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Posts posted by cirrus20

  1. On 1/8/2020 at 7:04 AM, SometimesLimp said:

    What can I do to maintain my erection? Even when stroking it gets soft. Caused pain because I couldn’t cum. Help, please.

    I'm a bit confused over the pain comment but if there is real pain versus just "blue balls" from not ejaculating, then Rio is right and you should see a urologist. 

    But if you're simply talking about the congested feeling from not ejaculating then maybe there are some other things to try.  You do get erections so everything seems to be working provided there is no real pain associated with the erections. 

    You didn't indicate if you lose your erection only during solo masturbation, during partner sex, or both.  In either case, maybe trying something new will help get you more excited and focused on orgasm.  You might be losing focus if you do the same old thing every time.  Try new positions, places, techniques, toys, or porn for both your solo and/or partner sex to add to the excitement.  Maybe try abstaining from any sex for a couple days to build up an appetite and then try something new when you do have sex (whether solo or partner).

    Also, if you're worried about something, that can cause you to lose focus on the task at hand resulting in losing your erection.  Sometimes that happens to me during solo masturbation when something is in the back of my mind that I start thinking about instead of focusing on my penis.  And, being worried about losing your erection can become a self-reinforcing problem as well.   If the problem occurs during partner sex, just be sure you are with an understanding partner who cares about you.  It will help reduce performance anxiety if both of you understand that you can fully satisfy your partner with fingers, mouth, or toys even if you lose your erection.  You may even be surprised to find that giving your partner an orgasm by other means leads to a throbbing erection.

    Another thing is that 50% of guys in the age 40-65 range have an enlarged prostate.  Its possible this condition, or the medications you take for it, could contribute to the problem.  Normally, the medication you take for an enlarged prostate reduces the amount you ejaculate (I speak from experience) but orgasm and ejaculation should still feel good.   

    Maybe the medication for enlarged prostate or some other medication you're taking could be the problem.  In that case, talk to a urologist to see what can be done.

    I hope this helps.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Rio said:

    The main thing is that it feels good. Also you don't have to be flossing with pubic hair when you have oral sex. I don't find any problem shaving as you can see if you sae any of my videos. I shave with a regular razor and recently just got a new electric razor. They both work fine

    Thanks Rio.  As I said I like both shaved and not shaved.  I guess I just like seeing or touching pussy however it is.

    I trim but don't shave it all off.  But even trimming my balls with an electric razor can sometimes pinch or nick the skin.  Plus, when shaving it seems that as the hair starts to grow back the stubble could be a little irritating for a while.  I suppose that's how you know its time to shave again?

  3. It seems like a large percentage of people posting photos have shaved genitals and I'm curious why; that is, what makes it worth the effort?  I think it is looks sexy either shaved or hairy for both men and women but seems like a lot of trouble to shave; particularly for guys shaving their balls or women shaving around the outer lips.  What makes it worth effort?

  4. On 7/16/2018 at 4:01 AM, Kalex327 said:

    Here's a couple more, no plug this time 😊 Should I keep posting pics to this thread, or start new ones each time? What's easier for people to find? 



    You should post new pictures to a new topic so they are easier to find.   That juicy pussy is so hot and lickable, but how about some nice shots of your tits?

  5. 19 hours ago, Noggy said:

    glad you like the pictures and comments we love to hear every one that is why we are both sore after having a great session! i hope they have made you cum a few times!

    Yes Noggy, I have cum a few times and I'm very glad to hear you both have as well.  Her pussy juices look delicious and I'm sure you're waiting anxiously for her to recover so you can pound that again. 

    I did see the picture of the sleeve you're using to masturbate with and it looks similar to a Fleshlight.  If you ever need to replace your sleeve you could always try a Fleshlight to see if it is the same.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm glad to hear this discussion thread made you both horny and cum as much as you've made us cum.  Good luck fulfilling your fantasy with another man, but from all the comments it shouldn't be a problem finding someone. 

    Seeing the comments and pictures has made my cock so hard again that I have to masturbate.  My thanks to both of you.

    • Like 1
  7. This is a big thank you to all the lovely ladies who have posted their amazing photos.  Myself, and I'm sure everyone else (particularly the guys), really appreciate the awesome photos on the site.  Please keep it up (pun intended 🤩) and post more photos as we really appreciate it.  And you ladies that haven't posted, please consider doing so because the nude female body is the greatest art there is.

    Thank you again ladies.

