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Posts posted by cirrus20

  1. 3 hours ago, Sdffm3 said:

    Am I going overboard with the shaving/trimming?  Apparently outta control grabbing and stroking it.




    You're looking good; nice clean shave.  And stroking it as much as you want is a good thing.  In fact, after reading TT I decided to join you and stroke mine.IMG_20210614_100507109.jpg


  2. 10 hours ago, Rio said:

    Yesterday my wife fell and sprained both ankles really badly. Sex is going to be out of the question for a number of days. Being a horny guy that I am I'm going to have to do some self-pleasuring. Tell me in detail what you would do with this so that I can read it and visualize what you would do so that I can have several good jerk off sessions.




    Looks like your pole needs jigging bad.  Wish we could give each other a hand with our hard cocks to relieve the pressure.

  3. 1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

    Not sure if this is the right forum to post this question but here goes. Someone I know lets just say an acquaintance is requesting I post pics of his wife in very degrading and compromising poses. I know my gut reaction is no she's not my wife or girlfriend and unless I had her permission no matter what the subject matter  I wouldn't do it. The devils advocate side is saying well if she allowed herself to be photographed doing these things then I guess she's into it, trying not to be judgemental. I know my wife has posed for may pics and done videos that some (not here) would find offensive but we personally don't so who cares what people think right? 

    I just wanted to get feedback from you guys on this rather odd request

    As always thanks for your input

    This sounds sketchy (degrading and compromising poses?) and I wouldn't do it unless the woman gave permission.  If this guy wants to post pictures why doesn't he do it himself? 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Bob Long said:

    Well we had beautiful boat weather last weekend unlike this holiday weekend what else is new and decided before the summer gets too crazy busy let take the boat out, so at the last minute one of my wife's friends who she has known since childhood called and asked if we were going to be home she was thinking of coming down and take a dip in the pool. My wife told her better, yet we were going out on the boat so why not join us, her friend Sue excitedly responded oh hell yeah count me in. My wife gave her the address of the marina and told her we would meet her there or she could ride over with us. Sue thought it better to ride with us so in about an hour the doorbell rings and there is Sue wearing a pair of cutoff denim shorts and a tankini we did our usual hugs and kisses hello nothing out of the ordinary for the two of us once I slipped her some tongue just for shock value my wife knew all about it and it took her more than a second or two to come up for air...lol

    Well her and my wife exchange greeting same hugs and kisses even after seeing my wife kiss quite a few women it's still a big turn on for me. My wife and Sue have are not intimate and my wife suspects Sue knows of her bisexuality but has never actually come out to her, which is neither here nor there because she is still allowed to have platonic friends not everything has to be of a sexual nature right...lol  

     Well we all pile in my truck and head to the marina, my wife helps Sue get on board and I get the boat fired up and I jump down to untie the lines and we slowly idle out of the marina. My wife tells Sue come on climb up here (to the flying bridge ) it's a much nicer view so Sue climbed up the ladder with my wife behind her later telling me she was admiring the view and fighting the overwhelming temptation to stick her finger in Sue's pussy. Well the two are seated on the big bench seat  on the flybridge with Sue seated between my wife and I. Being the good hostess my wife reaches down in the cooler and offers Sue and each a cold beer Sue is impressed to say the least saying wow you guys really know how to live, I reply don't get me wrong I like this thing but and just let it go at that. We soon cleared the channel outside the marina and once out in the open ocean I opened up the throttles and brought her up on plane (the boat that is not my wife or Sue..) so now we're skipping along the waves and if anyone has been on a boat you'll know what I mean when I say the boat pounded the waves like a hard cock pounding a wet pussy. Within a minute or so my wife stand up and takes off her cover up and decided it's such a nice day why not get some sun and next thing she takes off her bikini top and drops it on the floor. Well needless to say Sue who has seen her naked tits more than a few times the entire time they were growing up together spending summers at the Jersey shore was a bit shocked more so just not expecting it. My wife saw her face and said oh sorry I'm so used to doing this I hadn't given it a second thought, Sue rep[lied oh so you go topless regularly now do you laughing. My wife responded telling her oh I've done a lot more than go topless saying to me, isn't that right honey. I smiled say oh you might say that as I took a swig from my beer. My wife said oh come on baby you can tell Sue I've given you more than a few blowjobs right here, Sue just laughed saying I bet you have my wife said yeah and he has fucked me a few times here too wanna see laughing. Sue was like that’s ok I haven't had enough to drink yet, oh ok then just a blowjob then Sue proceeded to spit her beer through her nose, and we all had a good laugh. As the hull pounded the waves my wife's 38DD melons were bouncing up and down, Sue didn't try to hide the fact that he was watching, my wife said come on why don't you join me? Sue taking her long neck to her lips downing the last of the beer when my wife reached over and pulled one of her straps down. The two were laughing like a couple of giddy schoolgirls, Jesus Christ and you’re not even drunk yet. Sue reached down in the cooler and handed us each a fresh beer with her right shoulder strap now back in place  she took a long hit from the bottle and said oh well what the fuck  and puller the top of her tankini down exposing her very nice 36C cup tits a little saggy but still nice.



