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Posts posted by jhard

  1. The morning after our recent anniversary date my wife tried on her wedding gown. It fits like a glove after 10 years of dealing with me and 3 kids. I saw her wearing it in the kitchen and went to give her a hug, unbeknownst to me one of our boys was behind me and took this picture. She is prettier today than she was 10 years ago!



  2. Hello,

    I am a new user as well. I am 38 and have two children. I have a husband (soon to be ex), a boyfriend (soon to be husband), and a friend (someone to keep me company every now and then). So where do I start?


    With your husband, boyfriend, friend you might want to post in the dating/marriage/threesome section. :D Just kidding, wander around and feel at home, great folks here. I have 1 wife, 3 kids and only fantasy girlfriends...all this anonyminity is great...i just wish I realized before i went and used my real name :lol:


  3. I know this is totally crazy not to mention illegal but oh well. Hubby and I were coming home from one of those "rare" dates a few weeks ago, and I decided to slowly take my clothes off in the passenger seat and start playing with myself. It was really dark and I noticed him driving slower and slower. Eventually he pulled off on a side road and continued driving. I unzipped his pants and startind sucking on him until he got good and worked up, then I straddled him while he was driving and we had really great sex. Fast, but great. We havn't done something even close to this since we were in high school so it felt exciting and crazy. Have any of you done anything crazy sexually since you've been married? Try something he or she least expects. It's fun!

    Oh miss Kitty now you got me strolling down memory lane :) Way back when a buck was still silver me and babe were coming back from a barbcue in my F150 sometime before sunup. CCR was rock'in and I figured we should too. It was real awkward, but where there's a will there's a way :D I just could not keep that old pickup on the road when the humpin spirit took over...but dont kid yourself...i did take the foot off of the clutch. I sure do miss the days of 7Xsex in an afternoon and noth'in else to do but open another beer and pull down her panties one more time...

  4. Is it possible to squirt or gush just from clit stim?

    Hello Miss Bean,

    I am no expert on the subject, so just take it for what it's worth. My wife had her first orgasm at 38 years of age. It was with a little plastic vibrator that I bought for that express purpose. As far as I could discern, the stimulation was 95% clitoral and when vaginal, only up to about 1.5" depth. She squirted about as much as I do. The exiting of the juices was not as noticable, but when we were done there was a BIG wet spot in a place where I had not been at. She say's this happen's when she play's with the "plastic dick". Basically, it was 38 years worth of orgasm coming out and I will never forget it.

    By the way, we had a great talk...you know...few words and lots of nods...made up :kiss: went out for anniversay dinner. I will remeber this night for the rest of my life.


  5. I have had this for years but now im wondering is it just me...i was married 4 7 years and ive been very dissapointed in my preformance...i get firm erections and can keep them for long periods of time but when it comes to the act i cant last 5 or 10 min. before i climax and then im unable to keep it going...ive tried lots of things...play 4 hours getting right into it different positions and so on... my length is not huge about 5 in or so and i feel like i let the other person down

    1) Is this normal.

    2) any sugestions would be helpfull

    3) i have read about desencatizing loations but been reluctant to try... should i ?

    i want to give the woman in my bed the maximum pleasure and i feel i dont do that

    help please

    Howdy Hoosierdaddy,

    I just noticed your post and saw that no one responded to it. Figure I would for what its worth. I have been married for 10 years. When there has been some teasing/waiting etc. for a while, I will blow my load a like texas thunderstorm in about 5-10 minutes, just like you. If for some reason the excitement level or anticipation build up is not there then I can go for a long time, or until my sweetie asks "are you done yet?" It reality it is a catch 22, when I do see my wife orgasm I could almost orgasm as well without further stimulus. A horny woman makes a hornier man. Being sort of goal oriented, I kinda figure the best way to go is put every sort of toy on the wife that she can handle...you sorta have to be the master tool handler...and when she has had her share let her accept yours. This is sort of my unsophisticated way of dealing with the typical differences between male/female sexuality. I have heard that there is a babe therapist in Miami who "works" with guys like me, getting me to last longer or not cum at all, costs about $400 per hour. We'll see.


  6. Hey there bedbunny!

    I am in the same situation as you, only a bunch more years into it. If nothing else read this NOTHING WILL CHANGE NOT NOW NOT EVER unless you (HE) takes action to fix this. It will not get better on it's own. I thought things would get better for me (us) on thier own and they never did, only worse.


