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Posts posted by jhard

  1. I haven't heard of him, but some of my bandmates probably have! They go down to Nashville and check out the sence once in a while. I pretty much only go when the Titans are playing football or I go to buy music equipment. Equipment is cheaper and a better selection down there and it is only about an hour away!

    Speaking of James Brown and soul music, that is what one of my bands does mostly! We play R&B, Soul and a little classic rock. Blues once in a while, too. We have represented the KY Blues Society twice at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, TN. We wrote all the stuff we did down there and had a blast!! Playing on Beale Street was awesome, but not as awesome as the ribs at Blues City Cafe!! I'll take a trip down there anytime just to eat those ribs! The best I have ever had!!!!

    That's cool about the Crowes! You were probably talking to part of the band!haha Chris is the one that married Kate Hudson! She is a hottie, fo so!!! I love the Black Crowes music and have played a lot of it over the past 18 years or so. Some of it is on the country side on this last one and a few songs through the years as well. I thought it was pretty cool that they did the shows with Jimmy Page doing the Led Zep stuff and they nailed it!! I have the cd somewhere of that stuff live and it is great!! Not as great as Zep themselves, but great none the less! Would love to hear the full story about the trip and the girl sometime!!



    I live wayyyyyy south of ya'll, but I come up to visit once in a while. I was real close to coming to Kentucky this last time I came, next time I will make the trip and come out to listen to you play. If things work out, I want to make it to Bamajam if I half can. I really enjoy staying up till dawn and serenading the pretty girls with ole' Willie songs....

    take the ribbon from your hair

    shake it loose

    and let it fall

    hold it soft against your skin

    like the shadows on the wall

    come and lay down by my side

    till the early mornin light

    all I'm takin is your time

    help me make it through the night

    I think I am still "back in the day" and always will be.


  2. After the concert in New Orleans we were bouncing up n' down bourbon street. As I walked past one little bar with a open door (the tall narrow wooden kind) I noticed a gal at sitting at the bar. We instantly looked at each other as I passed by, so I backed up and went and sat down beside her. We started chatting and I noticed that there were a couple of guys with her. They asked how I liked the concert? they asked how I liked the Black Crows? I replied that I did'nt even really notice them there (that's a whole 'nother post) and that I preferred Willie and company. Then the guy said "too bad, 'cause your chatting with the singers girlfriend". That kind of put a damper on things and I slid out about as fast as I slid in. We found a James Brown cover act a little while later and we stayed there, I love that old soul music! Get on up....

    Have you heard John Stone? I saw him play at Tootsie's in Nashville last August. I have been to many concerts but I must say in terms of atmosphere that one was one of the best. Copperhead Road all right. Whisky River is amazing when played live and loud and Mickey Rapheal burns the harmonica up! It's kinda like Jim Morrison is playing the harmonica, psycadellic.


  3. Well, some of us play music and others work on cars! I have never been worth a shit with cars, but music came to me naturally. It is that boring factor that makes some drift away from music. Listening is easy, playing can be hard. When it gets boring, that when I go to work on cars! Never has for me and I hope it doesn't for my cars sake!!haha

    I believe I have a PhD in parties/getting wasted!! I minored in sex, but have switched to the sex side as my major now! Still don't mind getting wasted once in a while and would stil love that salt lick around!!hehe



    Hey Mark, did you ever cover the tune by Charlie Daniels called "Leave this long haired country boy alone"? I love that song.

    Back in the day, I trecked on down to Ames, Iowa to see Farm Aid. The concert coincided with the end of the college year and you can be sure that was one heck of a party! Farm Aid in New Orleans a few years later was good as well, but not as good as Ames. On Bourbon street after the concert in NO I ended up hitting on the girlfriend of Black Crows singer...did'nt know it at the time. So many parties, so little time.

