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Posts posted by leslieanne

  1. Chapter 4

    I slowly drift awake to the feel of my nipple being gently stroked. My mind is sluggish and slow to realize where I am and yet my skin is aware of everything despite my body feeling oh so heavy and relaxed. Josh is lying next to me in that same half awake state – just drifting between awareness and oblivion.

    Ever so slowly we both start to stretch and move and caress each other. Both still amazed by the intensity of last night. “Thank you”, I whisper as I reach out to pull him to me. It feels so good to lay wrapped in his arms, gently and quietly reconnecting with each other and the world around us.

    “Ready for more?” he whispers a short time later. To which I just chuckle and snuggle closer. What more can there be I think to myself, plus it is Sunday which means I’ll have to head home today. As is often the case Josh responds to my thought. “Oh I still have more planned for today and remember you changed your mind and decided you didn’t have to leave until late afternoon so we’ve got plenty of time for more.”

    As he rolls me over on to my back and continues stroking my nipples he continues “In fact I’m going to tell you what I’ve got planned for you today. After all anticipation just adds to the fun.”

    “Today we’ll be redoing almost everything since you first pulled into the garage on Friday night. In just a few minutes I’m going to tie you to the bed once again and go muff diving so I can nuzzle, tickle, lick and suck you until you are begging for me to let you cum. Which of course I’ll make you do over and over – at least three to four times and maybe more.” Just hearing it makes my nipples even more erect and encourages Josh to keep talking.

    “Once you’ve had a chance to catch your breath you’ll go down stairs to fix us a brunch of French toast and scrambled eggs while I jump into the shower. I want you to wear your short silk robe, but nothing else so I can have quick and easy access to any and all parts of you. At some point I’ll decide that what I really want is to feast on you. So being the nice guy I am you’ll stretch out on the dining room table while I clean things up. I’ll be able to admire your body, your erect nipples and the flush on your skin as you lay there knowing that I’m going to make you tremble, scream, spasm and squirt over and over as the day goes on. And when I’m almost done cleaning up you’re going to play with yourself again – this time using the little bunny vibrator – until you’re moaning to be fucked. But before you get your wish I’ll be stoking your body, playing with your nipples, licking and sucking them as you continue to rub bunny on your clit. I want your pussy hot, wet and throbbing before I plunge the ice cold glass dildo into you. I’m going to use it to fuck you again and again and again making you cum over and over and over until you explode in a long massive O. Only then will I stop. Or, should I say only then will I stop fucking you with the dildo, because that certainly isn’t the end of what I’ve got planned for the day.”

    Without waiting for me to respond on he goes. “I think I’ll let you rest a bit before having you get up to go take a shower. While you’re busy with your shower there are a few things I’ll be getting ready for later in the day.” He pauses as if he making a decision about what to say next. Slowly his hand strokes up and down my arm before moving over to gently squeeze and pinch my nipple. I realize I’m holding my breath in anticipation – anticipation of how he is going to touch me next and anticipation of what else he is going to say. As he starts talking again he gives me a quick strong pinch that causes a little yelp to escape from my mouth.

    “Now after your shower you’ll come back down stairs to the office. I’ll need you to rub my shoulders and neck as I finish up on the report from work. Once I’m done you’ll come stand in front of me so I can suck, lick, and massage your nipples until you’re groaning and moaning and wanting even more. Now instead of having you bend over and partially lay on the desk I’m going to have you get up on the desk on your hands and knees. Your butt will be up in the air even with my face and oh the fun I’ll be able to have. The first thing I’ll do is lube up your butt so I can slide the anal vibrator in – I want you to feel just that – in and out, in and out until I see your pussy swelling and the juices start to flow. Shall I use my fingers or Roger…….hmmm haven’t decided which yet – so, guess you’ll have to just wait and wonder. Whichever it is I’m going to play and play keeping you right on the edge, not letting you cum until you’re shaking all over and your pussy is dripping wet and throbbing. Only then will I let you cum and you’ll cum over and over and over. And just when you think you can’t stand any more I’m going to pull the anal vibrator out and quickly work my fist into your vagina making you cum again. Then and only then will I think about stopping, but as I pull my fist out I’m going to start playing with your clit – after all I wouldn’t want it to feel left out of the fun. I know your clit will be engorged and oh so sensitive, making a few more orgasms a simple and fun thing to do.”