    • Like 1
  8. You are a lucky guy to have such a smoking-hot, horny wife.  The pictures in the nighty got me hard, but the beautiful shot of that lovely pussy and those tits made me so horny I had to masturbate right then and there to relieve the pressure.  Your wife may not be a 20-something but she is still a sexy beauty.  Please post more gorgeous shots!

    • Like 1
  9. Arousal is certainly part of it but age does play some role.   Also, there could also be other factors such as medications or vasectomy that affect how forcefully you ejaculate.  I still love masturbating and have wonderful orgasms but can't shoot the way I used to when I was younger.  Don't worry about it, just enjoy!

  10. I was 12 years old and one morning I had one of those days when you very slowly wake up with that very well-rested and pleasant feeling in your joints and just don't want to fully wake up or move.  But as I did start moving I felt another very pleasant feeling as I rubbed my penis on my pajama bottoms and mattress.  I had never felt that before and didn't even realize my dick was hard but it just felt good so I moved my hips around a little more.  The more I moved my hips the better it felt.

    So I decided to try thrusting forward to better rub the bottom of my cock and balls.  This felt terrific and after a while I decided to take off my pajama bottoms to rub directly on the sheet.  That's when I saw my dick hard for the first time.  After a bit I started having this fantastic feeling deep inside followed by the beginning build-up.  I didn't know what was happening, I just knew that whatever it was felt amazing and couldn't be bad.  Before long the pressure began to build up in the head of my cock and I was wondering if it meant I'd urinate on the bed, but I couldn't stop because it felt so good.  The next thing I knew I had the best feeling ever as I shot a big load of white cum all over the sheet.  I didn't know what the white stuff was, I only knew that anything so good couldn't be a problem. 

    I did the prone masturbation style over the next couple of days to get those feelings again until one day I decided to try rolling over and gripping my cock with my hand and using spit for lubrication.  Rubbing on the sheet felt great but stroking with my hand was even better. 

    Not too long after that my father had the talk with me which included an explanation of masturbation and he encouraged me to masturbate as often as I wanted.  So I did and I continue to enjoy masturbating regularly.

  11. I'd like to know whether those on this site prefer to use their hands/fingers or a toy when masturbating.  For the past few years I've preferred to stroke my cock with my hand versus a using a sleeve, though it was the opposite several years ago.  I'm not sure if its the skin on skin feel or the ease of clean-up afterwards but I find I only use a sleeve about 1 out of 10 masturbation sessions now.  Let me know your preference.

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  12. I absolutely love masturbating!  It feels good, is good for you, and keeps the plumbing in top condition.  I like masturbating when the wife is watching/participating or just solo time with a nice porn movie.  After talking about it here, I think I'll go masturbate. 😋

  13. For me it depends on how much alone time I have and how badly I need to cum. If I need a quickie it's usually 2 to 5 minutes. If I have time to myself to put on a DVD and get the sleeve out, it's usually 30 to 45 minutes. My longest session was about an hour and ten minutes before I finally had to cum.

    I do like to take the time and tease myself by stroking for for a long time while getting close then backing off before hitting that point of no return. The whole point is to take the time to enjoy masturbation and not just go quickly to get it over with.

  14. There are so many things you can do. I suggest reading about techniques on the TooTimid educational page. In particular, read the article by Mikayla and husband about using a good lube. A good water-based or silicone lube (depending on your viscosity preference) makes it so much better!

    Then there are different positions (standing, sitting, kneeling, on your haunches), but the best thing is to take your time and enjoy. Fast and hard to a quick orgasm has its own special charm sometimes, but taking it slow and enjoying the feeling is terrific. As you masturbate and feel yourself getting close to the point of no return, stop until you get control back then start again. Stopping and starting like that for a while will drive you wild until you get to the point were you just have to cum! It has the added benefit of training yourself to control your orgasms; helpful when you have sex with a partner.

    I think some others have mentioned masturbation sleeves, pumps, etc. The cyberskin virtual touch sleeve is long enough for most guys to fit in without popping out of the end. Try that. I have to say though that the best sleeve I've every used isn't available on TooTimid. I've always wanted to find out if some toys are exclusive to certain sites? Is it possible to suggest a toy that TooTimid could put on their site?

  15. I tried it too and found it difficult to get into. I'm average size and was really hard because I was excited to try it. It almost seemed like it was going to bend my cock with each stroke. I appreciate the free offer for the guys, but this toy should have a lable saying it is specifically made for smaller guys.

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