    There she exclaimed happy now laughing at my wife, yes now I don't feel out of place, yeah right was Sue's response. My wife reached down in her bag and pulled out a bottle of suntan lotion and squirted some on her tits as well as Sue's trying to negotiate drinking a beer and lotioning her tits Sue was laughing, my wife just reached out and began rubbing Sue's tits making sure they were covered in lotion. Sue laughed saying are we enjoying ourselves, I said I don't know about you, but I sure am  My wife laughed and squirted some more on her own massive tits and took Sue's hand saying here do me now.

     Sue laughed and smiled as she rubbed Loris melons with lotion laughing saying remember that time in Seaside and all my wife did was laugh oh how could I forget, my wife and Sue proceeded to tell me how they were laying on the beach drinking and working on their tans  when these two guys began hitting on them both my wife and Sue first tried to ignore them but when they didn't get the hint Sue chimed in look I'm here with my girlfriend and leaned over and kissed Lori so just leave us alone implying that they were a lesbian couple, my wife said oh my first kiss you’re making me blush as they both cracked up laughing and clinked bottles


    Well I couldn't help but notice at my wife’s ever growing hard nipples as Sue massaged her tits with lotion, Sue noticed as well and smiled saying my now look at you, Lori squirted more lotion oh please continue if you don't mind your so much gentler than he is, Sue looked over her shoulder saying really after all these years you don't know who to be gentle with your wife's boobs. Sue messaged Lori's melons for a few minutes until her 38DD's were glistening in the sun like a pair of glowing orbs. We continued on down the coast when my wife said come on let's go down and work on our tans, Sue now three or four beers in said oh when you said let's go down I thought you meant on your husband laughing, Lori laughed saying no me first that really took Sue by surprise. My wife would never push the sexual envelope with one of her best friends by seriously hitting on her but throwing out  sexual innuendos was not something she shied away from


    The girls weren't down on the cushions of the aft deck more than I'd say five minutes when my wife removed the rest of her suit, she is always one for the all over tan, As I mentioned seeing my wife naked was not something new to Sue but seeing her exposed bald pussy was. I was unable to hear the entire conversation, but my wife told me Sue was amazed at her smoothness and was desperately hoping Sue would reach out to feel her baby smooth hairless pussy but much to her disappointment she didn't

    Until my wife said here feel how smooth and too her hand and placed Sue’s hand on her bald mound giving her more than ample opportunity to pull away but Sue’s curiosity and  the beers she had consumed allowed her to shed her sober inhibitions and she marveled saying oh my god your as smooth as a babies ass, how does it feel , my wife replied it feels fucking great you should come with me.