    Smiling he hugs me close and asks “So are you ready to get started?” My mouth is so dry in anticipation that all I can do is nod my head. “Good!” he replies, “but you know that’s not all there is. There is one thing missing. Where did we start this weekend Anne?”

    “In the garage” I quietly answer. “That’s right, so that’s where we need to end.” Josh whispers with a sly little grin on his face.

    “Would you like to hear about how I’m going to restrain and play with you in the garage?” At this point I’m not sure – my clit is already throbbing in anticipation, I’m impatient to get started and at the same time I love hearing the excitement in Josh’s voice as he describes how he wants to use my body.

    “Well I think I’ll tell you as I tie you to the bed and start playing and teasing.” So with that I’m once again spread eagle on the bed. Ever so slowly Josh starts stroking my arms and legs, talking as he goes. “After I’ve decided you’ve had enough in the office I’m going to let you lay down and relax before taking you out into the garage. Now the one big difference from Friday night is that you won’t have a blindfold on – I want you to see as well as feel everything from the very beginning.”

    His stroking turns to light little kisses on my inner thighs, on my toes and fingers and once again he starts stroking and talking. “When I’m ready I’ll call you out to the garage. Your arms will be restrained above your head, your legs will be tied to the spreader bar as far apart as you can spread them. I so love seeing you restrained that way. I’ll walk around looking at you from every angle, giving you an occasional pinch somewhere, on your body. At this point I’m going to gag you since I don’t want the neighbors hearing you scream as I make you cum over and over. You do want to cum over and over don’t you Ann?”, he asks without waiting for an answer.

    “Once the gag is in place it’ll be time to get down to business. I’m going to run my hands all over your body, all the while sucking and licking your nipples, your mouth, your neck. Eventually my fingers will make their way to your clit and I’ll oh so slowly started rubbing it – enough to get you moaning, but not enough to make you cum. Just to make sure you keep on moaning I’m going to lube up the anal vibrator and slide it on in. Your pussy will be wet and throbbing, and your nipples will be erect – a perfect time to bring out a brand new toy – vibrating nipple clamps. I’m going to make sure they on tight enough to give a good pinch along with their vibration.”

    “So your ass will be filled with a vibrator, your nipples pinched and vibrating, leaving my hands free to focus on your clit and pussy. Shall I get on my knees so I can do some clit licking and sucking? Shall I fuck you with Rodger the Rabbit or my fingers? Oh so many options” he says with a chuckle as he slowly slides his fingers into my pussy and starts rubbing my g-spot. A moan escapes from my mouth as a spasm passes through me. “I know” he say’s “I’ll do them all and then I’ll do them all over again so you’re cumming over and over until your cum is running down your legs and dripping out of your pussy.

  2. There are a multitude of factors that can contribute to changes in ones libido, sexual response, enjoyment of sex, etc. During our 40's it is common for medical issues (notice I didn't say problems) such as high blood pressure, diabetes, connective tissue disorders, arthritis, weight changes (most often increases), life stressors (work, relationships), depression, anxiety and for women perimenopause, that in and of themselves can affect everything related to your sex life. In addtion many of the medications used to treat these same medical issues can affect your sexual response. Also your assumptions and/or expectations regarding sex and the role it is "suppose" to have in your life as you get older is a major factor. If you think that sex should disappear from your relationship once you turn XX years old it will. So......

    Awareness and communication - with your SO and your health care provider - are key!!!!

    If you have an medical issue that needs to get addressed do so, if given a new medication - find out how it might affect you, if you notice a change in your sexual response, go back and talk with your health care provider - there is always (almost always any way) another medication that can be tried. If stress, anxiety, depression are the issue seek appropriate help with a therapist. Be willing to question your own assumptions about what role sex is "suppose" to have in your life as you age and be willing to discuss it with your partner.

  3. Just a couple of factual comments

    She became pregnant using IVF because she is unable to concieve on her own. According to the information released she has blocked fallopian tubes - this prevents the egg and sperm from "meeting" thus the need for IVF. She could have unprotected sex multiple times a day and would never get pregnant.

    Yes she was receiving disability payments and/or welfare when she conceived (this is true for all of her pregnancies not just the octuplets). She covered the cost of the IVF herself as infertility treatments are not covered by Medicaid/Medicare/welfare. How she afforded the cost is unclear - one of many things she has not devulged.

