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Everything posted by milfofbugs0825

  1. My husband and I were blessed with one amazing boy. He is 8 almost nine. We have been trying since he was 2 to have another one. I was pregnant in 2002 and 2007 but both of those sadly ended in miscarriage. It was very devastating for all three of us. It is so frustrating not to be able to give my husband another child. I know we have one already and some people go their whole lives never being able to have at least one. I'm very grateful for being able to have my son. I just wish, hope and pray that I will be able to have more. I have always wanted a big family. I just feel like I was able to have one so I know my parts worked once but why can't I carry another child? I feel like I'm broken and not as much of a woman as my friends that are popping out 3 and 4 kids. It just really gets me that these girls that are blessed with more children can't even stop smoking or drinking for nine months while they are with child. It is such an amazing gift from God that alot of people take for granted. I smoke too but, I would give up anything and everything for the health and safety for my unborn child if I got the chance. Thank you so much for giving me a place to vent and also maybe some good pointers on how to conceive again:)
  2. I need a little help in this department. I know that a lot of girls might ask this same question. I have been with my husband for ten years now and married for nine. I want to know the goods on how to have a G Spot orgasm? For as long as we have been together all I have been able to get is clitoral orgasms. Don't get me wrong, they are great and can come in multiples, but I want one of those mind blowing ones that everyone talks about. I tired of him having to been positioned just wright on me for me to be able to get off. It gets very repetitive and I'm sure not as fun for him. He doesn't understand why I can't get off in all the positions that he can and I feel bad about it. So someone please help! MilfofBugs0825
  3. Hi there! I am new to this, so I thought I would introduce myself. My husband is already a member and is Bugs0825. Hence the screen name. (HeHe) We have been married for almost 9 years. We have an amazing 8 year old son together named Tristan. My husband is an elctrician and I am a nurse. We live together in beautiful, sunny, Southwest Florida. We love it here and couldn't imagine living anywhere else but here. My husband is originally from up north but i'm from up in the panhandle of Florida. We love going out on our boat together and are very avid in fishing. Well, I guess that is all I have to say about that. I hope to get lots of good pointers from everyone and hope to meet lots of cool new people. Hope to chat with ya'll soon. milfofbugs0825 (My husband did the screen name)
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