    My wife told Sue that she goes at least once a month for a Brazilian bikini wax, Sue's reaction was OMG that must hurt like hell. oh, at first it did but now it's barely noticeable. So, I decided to idle down and just drift for a while enjoying the view of my wife and Sue both completely nude on the deck below. As before my wife convinced her one of her best friends to rub her body with lotion and then Lori reciprocated with Sue lying face down on her towel my wife began rubbing her friends naked body with suntan oil looking up at me with a big grin on her face and pretending like she was going to lick her ass and would finger her own pussy all in an effort to give me a hard on which she definitely succeeded in doing. So I'm sitting up in the flybridge now with my cock in my hand stroking to the two glistening bodies below me, I had to apply great restraint as I knew if I were to climb down the ladder I surely would be putting my hard cock into at least my wife and if lucky enough Sue's pussy which seemed to be begging for a good stiff cock. So, I proceeded to drink another beer while I stroked my now rock hard cock and it didn't take me very long to shoot my load, thanks to my wife there are always towels everywhere on the boat, so I cleaned myself up and slipped my now happy cock back into my shorts


    I just sat there listening to the stereo and admiring my private view when Sue said to my wife hey, I think it's time to turn over, yes, my wife replied and freshen up our beverages. My wife tits bouncing headed into the cabin and returned in a minute or two with a couple of long necks and a bottle of tequila she poured herself and her naked friend a couple of shooters and they toasted and drank them down and chased them with beer one more my wife said as she poured another couple of shots  saying hey, remember this from Seaside as she placed a filled shot glass between her tits but seeing as they were not being supported by a bikini top and were quite slick form suntan oil her famous trick of holding a shooter between her tits almost ended in disaster as the shot glass began to slip but Sue grabbed it, when my wife said oh wait here and she pushed her tits together which held the glass in place, Sue just laughed like hell.

     I couldn't be certain whether she was just in a parting mood which is pretty common or if she was trying to get her Sue intoxicated to the point where she would be able to take advantage of her, but Sue the partier that she was downed the second shooter and chugged her beer and insisted my wife do the same. Well of course she didn't need to be told twice and Lori proceeded  to down her long neck in one chug and then decided to show off her filato skills on the bottle resulting in Susan laughing and looking up at me no wonder your always smiling that’s only the half of it I yelled down to her. Lori took her hand saying come lets get back to our tanning, Lori lay back on her towel as Sue proceeded to lotion her beautiful naked body, Sue complimenting her on how great she looked and the all her gym time had paid off, Sue was pretty buzzed by now and massaged Lori’s big tits with lotion working her way down to her belly and thighs when she said I want to mess with your hubby and she placed her head between Lori’s thighs and pretended to go down on her with her head now between Loris thighs and her hands on her hips Lori took her by surprised and placed her hand on Sue’s head moaning oh yes! Yes! baby eat my pussy! When she actually forced Sue’s mouth on her bald pussy which Lori confessed was soaking wet, Sue was surprised and when she didn’t begin to respond favorably by licking her pussy Lori released her grip and Sue came up for air laughing and grabbed her beer saying dam it, I was holding her next word and took a big swig of beer. Ok my turn I mean let me lotion you. As Sue lay back on the towel, she began laughing knowing almost for certain what my wife was going to do, and she was right on the money.

    Lori straddled her legs and began to squirt lotion on Sue’s tits and belly, she gently sensuously massaged Sue’s breasts with lotion and Sue just melted and totally let herself relax and let out a soft moan, apparently Sue was very good at making money but really sucked and not in a good way when it came to male companionship. As much as she told my wife she had no interest in dating anymore my wife knew instantly she longed to be touched and caressed like what was happening now. Lori continued rubbing Sue’s naked body with lotion and when she got down to her pussy my wife still not wanting to overstep the ever blurring line put her head between Sue’s thighs and said now let me show you how its done as she overly acted like she was going down on Sue, who was now laughing and giggling saying oh yes baby eat me! Yes! you know what mamma likes, when she now puts her hand on Lori’s head and forces it into her pussy. Lori was surprised and started to pull away when Sue moan yes baby eat my pussy! So Lori knowing her best friend is drunk off her ass and fights temptation with all her might and just kisses her inner thighs and then looks up and looks Sue right in the eyes knowing that Sue has probably even forgotten I was there says I think you need to get out of the sun for a few. So, Lori get up and takes Sue’s hand and leads her into the Salon. Lori sits her down on one of the big plush couches and says you know you’re a good actress, you really had me believing you wanted me to go down on you. Sue holding her beer took a sip looked at Lori saying whose acting. Lori hesitated momentarily looking at Sue who now reached her hand out and took Loris hand pulling her towards her. Lori just smiled a big beaming smile at her best friend thinking in the back of her mind well we can always blame this on being drunk.