    A few lines for you that you may recognize...

    always to much whisky

    women that I never knew to well

    all the things I've said and done

    most of which

    I'd be ashamed to tell

    I dont know how it started

    but that's what makes a man a man, I guess

    That's a song by Willie Nelson. Here is another song about back in the day by Waylon Jennings

    People sit around and they talk and talk

    How their dreams all ended too soon

    Guess they never hung out under the stars

    Howling at the moon

    I guess we're as different as nine and eight

    I see it in a different light

    I don't think much about the good ol' days

    Just about the good ol' nights

    Talk about the good times

    Talk about the times when the times were right

    You can keep the good ol' days I'll take the good ol' nights

    [ guitar ]

    They wanna go back to when a Cadillac

    Didn't look like a Chevrolet

    It mean't a lot to them but not a thing to me

    I never owned one anyway

    But a good looking woman and an old guitar

    With both of them tuned just right

    Well I don't think much about the good ol' days

    Just about the good ol' nights

    Talk about the good times...

    You can keep the good ol' days I'll take the good ol' nights

    take it easy,


  4. I know he was working in the shop at his dad all night.....if he had problems over there and was still mad about them inside.........could that have caused him to act this way?

    My guess is that you are not the cause of this behaviour, but that it has something to do with the above.


  5. ok well here goes, please don't think me too pathetic. I am a female who never really learned to ride so to speak. I don't really know how to perform on top of a man. Does anyone have any tips on keeping the rythym and also thrusting hard enough to make him cum. And how exactly would I practice this on my own?

    Welcome Star,

    None of the woman here are pathetic, and niether are you.

    Here are a few observations from a husbands point of view. The rythym will take care of itself with the proper stimulation (likely clitoral). My wife has zero rythym when on me alone, but when we add some clitoral stimulation (eg. dolphin toy clit/anal simulator) she rides me like an old pro. I don't think you need to worry about "making your man cum", that most often happens to quickly all by itself. If you want to practice I think that if you would kneel with your magic wand beneath you, you will soon find the rythym you are thinking of.

    You are young and have a whole lifetime to learn. Enjoy the ride, so to say.


  6. Bumping along on the dirt road today, I was thinking along these lines....

    People sit around and they talk and talk,

    How their dreams all ended too soon.

    Guess they never hung out under the stars,

    Howlin' at the moon.

    I guess we're as different as nine and eight,

    I see it in a different light.

    I don't think much about the good ol' days,

    Just about the good ol' nights.

    Talk about the good times,

    Talk about the times when the times were right.

    You can keep the good ol' days,

    I'll take the good ol' nights.

    They wanna go back to when a Cadillac,

    Didn't look like a Chevrolet.

    It mean't a lot to them but not a thing to me,

    I never owned one anyway.

    But a good lookin' woman and an old guitar,

    With both of them tuned just right.

    Well I don't think much about the good ol' days,

    Just about the good ol' nights.

    Talk about the good times,

    Talk about the times when the times were right.

    You can keep the good ol' days,

    I'll take the good ol' nights.

    You can keep the good ol' days,

    I'll take the good ol' nights.

  7. Ok, so here's the low down: my fiance` wants to try anal really bad, it's been something that has turned him on ever since we got together. However, I have a complete disinterest in the activity. It's not something where I'm just like, "no, because I don't feel like it." or of that sort of course! I was sexually abused in that manner when I was a child, and I have always had bowel problems to begin with. I guess my question is: what do I do?? I have said that I would try it sometime when I felt I was ready, but I don't think I'll ever want to, in fact I know I won't. We are always talking things out, and I have told him that I don't like being pressured into it. However, he is always talking about it, at least once a day about how he wants to do me anally. I have no problem with him wanting that, just that it's just making me feel pressured into it, by making me feel bad that it's something he wants but I don't want. Is there a good way to explain it to him?? I have already asked him to stop but he hasn't... thanks!

    ~Sensual Woman~

    I know where you are coming from, both of you. If this is as serious as I sense it is, then I would say postpone the wedding.


  8. Two Texas farmers, Jim and Bob, are sitting at their favorite bar, drinking beer.

    Jim turns to Bob and says, "You know, I'm tired of going through life without an education. Tomorrow I think I'll go to the community college, and sign up for some classes."

    Bob thinks it's a good idea, and the two leave.

    The next day, Jim goes down to the college and meets the Dean of Admissions, who signs him up for the four basic classes: Math, English, history, and Logic.