  7. iha, thanks for your post. i just ordered the book that you mentioned. i feel good about finally taking action about all of this. i think that things will work out.

    wish all of you the best

  8. jhard, feeling like a boob, in a way, is a self-esteem thing. Nothing major but it is what it is. Think of yourself as a student with a bit of experience. Iha of all people here probably has the best insight to this matter so I would really double or even triple read his posts. Mikayla has a lot of great things posted that could be of use to you both also. Here is one reason I wish that a former's posts had not been deleted. There was a lot of info there. I would think that you need a new approach to talk about this with your SO. Insults, jabs and barbs will only further the distance. Tact is what you need to find here. Really consider what you want to say before even thinking of a discussion. One wrong word kills any gain that may have been possible. Religion/belief is not a bad thing unltil it creates this type of problem. And a lot of times it is the parents not the beliefs that cause it. I hope you find a way to make it work!

    thanks, growing up we never ever talked about emotions. nobody ever said i love you. i know that we were and are very much loved, but it was never said. i guess that is why it is awkward for me to talk about emotions. i appreciate ihas post, it is very open and applicable to me. depression is a bitch and if you would have tried to explain it to me a year ago i would thought you were nuts. you have to have experienced it to believe it. its also funny how it comes and gos. i know that if i do not have these desires/expectations that i would never get down about them not being fulfilled. but i am who i am and i have the desires/expectations.

    by the way, i do tell my wife and kids almost daily that i love them.

    ps. i will get that book that iha mentioned. sex is obviously a two way street and i dont for a minute think that my wife is the only one who needs to change.

  9. double sigh...I have no idea??? I mean... I understand the background she has...conservative has a lot to do with it. It's not like it's OK for woman to talk about sex in some of those groups. (I was in a very consevative Church for years) I think it's best if woman DO talk to each other and loosen up a bit. I taught my kids it's the most beautiful thing God ever created. I don't 'get' why some woman don't seem to want to get over that 'block' and really enjoy sex. Definitely get the book that Iha recommends tho. I'm sure it's a slow grueling process...but it is doable with a person who truely loves you and is a good person. You indicated that your wife is. I believe it is doable if she has the right attidude.


    Thanks for the reply folks, just writing about this actually does help. I am actually 6'2", 230 lb and dont talk about feelings ever, I feel like a bit of a boob but what the heck. It is about as comfortable as going to the dentist, which I also got to do today. :D

    I dont have self esteem problems, but my wife does. My personality probably does not help the situation. She often says she does not believe me when I compliment her. I guess what the fellow said about deciding what I will live with and what I will not live without is pretty dead on. I have lots of patience and will continue to have more. That said, I do not plan on leaving this life without having had a few mind blowing blowjobs. None of this bothered my as much before, but now that I'm getting closer to 40 I am starting to feel the "now or never" thing.

    Until my last birthday I felt (sexually) like a 17 year old, due to aging...I now feel like an 18 year old. :D I would prefer sex 7 times a day...knowing this is unrealistic I will settle for 3 times a day. :D Honestly, every time still feels like the first time for me.

    I will have to be gentler, more compassionate and at the right time more honest about where I would like things to go.

  10. I don't know if toys per se will fix anything. It seems like her views are deep in her head, it's the way she's programmed so to speak. You really need to discuss how you feel with her, otherwise it's going to be worse for you. And your depressions going to lead somewhere.

    She shouldn't be hurt, she needs to turn that around and really listen to you, and start talking. You can buy her all the toys you think will work, but doesn't mean she'll use them.

    No one should be that miserable or unhappy with their sex life. I would sit her down and tell her what you've said here. That and maybe a counselor can help her understand herself.

    Good luck!

    She'll use the toys. She likes it, which is good. I know that she is excited about the toys I ordered. I feel that everytime I bring up my concerns, that it takes us backwards making her feel bad/inadequet. My getting down about it is probably just as hard on her and harder on me. Your probably right, I have to find a way of discussing this with her. About getting a BJ, she has told me to go and hire someone to get it done. I have not done this, I am sure it would only lead to more problems. I am really waiting for her to someday want to do this for me, but it is one hell of a wait.

  11. Hello there. I hope I can get some ideas out of you folks. I feel kind of "naked" writing about personal things here.

    My wife comes from a very conservative background. Feminum sexuality is non-existant in her background, thats how I see it anyway. Married for 10 years, she never had an orgasm until recently. I bought her a vibrator and basically had to tell her "go play with yourself." Eventually she did, and has had orgasms since then using the vibrator. She does not "like" being kissed anywhere. Going down on me is not something she likes to do, and at best she'll be there for 30 seconds and think she's done. She does not want me to go down on her. I really can not understand this, I am dying to give her pleasure. I am also dying for her to want to give me pleasure. Anyway, problems are not as easy to talk about as the weather, and I kind of leave it be. But my behaviour gives my frustrations away, to the point were I become uncontrollably depressed. I'll be lieing in bed thinking...10 years and no BJ's, 10 years no "passionate sex" and the thoughts keep coming and that is the end of my sleep and the start of a day or two of misery. I am actually ashamed that I can not control this depression that comes up this way.

    So, my idea to "fix" this is to buy her toys. I bought several, among them things that we can use together. I hope that over time she will learn her own sexuality and thereby be more interested in being pleasured and also pleasureing me. Can this solve our dilemma? I find it very hard to talk to her about this, it makes her feel inadequeate and she becomes hurt, which is not what I want. She is more than perfect in every other aspect of her being.

  12. post-7343-1207061249_thumb.jpgpost-7343-1207050363_thumb.jpgpost-7343-1207050258_thumb.jpgpost-7343-1207049884_thumb.jpg

    Omg LOL Pappy!! Welcome to the forum Jhard!

    Thanks Katprr & others, I think I'll keep posting funnies until I feel "at home" enough to discuss other things that "come up" from time to time :D

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