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Posts posted by cirrus20

  1. On 7/15/2021 at 3:38 AM, Bob Long said:

    This is a story based on something that happened a while back, the majority of the story is 100% true but  in the second part and a little bit of the first we embellished a bit just a little bit and a few and changed things around a bit. So in the interest of honesty we'll call it a minor fiction based on facts. This all came about with my girlfriend now wife saying she didn’t have the confidence to dress sexy or act sexy or do some of the things I had been asking her to do, if there was just some way she could get over her hang-ups then maybe but she had no clue how she would ever be able to do that.

    One night my girlfriend had been bugging me to take her out to this comedy club that had recently opened in one of the shore towns because all of her friends told her it was a great place and the comedians were pretty good, so I gave in and said ok what the hell lets go. My girlfriend had a nice figure for a woman who had two kids very nice 38DD breast with nice pink nipples and solver dollar sized areola with a body like hers you would figure she’s show it off a bit but since our first date she never showed any cleavage or wore skirts above the knee. She dressed nice but not sexy which to be honest was a bit frustrating for me here I had this hot girlfriend and couldn’t show her off properly.

     We got to the club and were seated pretty close to the front but off to the side the first comedian came out and saying he sucked is being kind, they had a few more that progressively got better but not the raving reviews her friends had given, we were about to leave when this guy cam on stage with a different type of act he was a comedian/hypnotist well of course we had to sit upfront and he decided we were fair game and tried to get me first to come up on stage but I said no thanks it was her idea to come here tonight, that all he had to hear. So he steps down off the stage and walks over to my GF and starts asking her a few questions and says come on up it will be fun, she turned red as a stop sign, to say she was embarrassed was an understatement, I told her you don’t have to if you don’t want he said well don’t worry your not going to be alone I want a few more volunteers he took her hand and walked around through the crowd picking out women until there were four of them including my girlfriend.

    Once on stage he had a curtain set up so the others couldn’t see and one by one he hypnotized each of them, he made a few jokes about boy if I wasn’t a nice guy, I could really have some fun with four lovely women. Of course, my mind and probably the mind of every guy in the place all went in the same direction boy wouldn’t that be fun to have four women do anything you ask.

    He joked around and making a lot of sexual innuendos and actually had two of the women about ready to kiss each other but stopped them just short of their lips touching which had people in hysterics he had my girlfriend reciting nursery rhymes and singing songs with the other woman and then had them dancing without music. All harmless fun and with a single command he had them all come out of their hypnotic state which was pretty funny for the two who had their lips almost touching. Everyone gave all of the girls a round of applause and of course my girlfriend wanted to kill me, she kept asking what did he make me do, I said you honestly had no idea. She said last thing I remember was sitting at the table with him behind the curtain and then waking up to everyone clapping. I laughed and said don’t worry you didn’t do anything embarrassing other than maybe sing off key. When he was finished, he came around to everyone’s table who participated, and the house bought a round of drinks on him and very nice touch. He came over to our table last and we both thanked him for the drink, but she had to excuse herself to go to the ladies room.


    He and I chatted a bit and he commented that I had a very sexy girlfriend in a sexy Liberian sort of way. I said yeah but you’d never know it by the way she dresses I wish she would show a little more if you know what I mean. He looked up over his drink and said I can help you with that. I took a sip saying Ok I’m all ears. He said to be honest your girlfriend was the easiest one to put under, I said so you can get a woman to do anything he said yes pretty much anything but fly.

    He told me to meet him in his dressing room after the last act, I said she’ll never go for it she’ll think somethings up. He said leave that to me. So, we watched the rest of the acts and she was disappointed that she didn’t get to speak with him, but nature called. I simply said oh well maybe we’ll come back another time. So just as the last guy was about to finish up one of the waitresses came over with two more drinks and a note saying this is from what ever his name was, the note said will you and your boyfriend please join me backstage I was sorry we didn’t get to chat and thank you personally for being such a great sport. She was a little tipsy but pretty impressed and smiling well what do you think she asked. I said hey what the hell when have you ever been invited backstage before or will you ever be invited again. To be honest this guy had my curiosity peaked. So, we followed the waitress who lead us back to the dressing rooms and she knocked on his door saying your friends are here looking at me she gave me a smile and subtle half wink if you will  did she know what was up or is this something he does regularly I thought as we went inside and sat down. He couldn’t have been nicer and thanked her multiple times for being such a great participant. He explained to her how he has helped people stop smoking, loose weight deal with annoying bosses or husbands just to name a few. When she heard the help, people stop smoking line she was in. Oh, I have been trying to quit for quite a while now but can’t seem to stick with it.