    She was on Medi-cal (California's version of Medicaid) while pregnant with the octuplets. Kaiser Permanente contracts with the State of California to provide a certain # of patients on Medi-cal with coverage - she happened to be one of the Medi-cal patients that was assigned to Kaiser. She was already at the end of her first trimester when she first presented to Kaiser for care.

    At this time there is concern about her ability to care for the children and there is discussion about the octuplets being placed in foster care. Most of the babies are not yet stable enough to be discharged from the hospital.

    On a personal note - I totally question her logic/rational for having yet more kids as well as forgoing selective reduction - while at the same time the level of care she received was exceptional and it is because of that care that the octuplets have continued to do so well. And given her prior decision making who knows what she'll decide regarding being a porn star.......

  4. I'm currently in a somewhat "long distance" relationship - far enough awat thay between mom duties and freeway traffic, being together every night isn't possible. Typically we are together 2-4 times per week - have sex 90% of the time when we're together. We both wish it was more often - so we use e-mail to spice up the nightsdays we aren't together. When we do have extended time together (week or more) on vacation we have sex at least once a day. We both joke that we're making up for lost time - prior relationship(s) for both of us were devoid of sex for the most part. Must admit it is awesome to be with someone who enjoys sex as much as I do, who feels it is an extremely important part of the relationship, who enjoys giving as much or more then receiving........... never expected to find this at this point in my life.

  5. My SO and I started with discussions about sexual fantasies in general and then moved to discussing our own fantasies. I knew from prior comments that he had no interest in bondage, but was interested in blindfolds so that was the first thing we started with.

    Also when I first talked about it I didn't put it in the context of bondage, rather I talked about wanting to give up control (I'm a bit of a control junkie) as I thought it might help me to experience sex more fully. In that context we discussed some options - me holding on to some portion of the bed or other furniture, him pinning my arms/hands down - neither of which we agreed seemed all that doable so the discussion moved to the possibility of tying my arms to the bed.

    As the discussion evolved he brought up the idea of tying my hands to the bed. Mind you this was not just a single discussion - it occurred over a period of time - did my best to let him set the pace of the discusion. In the long run it worked well as it gave him a chance to become more comfortable with the idea. In fact when we decided that tying my hands to the bed would be the best way to see if I liked giving up control/not being in control he was the one who then decided the how and when.

    So my suggestion - don't talk about it as bondage, but it in the context of helping you to experience sex more fully by giving up some degree of control. Also take time to let the discussion evolve. While this may not work for everyone it's worth a try.

    As an FYI - bondage (light to moderate) is now a regular part of our sexual play and he enjoys it as much as I do.

  6. Having been in both situations (as I'm sure many of us have) - working to make it better is definately easier when there is only you to deal with.

    If a relationship starts to go bad I do think that in most cases (except when abuse is occuring) it's worth trying to work things out - get the relationship back on track. That said both people have to be willing to put forth the effort - it can not be one sided. If only one person is willing to work on making the relationship work it will ultimately fail in one way or the other.

  7. Will do my best to give a coherent, logical answer, but please know that as an OB/GYN this is not at all my area of expertise.

    It is virtually impossible to know if this is or isn't something serious just based on the symptoms you are describing. In some ways it sounds like what is called an "atypical migraine" (not serious). That said it may also be related to spasms of the blood vessels - which can either be no big deal or can sometimes cause significant issues. Given the issues with the swelling and difficulty swallowing that is occuring some of the time it's possible that it's related to your lymphatic system (immune system) and your response to viral infections (like the flu). A much more indepth history and tracking of symptoms maybe needed to fully determine what is going on. A complete physical exam, and an exam when you are having symptoms would also be of help.

    While I understand the difficulty in getting in to see a doctor I would encourage you to do so. Do you live anywhere near a medical school? They often take patients with state insurance. I would also encourage you to request to have an evaluation done by a neurologist - it may take some "pushyness" on your part to make this happen, but given the symptoms you are discribing it would be appropriate.

    Taking OTC anti-inflammatories such as Motrin should not be detremintal. However I would strongly encourage you to see a physician. Even if it isn't anything "serious" understanding what's going on, what might be triggers, and how to best treat it is, in the long run, what you are going to need in order to deal with this in a proactive way.

