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Everything posted by chobo

  1. Everyone has given good suggestions. I should mention that we have tried an egg vibrator before with no success. The same issue as my tongue, where she says it gets her to the edge and stays there. I think the best advice I can take from here so far is to improve my pacing and foreplay time. I guess I should have made clear that I do not spend a non-stop 3 hours licking. My jaw would unhinge! No, I break it up with kissing and focusing on other areas of her body like her ears and neck and lips. But I would guess that a good 1 1/2-2 hours of the time is spent down there. Thanks tp everyone. I'll be sure to apply the advice first chance I get
  2. My fiance and I have been together for a little over 2 1/2 years now We're both intercourse virgins (our choice) who love giving and recieving oral sex.. I am able to get her to reach orgasm thru oral sex, but not every time. I've spent over three hours down there going at it and she will tell me she is at the very edge of climaxing. It is this edge I need to help guide her over. Other than developing a faster tongue (she likes it fast near the end and my tongue tires out) I am not sure what to do. I know she gets off alright by herself, so I wonder if it must be something I am not doing properly. I solved this 'O' problem temporarily a while back when I realized that I had begun to set her orgasm as an objective to reach instead of having fun. Once I started to relax and just of enjoying going down on her she had a multiple orgasm! But my change in perspective was a short term fix and now we're back to square one. It also seems that if I stray just one millimeter in any direction down there that I move away from her clit. Are there any women out there who have trouble reaching orgasm with their partner going down on them with suggestions for me? I'd appreciate the input!
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