided to try. He had me very aroused and we had been making love a playing around for quite a while. He first used his fingers and had no problem, but then when he went to insert himself it hurt and bad. He is great and backed right off. He said if it works great...if not we have other things that we can do. We went back to messing around and such.

    He then decided to put a vibe in my pussy and got another toy we had purchased out and tried that. We had purchased vibrating anal beads. He was able to insert that quite far. There was a little discomfort but not so much pain. I did have a little bit of bleeding including the next morning. Is this normal?

    He has already told me that if I don't want to do it anymore he would understand that it is toally up to me. I do want to try it. I have read the articles and various posts on the topic and have seen that some people say that it takes time. I am hoping that is the case, because I did enjoy it a lot when the toy was in there. I am guessing only time will tell.

    I did make sure I was relaxed and very aroused are there any other suggestions. I noticed if I thought about it some and took some deep breaths I was more relaxed as well. We did use plenty of lube so that is not a problem.

    I am proud for even trying as the previous guy I was with which was the only guy I was every with was a once position man and had very low sex drive. Now it is the total opposite. Now it is a man with a very high sex drive and love the positions he has shown me as well as the patience with it all. I am 33 and now loving sex so much more than I used to.

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