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Everything posted by ladylove

  1. She's most likely jealous because you have children and a history with your Ex that she isn't a part of and never will be.
  2. I don't wear leather.... well except purses, shoes, belts things like that.
  3. retribution????.... it's my reward, begging and all.
  4. Yea right... not as funny when it was told.
  5. Most always purposely.... it's half the fun.
  6. LOL! I don't think any of us would have to guess... your name should have been "everREADYbattery".
  7. You don't have to be jewish to get it..... It just means Jewish women dont' want to have sex, so their man has to beg for an hour to get some....
  8. Yes - have my cowgirl hat and boots all ready to wear TPBM - like when their SO does a striptease for them?
  9. Not often, but sometime. It really depends on what it is he'll be doing. Most of the time it's all about work so I won't go. If he'll be free in the evenings I will usually choose to go, but like I said not often.
  10. probably a very Shocked look, then I'd walk away or tell you to put that back in your pants and walk away.
  11. Sorry to here that. I'm sure she'll be upset, but maybe she'll be able to come to you. How far apart do you two live?
  12. Yes I am also sure of hook ups, have been told about via PM's, have been invited but have always declined. It's not the reason I'm here. It's a place to learn, vent and yes do some harmless flirting. It's all in fun, not for results. Let's not forget the main reason this forum exists is for business, TooTimid's toy sales.
  13. You may want to get used to the glitter girls love it for a looooong time.
  14. really? I would think differently. You can watch yourself going in and out of your SO, playing with her butt while massaging her clitoris.
  15. As Chloe said it does vary. There are times the "O" is just ok and quick , then there are time it seems to go on forever. For me when they are longer they are usually much more intense and there are times one orgasm just comes immediately on top of the last.
  16. LOL!!! I guess I did. ~ can't even say "dam you auto correct". .
  17. Absolutely! Just curious about the views here. I'm not against to anything (almost anything) that will make a person feel good/better about themselves. That doesn't mean It would or would not be right for me.
  18. joke: Q - What do jewish women consider to be foreplay? A - An hour of begging () Lesson - never know
  19. More of a turn on if you are being begged or if you have to beg?
  20. Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy and learn lots of good things.
  21. Hmmm, knowing and doing are separate entities ..... Huh. ()
  22. Yes, were talking about breast implants.... and yes he knows 1st hand, and I don't have implants of any kind.
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