  8. If you are uncomfortable with taking hormone replacement therapy in an oral form (which has affects through out the body and can increase the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease), there are hormone options that can be used to address vaginal dryness only. The two options are estrogen vaginal cream and the Estring. In both cases the estrogen works to restore the "plumbness", "stretchyness" and moisture in the vagina. Either can be prescribed by an OB/GYN or Family physician. Since they affect the vagina only (and to a lesser degree the bladder) there is no increased risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular disease. The affect on the bladder is to decrease it's "sensitivity" which can decrease problem with urge incontinence in many women.

  9. Adriana - As always if there are any side effects that are bothersome to you it would be reasonable to let your OB/GYN know as they may have some suggestions as to how to minimize/eliminate the side effects. If you don't mind me asking how long have you had the Mirena?

  10. In the USA IUD's are typically recommended for women who have had children. However in Europe they are used much more often, in all age groups. I have placed them in women (appoximately 2 dozen) who have not had children and have only had one who experienced significant cramping post insertion and decided to have it removed.

    As part of the process of inserting the IUD the uterus is "sounded" - in other words the length of the uterine cavity is measured. If the uterine cavity is less then 7cm then there is an increased chance that the woman will experience cramping or have discomfort with the IUD in place. I have had a couple of patients with a cavity length of 6cm whom I advised against the IUD do to the increased possibility of discomfort after placement. So if you haven't had a child and are interested in the IUD it would be reasonable to have a discussion with your OB/GYN physician about not inserting it if you uterine cavity length was under 7 cm.

    The depoProvera shot is a nice alternative to pills and the IUD. The only issue is that women experience more irregular spotting with the shot then with the IUD or pills.

  11. As an OB/GYN physician I highly recommend the Mirena IUD to my patients on a regular basis. It is one of the most "carefree" forms of birth control there is (no pills or shots to remember, no condoms to use) and it has the added bonus of eliminate or minimizing the amount of bleeding one has. Also since the IUD does not affect ovulation at all, when/if you decide to become pregnant there is no delay in waiting for your cycles to normalize as often happens with hormonal methods of birth control.

    As mentioned, there can be a small amount of discomfort when it is initially placed and some women will have cramping for a few days to a few weeks afterwards. The cramping can be controlled with either tylenol or motrin.

    The IUD is placed in the cavity of the uterus with the string extending out of the cervix. As long as the string is cut long enough (2-3 cm) your partner typically can not feel it as it will lay down against the cervix. If the string is cut to short it can stick straight out which would increase the chance of your partner feeling it. OB/GYN doctors are totally aware of this and I've never cut the string short or seen the string cut to short. If the uterine cavity is small there is a possibility that the end of the IUD could be in the cervix and could potentially be felt by your partner. If you have had a child the cavity of your uterus will not be small (as with many other things it is stretched out some during pregnancy). Occasionally a woman who has not yet had a child may have difficulty with an IUD, but that is very uncommon.

    The Mirena IUD is also great for perimenopausal women as it can be used to help control any heavy and/or irregular bleeding they may be experiencing. I had one in place for 5 yrs before going through menopause and loved it - essentially no bleeding and what there was, was very light.

    So great choice!! Enjoy the freedom it gives you!!

  12. PD296000.jpg

    OOHHH the fun of glass!!! I just love the feeling of cold glass sliding in to my hot, wet pussy…… and all those pretty pink teardrop bumps add to the sensation. The diameter of this dildo was a bit smaller than expected and I was concerned that it wouldn’t do much for me since I like a fuller sensation. Boy, was I nicely surprised by how I much could feel the bumps, both in my vagina and on my labia as my SO moved it in and out. Rotating it also gave me a new and interesting sensation in my vagina. The knob on the end, while relatively easy to hold on to, is big enough that it gets in the way during oral sex. But despite this minor issue I thoroughly love having an icicle that will never melt no matter how hot I happen to be…..


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    Soft, smooth, sensuous, with a taste like mint chip ice cream – what more could an ice cream lover like me ask for? This massage cream feels wonderful on the skin for both the giver and the receiver of the massage. As a cream it does not last long since it is readily absorbed by the skin …….. But then we didn’t mind since we were doing taste tests as we moved from place to place on each other’s body. Both the taste and the aroma are very subtle, and yet both last a relatively long time. The cream nicely moisturizes your skin, leaving only a soft smooth feel with no residue or stickiness. Yummy nicely sums up the fun we have when using this delightfully sensuous body soufflé.