    He immediately asked her would you like to give it a try on the house for being such a great participant I knew you were pretty nervous weren’t you she agreed and said she wished she had more confidence in herself looking at me saying he is constantly trying to get me to have more confidence and a better self-esteem. He smiled and said well one thing at a time, maybe I can help you with the other stuff too, but I suspect once your stop smoking, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself.

    So, she was in saying ok do your thing, and t wasn’t like anything you see in the movies or TV, but he kept talking to her steadily and had her look into his eyes and told her not to focus on the poster behind him well within maybe three or four minutes she closed her eyes when he told her too and looked at me saying she’s under. I was like wows this guy was no joke, I poked at her arm and she didn’t flinch, he said go ahead do what ever you want she is asleep. I leaned in and cupped her breast and began massaging one of her 38DD’s. He softly spoke her name and asked if she could hear him she responded yes, he said unbutton your blouse and she began unbuttoning  it one button at a time revealing her black satin bra with red lace trim which had to be new because it was the first time I laid eyes on it, he just said wow she has some great looking tits you’re a lucky guy. And wow what a pair nipples too, I smiled and said oh yeah. He looked at me saying would you mind, I was like mind he said I just want to see, oh yeah what the fuck I said He said Lori I want  your to take off your bra and without hesitating she reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bra he said please remove your blouse and place it on the back of  your chair, which she did without any hesitation, he said now please remove your bra and hang it on the back of the chair with your blouse, it’s a very pretty blouse and a very nice sexy bra. She didn’t respond oh not even a nice smile for me he said she then gave one of her big beaming smiles standing there topless with her rock hard nipples. He told her to sit back down but before your do I’d like you to pull your skirt up over your knee, I know  your boyfriend would enjoy seeing you show more of those nice sexy legs so would I for that matter. With that she began to pull her skirt up and he would say a little higher please, oh a little more, a little more and then he said oh my are you wearing matching panties, you are one very hot sexy lady you should act more like it. One the outside she was Ms. Conservatively dressed legal secretary but under her dull drab work garb she always wore nice sexy bras and panties and garter belts with stocking. He had her sit back down on the chair facing us by now my cock was getting pretty dam hard and I know his was as well. He then instructed her to concentrate on what he was going to say next as this would be the key to help her stop smoking. He told he when ever you have the urge to have a cigarette, I want you to suck your boyfriends cock. I was like holy fuck! did I just hear what I heard? He proceeded to tell her that if she was at work or in the supermarket or wherever it wasn’t possible as soon as she got to me the fist thing she was to do is drop to her knees and pull down his pants and I want you to suck his cock. (he looked at me whispering is that ok or going too far I said hey I’m good with that, softly asked does she swallow very rarely. Lori do you understand what I want you to do every time you have the urge to pick up a cigarette, yes I need to suck his cock, are you good at it he asked Yes was all she said you need swallow his cum it will help you. Do you understand yes, I will swallow his cum. Lori you have such a beautiful body you should dress to who it off more it will make your boyfriend very happy, you do want to make him happy don’t you? Yes, I want to make him happy. Her answers were direct and to the point with zero inflection in her voice and she just stared off into space.


    He then totally blew my mind, Lori do you have the urge right now to smoke a cigarette, yes was all she said and what are you supposed to do, I need to suck his cock, well then he motioned for me to stand up and saying ok Lori you really want a smoke bad don’t you, yes I do, well then you know what to do, my girlfriend in almost a catatonic state she walked over to me got down on her knees and unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans pulled down my underwear and began sucking my cock right in front of a total stranger. I felt both strange and fantastically erotic, he said as far as she is concerned, I am not here. I wasn’t able to utter a single word just was barely able to nod ok. Lori continued to suck my cock just as she always does, one thing she excels at it giving great head I can’t recall ever getting a better blowjob. Her head was bobbing up and down taking my cock all the way in her mouth she was sucking on it like there was no tomorrow her pace was increasing and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer and began to moan I’m cumming baby I’m gonna cum. Instead of her pulling away allowing me to shoot my load all over her tits or myself but this time she kept sucking and with in seconds I let out a loud grunt and shot my load into her mouth she sucked and slurped and swallowed every drop of my cum with the exception of a few drops oozing from her lips. She did something I had never seen her do before she licked her lips gathering up the last remnants of my cum.


