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Posts posted by ladylove

  1. (Not able to post picture)

    Reviewed by Ladylove 1/2013

    When I opened this and saw this was purple.... I Love Purple! Ok, I love pink too :). This is a 5 speed anal toy made of a jelly /rubber material called crystalessence. It has 3 bulbous rotating beads, is smooth and appears seamless which is very very important for an anal toy. It’s looked friendly and is easy to use. All I needed was 2 AA batteries to start all the fun.

    I have to confess, large anal toys still scare me, even the thought of taking my DH anally is still inhibiting. This 5 speed anal sensual rotator is small enough to be

    non-threatening but big enough to make you feel full, not stretched. The vibrations don’t feel like much in your hand, but when used anally the vibrations are more than enough. I didn’t get past the third speed the first time we used it. The second time we used it I made sure we cycled through all five speeds. All very, very pleasurable!

    DH could feel the rotations and the texture of each ‘pleasure bead’. He loved the new sensations it provided, we both did. I throughly enjoyed this toy and can see using it often. I should mention that the suction seem very strong, and should stay put.

    Because of the size and speed variation the Sensuous Anal Tickler would be a great toy for the novice and experienced alike. I or should I say we award this toy a 5 out of 5 hearts.


  2. (unable to post picture)

    SOOTHE Anal Lubricant

    Reviewed by Ladylove 1/2013

    Soothe is a thick formula designed specifically to aid in anal pleasure. It feels silky smooth on contact and has a slight minty smell. Initial contact with skin is cold, settling into a nice cool feeling. I really liked that it had aloe in it to aid in keeping things soft and supple :). Also it has guava bark extract which is a natural anti-bacterial, and is latex friendly.
    Let me first say a little go a long way! When the lube first touches skin the cold is a bit jolting but enjoyable, eventually settling in a cool fresh feeling. Although it's supposed to be an anal lube, we used it all over; why not, right. I enjoyed the cool feeling which lasted a good amount of time. Simply put, I like it alot and will use it from time to time. It won’t be my go to lube only because we use cool or cold sensation as more of a novelty in our play not everyday. This is a great lube for anyone who wants to experiment, or for those who already know they enjoy cool sensations.
    We award Soothe a 4 out of 5 hearts only because it not an everyday lube for us.


  3. Lyla

    Review by Ladylove 1/2013

    Layla by Lelo is a two part silky smooth silicone vibe. The egg is controlled by a remote control disk that can also be a massaging vibe itself. My DH thought it looked like a miniature space ship. It has different patterns of vibrations with the intensity raging from slight to strong and is very quiet. Because it has a remote the egg like part can be used externally or worn internally while out for some naughty teasing. All you’ll need to do is charge the egg and use 2 AA batteries which are included. There is a cute jewelry like pin that opens and closes disk.

    When I first received this I was a bit confused about how to work it, I actually had to read the directions. Opening the disk to put the batteries in was easy but closing it was a bit tricky. Nothing about this is difficult, just not self explanatory. The disk act as your remote to turn on and off the egg, change vibration patterns and intensity with simple touch. Here’s the coolest thing: you don’t even need to press the buttons to control the intensity of the vibes. Tilting the disk toward the + sign increases the vibes or tilt it towards - sign to decrease intensity. If you want to keep them as they are just put it down. The egg is easy to handle. The vibes were great, and I really loved the eggs shape and smoothness and the way it felt sliding around. Also, I used the egg on DH massaging his perineum with the rounded tip while he used the remote as a vibe on me. DELICIOUS!

    This toy is great for anyone who is either experimenting with vibes or just getting to know there preferences. I can be used so many different ways, I know we will be experimenting with it for a while.

    I award The Layla by Lelo 5 out of 5 stars.

  4. (picture posting difficulties)


    Review by Ladylove 11/2012

    The Lelo "BO" is a rechargeable cockring. It is a soft flexible material that will stretch to almost any size making it easy to slip on. It comes with its own charger and storage case making it very discreet. It comes fully charged and indicates you can get up to 4 hours of use. Bo is designed to use at the base of the shaft. I recommend putting the cockring part first before adding the buzzing top, it's easier, trust me on that one. To get the buzz-a-buzzing all you need to do is slide the top onto the base. Soooo easy!

    I requested The Lelo BO, it looked fun. We have tried many different cockrings and this is the best one to date. I or should I say we love it! I have had other favorites in the past but this kicks them all out of the running. Immediately after putting on the ring part he became vein popping hard. No exaggeration I promise. All I could think of at the time was "WOW"! I easily slid the top battery pack onto the base for some buzz and OMG!!!! I could feel the buzz in the tip of the penis as he entered me. The cockrings vibe isn't the strongest we've ever tried but it is the best we've ever had. Whether you are a novice or an experienced user, weather you like strong or not so strong vibes, you will love it! This is the cockring to have! No surprise I/we award this a 5 out of 5 hearts.


  5. (picture posting difficulties)

    Stimulating Gel For Her

    Review by Ladylove 11/2012

    Stimulating Gel for Her is a mild female arousal enhancer that is to increase sexual excitement and heighten orgasmic intensity. It's water based and therefore good to use with any toy. It is in an easy to use pump bottle, a little going a long way. They also packaged it with a sample size of ID Glide which is a water based personal lubricant.