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    This holiday season get rid of the candy canes and try a new and oh so fun way to get a taste of peppermint!! My SO and I love nipple play and love trying things that increase nipple sensitivity and this gel sure does that. Between the alcohol, menthol and peppermint just a small amount made my nipples immediately erect and much more sensitive to air movement and touch. I didn’t, however, notice much difference when my nipples were being sucked. You do need to like peppermint as the gel has a very potent peppermint taste. The potency of the peppermint keeps the taste from disappearing quickly when sucking on your partner’s nipples. And for those who love the taste of peppermint and are wondering if this would be good on the labia or clit – it does give a cool tingling sensation to the labia, but be careful as the alcohol and menthol in the gel can be very irritating to the sensitive skin of the clit and the vagina. I’m looking forward to more nipple play time with this gel …… and extending the taste of holidays past the beginning of the New Year.


  15. Ladies - first of all I'm always more then happy to answer questions, provide comments and insight based on my personal experience(s) as a menopausal female and as a practicing OB/GYN. Regarding estrogen vaginal creams - for whatever reason many physicians do not think to prescribe them. Part of that is related to a study on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) that was completed about 6-7 yr ago which showed that HRT after menopause does increase slightly the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately that ended up getting generalized to all estrogen treatments.

    Estrogen vaginal cream or the Estring does not increase the risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular disease because they act locally - they do not cause any change systemically (in your blood levels of estrogen). It can be of benefit at any age after menopause. I have many patients that have started using estrogen vaginal cream for the first time in their late 50's, 60's and even in their 70's. Occasionally they will have only a minimal increase in vaginal lubrication and/or an improvement in the "stretchyness" of their vagina. From my perspective it's always worth trying. For women who are truely post menopausal (no menses for a year) - they need to use the cream every night for 2-3 weeks and can then decrease the frequency to 2-3 times per week. Women who start using it as they are going through menopause can typically start using it 2-3 time per week. Essentially you use it as often as you need it to keep the level of lubrication at a level you like.

    So do I think a woman in her 60's that is have discomfort with intercourse due to dryness or a "tight vagina" should consider trying estrogen vaginal cream - the answer is YES. She can of course try regular vaginal lubricants first to see if that does the trick (which it does for some women), but if she wants it to a more "natural" thing then trying the estrogen cream would be appropriate.

    Always remember - menopause does not control you - you have the ability to control the symptoms it causes

  16. Well must admit that I'm sorry to see that no one has posted any comments/replys. I certainly hope that this doesn't mean that (1) there are no menopausal women who are part of the TT community or (2) they all feel their sex life has diminshed due to menopause or (3) there is a general disinterest in the subject for those who are over 50.

    While menopause is a physiologic change women go through it also has a very huge mental/emotional component. I'm 53, in the throws of menopause and having the best sex ever. As many have said in other threads 90% of sex is in your head, not in your vagina/clitoris/penis.

    Having a relationship is which there is open, loving communication, a willingness to try new things, to talk about the physical changes one experiences as they move through menopause is key to maintaining and even improving/increasing your sex life.

    For me the hot flushes come and go, some times there is a degree of vaginal dryness - easily dealt with by use of lubricants, sometime my sex drive is at an ebb, but when my SO starts to nibble on my ear, massage my shoulders, play with my nipples it doesn't matter one bit I always start to respond. It's common for me to have multiple orgasms with oral (and he, like your SO love to give oral - aren't we lucky!!) or with clitioral stimulation. And while I don't always get a Gspot orgasms when I do ------ it's pure heaven. Luckily my SO loves to focus on my needs and responses and loves playing and playing and playing.

    I do not use any estrogen vaginal cream or Estring at this time - if I start experiencing vaginal dryness that has any degree of negative impact on our sex life I'll not hesitate one minute in starting to use it. I intermittantly use Estratest (estrogen testosterone combination pill) when the hot flushes get bad. When I use it I do notice an increase in vaginal secretions and moisture (Please note that you have to be taking them for at least 2 weeks before you see a change).