    Lori now positioned herself between Sue’s legs which Sue willingly parted as wide as she could and Lori began to go down on her childhood friends dripping wet pussy, Sue’s juices where dripping down her thighs as if the floodgates were opened, She Lori skillfully lapped her pussy with her very skillful tongue she slipped on finger into Sue’s pussy probing her cock starved cunt, slipping it in and out and then skipping in another finger than and another until she had three fingers in Sue’s pussy and began finger banging her wet cunt, Sue began to moan louder and louder and Lori was now a woman on a mission hell bent on making her friend explode with pleasure, Lori know having eaten many a horny pussy since discovering her new found love for woman knew the key was Sue’s throbbing clit, which was now pulsing and as hard as Lori’s nipples. As Soon as Lori began to flick Sue’s clit with her lizard like tongue Sue’s entire body began to shake and shutter. She screamed and I do mean screamed oh my fucking! God! Yes! Yes! oh God that feels so fucking good! Please, please don’t stop! Lori had not intention of doing any such thing as she continued feverishly licking Sue’s rock heard clit and finger fucking her wet pussy. Lori switched things up a little by employing something she learned from hubby performing her many times. As she continued to lick Sue’s clit with now only a single finger in Sue, she curled her finger towards her and began rubbing Sue’s G spot.

    As soon as she did Sue’s body got rigid and began to wither and shake her head flung back against the oversized white leather cushion her eyes closed within seconds her entire body felt like it had been hit with an electric charge which emanated from Lori’s flickering tongue and rubbing forefinger, at this point Sue lost entire control of her body which Lori was now in full control of, she couldn’t have been in better hands. Sue’s monas got progressively louder and her breath shorter as she panted and tried to get her words out before she latterly exploded into orgasmic bliss. She came so powerfully her body bounced off the cushions and she felt the pulses of her orgasm overtake her body as she came, she showered Lori with a gusher of clear fluid from her pussy at first taking her by surprise but the skillful Cunnilengus artist that Lori is she continued licking Sue’s juices covered Lori’s face and some even made its way to her wild strawberry blonde hair.


    She stopped licking her friends clit  but still kept her finger inside her pussy and slowly massaged her G spot picking her head up she watched as her best friend of decades was finally coming down from her orgasm. Sue finally opened her eyes and looked down between her thighs to see her bestie looking back at her smiling. Lori saying hey girl you ok, Sue panting saying OK. I’m better than ok I’m fucking great! I have never cum like that in my life with any man when Sue had the revelation saying oh! my God! I just had the best orgasm of my life with my best friend, Lori smiled her signature big beaming smile saying I am so glad for you baby but wait. Sue saying wait, wait for what? Lori smiled not saying a word began to rub her G spot more vigorously when the look on Sue’s got this big wide eyed look as she said holy and before she could utter another word Lori went back down on her pussy bringing her to another earth shattering orgasm. This time when she finished, she jumped up and sat herself next to Sue putting her arm around her pulling her into her breast. Lori explained to her that she knew right away as soon as Sue didn’t attempt to sop her form fingering her that she was ready for a second and who knows maybe a third orgasm. Lori held her friend as she knows she loves nothing more than to be held after she cums if she isn’t makes her feel like a cheap whore. Sue said what now and Loir just kissed her and said whatever you want but if you really would like to know I’d like you to suck my nipples and lick my titties. Sue laughed and obliged but Lori as much as she appreciated it knew Sue needed a lot of work. So, they just sat and talked Lori providing some fresh beverages as Sue was full of questions and wanting to know everything. Lori said hey no pressure if you enjoyed yourself and want to continue, I’d be more than happy but if not, it’s ok we can just chalk it up to over partying. Sue was oh now I feel like I turned a corner and have so many questions but, Lori said what your not sure and you don’t really want anyone to know. Sue nodded yes, Lori kissed her saying no one will ever know anything trust me I value our friendship too much and just feel so very special you allowed me to be your first. Sue just smiled and told her she loved her as she always has, and Lori responded that she loved her as she always had. Sue said I do have one question. What’s that Lori asked do you fuck, oh what Bob hell yeah as often as possible, Sue said no that’s not what I meant.