    "Logic?" Jim says. "What's that?"

    The Dean says, "I'll give you an example. Do you own a weed eater?"


    "Then logically speaking, because you own a weed eater, I think that you would have a yard."

    "That's true, I do have a yard"

    "I'm not done," the dean says. "Because you have a yard, I think logically that you would have a house."

    "Yes, I do have a house."

    "And because you have a house, I think that you might logically have a family."

    "Yes, I have a family."

    "I'm not done yet. Because you have a family, then logically you must have a wife. And because you have a wife, then logic tells me you must be a heterosexual."

    "I am a heterosexual That's amazing, you were able to find out all of that because I have a weed eater. "Excited to take the class now, Jim shakes the Dean's hand and leaves to go meet Bob at the bar.

    He tells Bob about his classes, how he is signed up for Math, English, History, and Logic.

    "Logic?" Bob says, "What's that?"

    Jim says, "I'll give you an example. Do you have a weed eater?"


    "Then you're a queer"

  9. ok so because of my avatar i was just asking for this PM??? you can go and look at the responses to every single man who has posted a picture of his penis...and NEVER ONCE have i commented! nor will i ever.

    after i received the PM i ignored it, only to be followed into chat by this person, and was solicited there...when i told him flat out not interested, he then moved on to shortstuff. and from other conversations we have had in chat, there have been several women complaining about his behavior.

    now, i purposely did NOT post his identity...in the PM, this person introduced himself..i left that part out, so no one would attack him. i just wanted to get the message across that this behavior is not appropriate towards most ppl here.

    the fact that i did NOT post his identity and within 20 min. of posting it, i received 3 PM's from different women stating that have have received the SAME or close to the same PM and asked if it was this one particular person...all 3 women named the same man. and i have received more since, all naming the same person.

    OK ladies, I understand. Angelkisses, I did not check to see whether or not you responded to some of those penis pictures, I have read some of the responses (none in particular) and can see where a fellow would be encouraged to feel he was welcome to make further enquiries. I am not saying you made any of those responses. So, yeah, if he picked you and others out of the blue, I would say that is odd. If I had behaved as he did, I would be ashamed and apologize.

    By the way, your avatar is very nice.

    jhard (backin' out whilst the backin' is still good)

  10. ok..i am VERY insulted AND offended...i have never had a problem with anyone on this board being offensive or inappropriate to me in any way...until tonight..i am posting this PM i received, but i am not posting who i received this from.

    i cannot believe, the nerve that this person had, to come in, PM me, insult me, my husband, and the sanction of our HAPPY marriage. this is stepping WAY over the line IMO.


    im glad to see you here...i have posted pics in the mens section if ur interested...

    let me know if ur interested in chatting...and yes i did see u r married...but masturbating is a great way to make friends and relax...

    i hope u enjoy ur time here today

    bye for now...

    Now ladies, when some guy posts a picture of his big hard cock in the photo's section he gets a choir full of approval from a bunch of you. Surprise, but the kind of guy who posts that picture may well contact you for a little "dirty talk". Now, I am not condemning nor approving, but I am saying what do you expect? It is the same guy and I don't think it makes him an asshole at all. Angelkisses, men are visual creatures, your picture there on the side probably sent his mind way off into fantasy land. I would suggest if you are not interested in his offer tell him why and say thanks but no thanks. Personally, if one of the fine ladies on this site would pass me such an offer I would feel flattered. Makes me a slut I suppose. :P

    I think I can garauntee you one thing, seeing his private message to you splatered here publicly probably made him erase everthing to do with TT that he had on his computer. I don't care what someone writes me in a PM, IT WILL NEVER BE POSTED PUBLICLY.

    Just my 2 cents worth.


  11. We once went on a class trip to Europe during highschool. One of the guys was a little "odd", but we did'nt know how odd. One night in the big mens bedroom in a youth hostel the guy asks us if we know what a woman sounds like while she is cumming. So we say no, why don't you tell us. :P This guy starts moaning and making female orgasm sounds like you would'nt believe, the lights were out and we could barely stop ourselves from pissing ourselves it was so funny. This guy knew about internet porn about 3 or 4 years before I even knew what the internet was. Fast forward 20 years. The guy has had job problems (sexual harassment charge) and severe marital problems. I have lost contact with him many years ago, but a person I know ran into him a while ago and he introtuced himself as "Hi, I am ..........., and I am addicted to porn!)