    As a practicing OB/GYN I see women in all stages of their life. There are many women who continue to enjoy sex long after they stop having periods. There are also those who assume that once your periods stop there is absolutely no reason to "put up with sex any more". If you assume sex will dimish it most likely will - because that's your expectation. The less sex you have the greater the probably that it will become uncomfortable or painful - the old adage "if you don't use it you'll lose it" is very true when it comes to a woman's vagina. If you want to keep sex fun and hot - you'll find ways for that to happen. All the various treatment options I mentioned in the other post are just ways to help with any symptoms you might have.

    One of my most delightful patients is a woman who is now 82yrs old (she has been my patient for 18yr). When I first met her she made sure I understood that she was still sexually active. "While he sometimes has a problem with an erection we still have a good time and we certainly don't plan on stopping so don't you tell me I need to stop using my special cream (estrogen vaginal cream). Of course I didn't and wouldn't. Her husband passed away earlier this year and she commented that one of the things she would miss the most was sex. So menopause nor age have to dictate or determine the quality of your sex life. Go forth, enjoy, have fun doing what you've always done and trying new things.........it's what I'm planning on doing!!

  17. As Tyger and Ladylove have stated menopause is different for every woman. The reason - each of us is genetically unique and thus how much our hormones fluctuate and change (decrease) will vary. In addition ones general health as well as weight also factors in to the degree of hormonal change.

    As for vaginal dryness - most women do experience some decrease in the amount of vaginal lubrication produced. However this is typically not something that happens immediately or rapidly. It is more often a slow decrease and for many women doesn't become a significant issue until later in the menopausal years. That said if any amount of decrease in your vaginal lubrication interfers with your enjoyment of sex - oral or otherwise - you really do need to discuss it with your Gyn physician.

    As I tell my patients there are a variety of options available to treat all the symptoms of menopause. Which one(s) you choose depends upon your symptoms, how much those symptoms are affecting the quality of your life and the type of treatment you are comfortable with.

    Options include, but are not limited to

    1. regular exercise and a good balanced diet

    2. Soy products (plant estrogens) - sometimes referred to as "natural estrogen or hormones". Please understand that natural does not mean "safer" or without risk. Since soy products fall into the food or herb category they are not monitored or regulated by the FDA - absolutely no studies have been done that proving that they are safer then prescription hormones.

    3. Other herbs - such as black cohash, St. John's wort, etc - these can be used for various symptoms - their effectiveness is variable - for some women they seem to help for other they don't do a thing.

    4. Vaginal lubricants - any of them will work to some degree - the trick is finding the one(s) that work best for you. They are different so don't assume that if one doesn't work for you other won't either. I've only begun to explore all the options....... and boy is it fun exploring ;-)

    5. Vaginal estrogen - this can be provided in 2 primary ways - (1) estrogen cream which is placed in the vagina 2-7 times per week (frequency depends on the degree of vaginal dryness and associated symptoms). (2)Estring - a silcone ring with estrogen in it that is slowly released into the surrounding tissue. It's very easy to insert and remove, it is replaced every 3 months. Both of these do not increase the risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular disease - the estrogen acts locally - on the skin/tissue of the vagina (and base of the bladder) only. It does not affect your blood level of estrogen so there are no systemic affects.

    5. HRT - Hormone replacement therapy - typically this is both estrogen and progesterone - prolonged use after menopause (more then 3 years) has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease - however it has also been shown to decrease the risk of osteoporosis and colon cancer. HRT can help a women transition through the early years of menopause when menopausal symptoms can be a significant problem for some women.

    So as I tell all my perimenopausal and menopausal patients - if the sypmtoms of menopause are creating problems for you then they are a problem for me and we need to work together to get them under control. If the symptoms of menopause aren't creating any problems for you then they aren't a problem for me. In this day and age there is no reason to "suffer" with menopause as there are multiple options available for minimizing, controlling and eliminating the symptoms. So go forth and talk with your GYN doc - and if you don't feel you are getting the help you need - find another GYN doc.

    And please don't dread or fear menopause - it can be an absolutely liberating time - no more periods, cramping or bloating, no pregnancy worries, no more PMS ........ look forward to the possibilities

  18. LoEstrin is the lowest dose estrogen BCP available. As such it can have less of an effect on your sex drive. Any and all BCP can cause a decrease in your sex drive, may cause some degree of vaginal dryness, may improve or worsen the frequency or severity of migraines.