    I requested this product because it is mild. I loved the pump, and the small thin easy to use bottle which allows you or your S/O to continue using one hand while applying lube with another never breaking stride. Here's the thing, I do like this product but not for it stimulating properties. It falls dead on stimulating. I did feel a cool sensation for about a nano minute but that's it. It didn't increase, or heighten orgasm as promised. That cool sensation had a non-effect. What I do like is the lubricating properties of this water based gel. It's long lasting, smooth, slippery and doesn't get sticky or tacky in any way, so you don't feel as though you need to clean up afterwords. This is a great lube, but not a stimulating gel. For that reason I award this a 3 out of 5 hearts.


  6. (Picture difficulty)


    Review by Ladylove 11/2012

    The Easy Touch Massager by California Exotic novelties has a TRP inlay and is a hard plastic backing. It has a bent tip and has 2 speeds medium low and medium. The body front is ribbed for increased pleasure. You'll need 2 AA batteries to turn on the buzz. The control is located on the bottom of the toy and is easy to use with just one light easy touch, just as the name indicates.

    On first inspection I thought cute, I love pink. I decided to give it a try alone. So after washing it with antibacterial soap away I went. The buzzing massage is pleasurable and did increase anticipation. I enjoyed the massage it gave, but upon insertion working my g-spot it just became frustrating after a while. I added pressure, back off the pressure, tried different motions to increase sensation but in the end for me this just didn't cut it.

    That being said I still think this would be a very good choice for beginners and those who like a Low to Medium vibe. I award The Easy Touch Massager only 2 out of 5 hearts.


  7. (image posting problems)


    Review by Ladylove 11/2012

    The Door Swing is simply two heavy duty separate straps with acrylic toggles at one end. The toggle is placed over the top of the door, as close or as far apart as you'd like, close the door and there's your swing. Each strap has a large padded loop for your thigh, and a smaller padded one for your hands to hold onto. You'll need to adjust the hight of each thigh and hand loop to suit you and your partners personal comfort. Adjusting them is very easy.

    I requested Door Swing to review. I thought being suspended in air would be different, exciting, erotic and just plain fun. It was!

    Let me tell you how it went. On firsts view of this "apparatus" I thought no way is this going to work. I told my DH if the door doesn't come off it's hinges the straps weren't going to hold up. I made my DH promise two things before use. One was to test out the strength of the straps and door by hanging by the hand straps for a moment; Two was to hold me incase I brought down the door or the straps broke. Needless to say I was not feeling secure even though I'm a light weight. After a few minor adjustments for hight and comfort I held the upper loops to aid slipping of each leg into the strap. We waited a minute, no creaks, no groans, no collapsing everything was good.

    During use the leg straps were very comfortable. I never let go of the hand straps, they gave me the feeling of balance I needed, and the adjustments held tight. At first DH kept me close to the door. As we became bolder he pulled me as far from the door as Possible. DH love the view and the control he felt he had, I loved the new feeling suspended sex brought, it was HOT!. We will probably bring this out to play with from time to time. We have decided this is a fabulous toy to travel with and intend to do so. I highly recommend the Door Swing. DH and I feel it's a great addition to any toy box!

    We both award this a 4 out of 5 hearts!


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  8. Ok!! since I didnt have any home work on last friday, and the kids were at my best friend house. I gave my Husband the I am Hott as Hell look, and we decided to you our new toy, the "Triple Stimulation" Hott Dam!!!!. Let me expalin the steps. I took a nice warm shower, my husband massage me with some sesame oil, a lot of kissing and touching, oral pleasure for each other. We pulled the Triple Stimulation out of the toy box, with the hand cuff, and Away We Went. In the beginning he wasnt sure if the anal part would be comfortable enough so he add some Lube just to be safe. Once he insert the stimulator in I immediately felt extra aroused, he ask me if I want to increase the speed I told him yes!. OMGoodness the next thing I knew My back arched, my leggs stretched so intensely, and i was seeing stars something of the unknown...lol!!. I screamed out OH Shit!!, and he said I squirted, and the next thing I felt was my husband inside me and my organsm just kept going. This is am AMAZING toy,I am somewhat new to anal sex; however what ever hangups I had about anal was completely a blurr.

    LadyLove Thank you!!! :D

    I took this out the other evening .... Still Love it! B)

  9. (unable to post picture)

    Tantric Guide to Better Sex

    Review by Ladylove 11/2012

    The Tantric Guide to Better Sex is an excellent instructional guide that gives you a sound foundation to increase your lovemaking potential while on your own personal journey through the Eastern Philosophy of sex and a path to spiritual enlightenment. Remember each couples journey will be unique.

    The CD covers 7 charkas, which are the 7 point of stimulation, on both male and female bodies with instructions on specific exercises and position to increase intimacy as well as open these points to increase and build more intense pleasure without the goal of orgasms. The main goal in Tantric Sex is about the connection, building sexual energy and the giving to Love. Even thought orgasm is not the goal, the 6 minute orgasm is not going to cut it. You'll need to make sure you set aside some real time to practice Tantric Sex. In practicing Tantric your orgasms become much more intense. You learn how you can increase their intensity.

    DH and I were very interested in learning the mysteries behind this ancient eastern sexual practice, only to come to learn that we've have been practicing some Tantric Sex without knowing it. :D Yea Us! However we did learned some new things and felt it was worth viewing. As in any sexual relationship communication is key, Tantric is no exception. This guide concentrates on communicating with your partner in so many ways, verbal, breathing, touch, sense and more..... this is a great way to learn about the mysteries of ancient eastern sexual practices. I think this would be an excellent guide for anyone wishing to learn specifically about Tantric sex, and for those wishing to build a stronger sense of intimacy and communication. I award this a 5 out of 5 hearts.


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