    Lori began to laugh and jumped up off the couch without saying a word and darted off into the master stateroom and returned with a strap on with about an 8 inch dong attached oh do you mean with one of these Sue’s eyes got a wide as saucers saying holy shit I never knew you were so hung the two laughed like giddy school girls Lori said don’t worry we can start off with a smaller one of you like. The rest of the ride to one of our favorite restaurants was filled with question after question eventually getting around to me. Does Bobby know, Loir just made a face oh no I told him this was just a new way to catch fish they both laughed but don’t worry he’s very cool and respects my privacy and yours too if you want to have more fun so don’t worry about him. Well can I confess something to you she asked, sue Lori said  I’ve dreamed about fucking him since the first time I met him, Loir laughed saying I’m sure we can arrange that if you’d like. You really wouldn’t mind, hell now nothings too good for my bestie

    Fantastic story!  I had my cock in hand while reading wishing I could have experienced something like that as well.

    • Thanks 1
  5. This could be something good or it could cause problems.  Your wife seems to be OK with you all at least masturbating together but the more important questions are:  How do you feel about it?  How does your friend feel about it?  How far are you and your wife willing to go (masturbating, mutual masturbation, those two as friends with benefits, full on threesome)?   Can everyone handle keeping it secret from your friend's wife?  What if she finds out?

    Everyone needs to openly discuss and decide what you want to do and what limits you will set.  But it is very important that you and your wife are secure with each other before moving forward and your friend understands it is only sex and friendship.  Who knows, you all might really enjoy a recurring sexcation threesome.  There are some here like Wisconsin Cougar that have a circle of friends with benefits on a recurring basis.  And it does sound like a lot of fun.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Justasimp said:

    Hey @cirrus20I know you wasn't replying to me but maybe this can help you. 


    Thanks, I'll give it a try.  Many times all I see is a blank screen of a video that is posted.  Then later someone replies and the paperclip shows up which I can open.  I'm not sure if I'm missing some video software that I can install on my PC or Android tablet.

  7. 15 hours ago, Justasimp said:

    That was a nice load and I wouldn't mind being on the receiving end. Definitely would've swallow some 😉

    What did you do to save that file as a .mov?  In the original message I couldn't view it but in your message the paperclip was there and I could download it on my PC and android tablet.  This happens frequently and I'd like to know what to do to save and view these files.

  8. 14 hours ago, Justasimp said:

    Yea we're not young anymore Rio 

    But we old horny guys have other attributes like taking the time to make sure our partner(s) is/are satisfied and lasting a long time before shooting our loads.

    • Like 2
  9. 42 minutes ago, Rio said:

    As a matter of fact it felt so good I couldn't resist the temptation to jerk off while looking around and enjoying the scenery. I remember how nevertooold said she liked the sound of somebody having orgasm. So here goes.

    Looks good Rio.  You took care of that so well I need to take care of mine now too!

  10. 1 hour ago, WacoKid said:

    The reason I love going to work is my new boss. This woman love sex more than any woman I have ever met. Working with her makes the 12 hour day go by FAST!!! Her name is Michelle and she is 48 years old. She is the best fuck I have ever had. Yes the wife knows about her she was there!




    Wow, fantastic pics!!  Wish I could join in.  🤩

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