    She was till kneeling in front of my when he told her I want you to get up now and kiss your boyfriend deeply and passionately, he no sooner got the words out of his mouth when she put her arms around my neck and planted a deep tongue kiss on my lips sticking her tongue as deep in my mouth as she could we held the kiss for a few minutes while we played tonsil hockey and then she released her lip lock saying Lori I want you to get dressed now. She stepped back her eyes still open and she turned to the chair and put her bra on he told her before you do, I would like to see you play with your nipples, you have very nice nipples. Lori stood there playing with her nipples rolling them between her thumbs and forefingers pulling at them which made them even larger than normal. Lori along with stop smoking I want you to please your boyfriend and do anything he asks you to do, she stood there when he uses the phrase “You have Nice Nipples Lori” you will submit to his will. If he wants you to dress like a slut, you will obey him do you understand? Yes, I understand, if he asks you to dress a little sexier and show off your beautiful legs and gorgeous cleavage you will because he wants to show you off to the world that you’re his girl and he is very much in love with you, do you understand? Yes, I understand, ok now finish getting dressed first your bra and like one of the Stepford wave’s she did as she was told and hooked her bra form behind and adjusted her tits in the flimsy cups that barely container her 38DD melons. She then bent over and took her blouse form the chair and put it back on and buttoned up the buttons one at a time and she began to tuck in in her skirt, when he asked would you like some help but before she could answer she unzipped her skirt form behind and pulled it down so she could tuck her blouse in when he asked her to bend over and show him her ass, your do have a beautiful ass Lori. She responded thank you and I could see her smiling. She stood bent over wither sating panty covered ass jutting out facing directly at him, he looked at me saying do you mind. I just shook my head no and he fondled her ass through her panties a little complimenting her on how nice she looked, again she smiled when she thanked him. He told her to finish getting dressed now and sit back down next to your boyfriend.

    You will have no memory of what happened here tonight other than what you are to do when ever you have the urge to smoke a cigarette or your boyfriend say “You have nice Nipples Lori” do you understand Lori, yes I understand and he said close your eyes I will now count backwards from 10 and when I get to one I will snap my fingers and you will be sitting here as if you just came in do you understand he asked, yes I understand and he proceeded to count backwards from 10 and when he snapped his fingers she opened her eyes and just looked at him and then me, she smiled saying Lori I really think you’ll be able to quit smoking its such a dirty ugly habit, do you she asked, yes I really do I think you’ll be a changed woman when you do.

    She stood up and hugged him thanking him, saying I feel a little strange but I’m ok, I think. She just said you’ll be fine you were just under for a while nothing a ride home in the cool night air and a good night’s sleep won’t fix. We both shook hands with him and told him we’d be back to see him again, he slipped me his card saying if you need anything or have any questions please don’t hesitate to call. As we walked out Lori in front and him behind me, he whispered this was fun yes, I said I know your in for a fun weekend. So, we got in my truck and Lori snuggled up next to me for the ride home saying I must really be super horny I just looked at her she said my panties are soaking wet I just laughed maybe your excited about the prospect of finally being able to quit smoking. When I pulled up to a red light, I saw a convince store across the intersection and not even thinking I asked her do you need cigarettes, she hesitated for a second, and leaned over and unbuckled my pants and saying I need your cock and began to give me a blowjob when I went to pull over she said no, keep driving and for a good portion of the ride home she gave me some of the best head I ever had, I was about to blow my load for the second time but unlike normally I didn’t even give her any warning when I started to cum she sucked even harder and swallowed my load entirely when she finally came up for air she licked her lips and leaned over and gave me a nice sensuous kiss on the mouth. I drive the rest of the way home with my cock out of my pants Lori playing with it and occasionally kissing it. She just looked up at me and smiling saying I guess swallowing cum isn’t so bad, I said as long as its my cum, she looked up and me and giggled now who do you think I am a girl who would just suck any guys cock. We both laughed, I said hey how about we go shopping tomorrow maybe pick you up some new things you can keep at my place, hmm some new things that sounds like fun. Thinking to myself oh you have no idea how much fun its going to be.





    delete these 027HangersDDD.jpg

    Great story.  You're a very lucky guy to have such a hot, adventurous wife.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Firefly99 said:

    Hmm I wish you both were.💖💖. I am feeling soo hot, and soo damm wet. It’s totally warmed me up on this freezing winter day here… thanks girls lol 😘😘😍💦👌

    Mmmmm!  You ladies are starting get me all hot and bothered thinking about helping you all satisfy your needs. 😈😈👅👅👅

  3. 11 hours ago, Firefly99 said:

    I love mine.. they are a 16D- DD in Aussie sizes which I think may convert to around a 38? 💁‍♀️
    They’re a little on the droopy side but all natural. I was so flat chested when I was younger but after having kids.. they exploded.. lol 😂 

    We love them too Firefly and are anxiously waiting to see your other assets as well! 

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