    Because BCP's control your hormone levels they also decrease the amount of growth that occurs to the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). When you have your period the lining of the uterus breaks down and is expelled from the uterus - so if the endometrial lining is thinner your periods are lighter and shorter. For many women the hormonal levels are such that there is a minimal amount of growth to the endometrial lining - thus no menses or only light spotting for a day or two. This is not a problem in any way. Once you stop taking the BCP your cycles will return to whatever your baseline is and the endometrium grows to it's typical thickness.

    A significant majority of women become amenorrhic (no menses) on BCP. Multiple studies have shown that this does not have any adverse affect on a woman's overall health, does not interfer with your ability to concieve at a later time.

    BCP's do have a number of benefits including, but not limited to

    1. typically shorter, lighter menses

    2. Helps minimize the risk of cyst formation

    3. Minimizes the chance of becoming anemic

    4. Decreases the risk of endometrial cancer

    5. Decreases the risk of ovarian cancer - while you are taking the pill and for 5-8 yrs after stopping

    6. Decreases the risk of endometriosis.

    For birth control - it's a matter of determining what method will work best for you, based on your life style, your over all health and exsisting medical problems (if any), your age, other reproductive issues (history of ovarian cysts, history of endometriosis, future childbearing desires-if any, etc.).

  19. As a doctor - please go see a doctor - while it is unlikely to be something really bad you still need to get it checked out. Most likely it's a local vasculitis (inflamation of a vein), but it can also be an infection of some sort - either of the vein itself, of the tissue around the vein or an infected blood clot. If it is an infection you will most likely need antibiotics to treat it. There are other possibilities, but the only way to know for sure is to be seen by an doctor. I would recommend that you see your primary physician (Family Practioner or Internist) first as they can typically treat the problem and it is unlikely that you would be able to be seen by a vascular surgeon without some sort of referral. While I'm inclined to give you some suggestions for conservative treatment until you can get in to see a doctor tomorrow - it's really not appropriate for me to do so since I have no way of examining your arm. The one thing I would say is if you see red streaks going either up or down your arm from the area of swelling and soreness - don't wait until tomorrow - make a visit to the emergency room as that is a much more concerning sign/symptom.

  20. SE1059-20-2main.jpg

    Rings of Passion Vibrator

    Pretty, pink and passionate – at least that's what I was hoping for when I purchased this vibrator. Pretty and pink it is but passionate .......... not as much as I had hoped for. The vibrator is hard plastic covered by a soft pink squishy silicone sleeve with multiple ridges. When I first took it out of the package and ran my hand up and down the vibrator I thought it had a lot of promise as the ridges felt fairly prominent. Inserting the 2 AA batteries is a breeze and the twist bottom allows for easy control of the vibration speed. Since I really wanted to give those ridges a try I headed straight for my bedroom, gave it a nice coating of lubricant (non silicone of course) and slide it on in. There is a nice range of vibrations from barely there to very pleasant. Unfortunately I was not able to feel the ridges much at all, at least not in my vagina. The ridges were more noticeable when I ran the vibrator up and down my labia and over my clit and the squishyness of the silicone sleeve provided a different sensation on my skin and I always enjoy a new sensation. While I did enjoy the over feel of the vibrator it did not provide enough stimulation for me to reach an orgasm. I would recommend this for newbies as it provides a nice range of vibrations, for more advanced players a mini bullet on your clit will definitely enhance your enjoyment.


  21. Tyger - As an OB/GYN physician I spend my life surrounded by women in various stages of their lives and have yet to have a patient happy that they let themselves be pressured into having another child just to met the needs of their spouse, their parents or their inlaws. That's not to say that they don't love the child, but there is often a sense of resentment towards the child as well as the person who pressured them. You know yourself best, know your limitations, your strengths and weaknesses and your desires and dreams, so there is no one better to make the decision about whether you should or shouldn't have another baby. It's your decision all the way. And one additional observation you wouldn't believe the number of times I've heard "Well he really wants a boy so I agreed even though I really didn't want another baby".......... and then guess what - it's another girl.

    And while from my perspective the physical aspects of another pregnancy are not really the issue and yes every pregnancy is different, since you had significant bladder issues in the first pregnancy you probably will with the second, same can be said for most of the other physical discomforts related to pregnancy. In addition a slow recover from a C-section the first time - most likely a slow (and even longer) recovery from a c-section the second time.

    You are making the right decision for you.

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