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Everything posted by zakdad

  1. Pinky, never give up on that thought of finding your soulmate!! He is out there somewhere and I hope you know if you find him or her!! It is hard to say no at times, but all I have to do is think of my wife and what has happened to me in the past! I can say no real quick then!! She knows that she is lucky as well as I do, too! I say all the time to people that I am the luckiest guy in the world because I have a hot wife that still loves me and will have sex with me at the drop of a hat, we have 2 pretty damn good kids(they are teenagers, so only pretty good,haha) and I get to play with the best drummer around this area, if not state!! I just wish everyone could find that person like that for them!! It is a wonderful thing! Plus, we are both pretty kinky!!!!hahahaha Peace, Mark
  2. Sorry about that! Couldn't help myself!! OK, here ya go from Fantasy.... Island
  3. Glad you tried the thing in the video!! I knew that those that tried this would enjoy!! Gald he made it up to you and that was good of you to take your time having that big O!!! Mikayla's Man, I'm glad you didn't get splashed in the face!!hahahaha Peace, Mark P.S. Hope you both see this when you get back from Cow Land!!!
  4. Hey Frolf, check out the video that I post a link to in the Oral Sex Tips You'll Love......, from a reputable source first started by Mikayla 1! It is a few posts down! Check it out and this guy does this to make the woman squirt!! Using both hands and without your mouth!! Very interesting and informative!! Kinda sexy, too! My wife LOVES this!! Peace, Mark
  5. Rock (sorry, I had to use that one)
  6. Sounds good Iha, please share!! I have a bigass smoker that you could throw a whole pig on and a gas grill! Love the smoker the best! Chickens and turkeys are the best on it though! I have to get a big thing of ribs to cook on the smoker!! I just wished I could make them as good as Blues City Cafe in Memphis!! Now those are the best I have EVER had!! Yummy!! Need a gig in Memphis just so I have a reason to get me some ribs down there again!!haha Peace, Mark
  7. I agree with Sunflower, Good for you!!!! No need to be upset since it is a the best thing for YOU!! Best of luck on squirting!!haha Peace, Mark
  8. Well Angel, you should go over there and let them do the grilling for you!! I bet they wouldn't mind having an extra person or two!! Hope everyone has a great time grilling out this 4th! Be safe, but have FUN!! Peace, Mark
  9. I have to play tonight!! I guess someone I don't even know is in charge of the grill there!!haha Then tomorrow, my other band is supposed to rehearse and grill out!! I guess our drummer will be in charge then! He is GREAT at that grilling thing! I may just get grilled!!haha Peace, Mark
  10. As for the guys, maybe they want to show you girls there brain that they think with!!LOL Just kidding guys, but I could pass up that one! I have posted mine on a site before, but it was a picture of both my wife and I naked! It was a "swingers" website, but it has been taken off now! Maybe a lot of these guys think this is a dating site, I don't know?? I know it's not and this is a great place to find out infomation about all kinds of things! I love this site!! Peace, Mark
  11. Well, back in the 80's I had a fling with someone I shouldn't have, but it was great while it lasted! I was a musician in a metal band in the hair band era. I could get laid anytime I wanted and did a LOT!! Anyway, my exbrother-in-law was married to this sexy woman that I had flirted with some on occasion. I never really thought about it much as it was just flirting. Well, one day she shows up where I was living at the time. I was in bed and she just came in my room, closed the door, removed her clothes and got in bed with me! She just took control and fucked my brains out! She stayed for a few hours and we did it everyway that we could think of at the time!! We talked a little afterwards about this and she said her husband never wanted to have sex anymore and I was all she could think about! Made me feel good and bad at the same time! I told her I hated doing this to her husband and I didn’t think we should do it anymore! She agreed, but would still show up every other day for sex! I was a dog and kept doing it for a while. It would feel so great when we were having sex, but then after she left, I felt bad about doing all of this!! After a couple of months, I told her that it was over and I was moving on to other things! She came over one more time and we had a great round of good-bye sex (her term) and it was great, but I knew that was the last time! I was glad for it to be over, but I still thought about it a lot for a while!! I had plenty of “flings” (more like one night stands), but this one is the one that really stands out! It was fun and great, but it would leave me with some guilt that I never felt with any of these other girls! Even if some of these other girls had boyfriends or whatever, she was married to my ex’s brother that I really liked! They ended up moving somewhere else for a few years and then divorced! I guess he never figured out that she was a true sexual being that needed sex! Oh well, it never came out about us and I did talk to her one time after they divorced! I was married to my beautiful wife by that time and told her that we were not going to have sex! I would never do anything like that to my wife! Trust me, I have had plenty of chances and I always turn them down! I have a great wife that I love so much and she is truly my soulmate! I would never do anything to hurt her! So, I guess I learned a lot in that little fling about myself and hurting others! Never again! Peace, Mark
  12. That was great and so very true! Thanks for sharing!! Peace, Mark
  13. As they say, practice makes perfect!!! We try to practice as much as possible!!! Peace, Mark
  14. Glad you guys enjoyed that last night, Vanilla Bean!! It is pretty cool and works fast!! Gotta get warmed up a bit, but then it doesn't take long at all!! Glad I could help! Anyone else try, yet?? Peace, Mark
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