    So ya, I suppose some people can get truly addicted, but I can't imagine the number being to high. I have at times viewed massive amounts of beautiful naked woman, I really don't want to call it porn because what I have historically liked to look at is more like art, IMO. The only problem it ever caused me was a swelling problem that I managed to quickly take care of. :D


  12. Sun, to answer your question, yes, I would gladly give up any 'bad habit' if my wife asked, all the more so if it meant 'sex favours'. She has never asked me to give anything up, but lately on my own I have just stopped looking at porn and all but quit drinking. There have been times when I thought I was addicted to both, I am thankful that I'm not.

    Just chillin',


  13. Really guys I think I hear about this way too much. The idea that you are being rejected because she wont go down on you. Seriously lets get down to it. Why would a woman marry a man she loves, have sex with him have his children and then because she won't give him oral sex he takes it as a rejection? It is NOT a personal thing! I guarantee you it is either:

    A: She thinks it is wrong due to some ingrained teachings from her upbringing. (Only whores do that, God thinks it's wrong :rolleyes: etc...)

    B: She thinks it is unsanitary or dirty, some women are germophobic! (I mean C'mon! really, you do pee from there!)

    C: She is insecure, afraid she will do it wrong or gag, etc

    ETA: D: it is hard work and takes too long she gets tired or feels overwhelmed.

    I do agree that it is WAY unfair if a man is being orally attentive to his woman but she wont reciprocate. It is like hypocrisy! Like, it's gross for her but you doing it to her is totally fine! :angry: And in addition, some men have a hard time giving oral to their women for the same reasons and women take it personally, even though it is the MAN'S hangup!

    Having said this, I do give my H oral regularly. It isn't EVERY time but almost. I used to have a hard time with it because of those very reasons above. Saving it for once in awhile. Now I am way past those issues. In fact I LOVE it now, it is a huge turn on for me! It wasn't him, it was me! IT ISN'T YOU IT IS HER!!!!! I don't know the miracle answer to turn her around but I do know that if you constantly are complaining about it and asking her for it she is going to feel like it is the only thing that matters to you (is it?) and get more reluctant to do it. Some things that helped me to come around is that when I would do it he would fill my ear with compliments. "Oh baby you are so good at that, your lips feel so good, I love your tongue, etc..." That encouragement helped me to really want to do it! It is hard to compete with hangups and reservations, but not impossible! I know that most of you have had the talk but have you really asked her why? I mean REALLY had the heart to heart? Have you told her how you feel about it? How good it feels when she does it, or even how/why you love doing it to her?? It is a difficult thing trying to break someone out of their shell but like I said don't take it so personal! You didn't marry her because of the promise of blowjobs did you? I am assuming it is because of love! Guys be sensitive and try to get her some help and encouragement to feel good about herself and what she is about to do! AGAIN, It's not about you, it is about her!

    There I said it! I hope no one hates me now... :unsure:

    You hit the nail on the head. Even though Miss Peak got me all perky last night and I mentioned BJ's then and a time or two today, I try not to bring it up very often at all with my wife. I know that for some reason it is hard for her and that it is not me. I think it is a combination of A and B above. Plus none of her friends in this fing PRUDE community that we live in do it either, so I am most definately the freak here. But I kid you not, I am a freak on a mission :P


  14. This is a side question here. For me, a blowjob is only a real blowjob if it is finished with the penis in the mouth. Swallowing is irrelavant.

    According to this definition, I have never had a blowjob either. It has caused friction and my wife did once say that I can go and pay for it. Now, I have never heard her (what did you say :D ) retract that offer. I have patience and things are getting closer all the time, she actually gets into cock sucking at times. Having said that, there will come a time when I will go and get it somewhere else. And I won't have to pay for it either. And I will have not the least bit of remorse. As a matter of fact, if things ever get to that point, I believe it could become habit forming.


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