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Posts posted by cybele

  1. I grew up in Western Massachusetts and Chad grew up in Bangor, ME. I had only been down in Florida for a few years before the business was started. I knew eventually I would want to go back to Massachusetts. To be frank, Chad hated Florida and I told him we would move it up to the Boston area (where he lived) when we could afford to do so. It was tough leaving the palm trees, the culture of South Florida, nightly walks along the ocean... but nothing beats the seasons of New England.


  2. Hey Synirr! Good for you ... and him! And I know exactly what you are talking about. It makes me so happy to be able to get my guy to that point with oral - feels like an accomplishment. I just love it! I wasn't always like this, used to not really like giving BJs, but that has changed.

    Oh, and pesonally, I swallow. B)

    Congrats Synirr.

    I also found this to be a new accomplishment. But I'll be honest - it was due to the articles that I read here on TT!

    Actually, I found it rather erotic for myself that I was able to do this. And he does appreciate that I can swallow - again, never could do it without the help of those articles.

  3. Also how many couples are complaining about no sex when they really mean not enough or not exciting?

    You never really know Suzy. There are always two sides to every story. Married guy who was confiding to me was pretty convincing though. I suggested counseling. He said he has tried and it was met with the comment that he gets any time he suggests anything, "Why don't you just leave me alone."

    I feel bad for both of them. I can not imagine living in that type of existence - sex or no sex, it just doesn't even seem to be a pleasant living environment.

    It makes me feel a slightly bit more content in my aloneness. Keyword is slight.

  4. Isn't that sad... The sad reality is that this is considered normal! You have heard the jokes about, you know, "After you get married sex is gone etc"... I think on average most married couples can say that it's true!

    One guy I know told me that since their child was born, he's been shut off. Trying to be diplomatic, I said that maybe she's exhausted from taking care of the baby all day and perhaps he should tell her honestly that he feels neglected. He said he's tried. It's been over a year and a half with no attention what so ever. He even takes over the "baby duties" when he gets home from work and on the weekends, as well as cooking meals, and cleaning up. She's not mean to him, but she virtually ignores his presence.

    I'll tell you, what it would have meant to me to have someone that conscientious. I'm not complaining. I loved my life then - even though it was tiring. (three kids in five years.) I remember my oldest daughter was having a hard time falling asleep. I was kneeling by her bed, stroking her hair and humming to her. My husband-at-the-time stopped in front of the door of the room and commented how he would love for me to do that to him. That's when I realized that I needed to spend more time on him...not that I didn't give him any attention - but it showed me that he needed a little bit more.

  5. Excellent article Sun. Your daughters are lucky to have a mom who is so aware.

    I guess it's comforting to know that there are so many other women who have battled these demons as I have, though part of me wishes it were not so. From what I've come to know of all of you, you are remarkable, strong, witty, and sexy women. I would not have imagined that self esteem was ever an issue. Kudos to you all! I still battle it. I have peaks and valleys of confidence, though lately it feels that I've been wallowing in a valley lately.

  6. I don't know if this really counts as a sexual blooper, but it's all I could come up with. The last time I got my legs waxed, I still had bite marks on my inner thigh :o

    too funny.

    Not sure if this counts either but befoe we got married, we bought a sailboat. I had taken a how-to-sail book out of the library (we only knew basics.) But when I returned it, I didn't realize there was a condom wrapper in it from when we "christened" the boat. The librarian stopped me before I left and asked me if I wanted my bookmark back.

  7. Honey, just send me your #. Older women don't play games and know what they like!!!

    Blue, count me in. You may have your hands full advertising like that on this site. lol.

    One of my best friends is 22 years older than her SO. He was 21 when they connected. She carded him-seriously. They've been together for five years now.

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