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Everything posted by zakdad

  1. Pinky, if you came to KY my wife and I might let you join in the fun!!haha Peace, Mark
  2. Not painful! My wife LOVES it and doesn't hurt at all according to her! I believe that she would squirt if she would not let the feeling of needing to pee go!! She said when she cums, she feels like she really needs to pee, but I believe she is just holding the squirt factor back! We'll find out as soon as we can get enough free time away from the kids!! We need a weekend away!!haha Peace, Mark
  3. That is one of the best educational video's I have seen about eating a woman! It is great to learn and can't wait to try these on my wife!! Thank you for sharing, Mikayla! I saw another one a while back that works great and it doesn't have anything to do with eating, but it is supposed to be to make her ejaculate! My wife loved it even if she didn't squirt! Here is the link to that one: http://www.redtube.com/2325 It had her screaming at the top of her lungs!! Just thought I would share this as well! Peace, Mark
  4. watermelon (I hate that song, but it was the first thing that popped in my head!)
  5. I read this the other day and it has been on my mind ever since! Tyger is right, he does not know anything about compromise! This man is abusing you in so many ways and it does sound like he did screw the girlfriend, no matter what he says! Talking to a lawyer is a good first step and you should start planning how to get the hell out of there!! I am worried for you and your daughter!! The lawyer should advise you to get a restraining order and the police will go with you to get your belongings!! Then get somewhere safe! Somewhere that he knows nothing about or with family that can help protect you and your daughter! I wish you the best of luck on this and hope you find someone that knows how to treat a woman!! This guy is a prick and a dangerous prick at that! Good luck! Peace, Mark
  6. We are trying very hard not to find out for sure!!haha Seriously, I don't really believe that, but when we get older and you aren't getting any, you probably would think about it less!! Well, unless your a man!! We always think about sex or at least most of us!! Peace, Mark
  7. Angelkisses I agree with your man on this one! When I look at my wife, all I see is beauty and sexiness!! She has a little pouch, her butts a little bigger then when we met, but she has had our 2 kids!! She is still the sexiest woman in the world to me! I know what's on the inside that makes her sexy no matter what! Plus, my belly sure is bigger than when we met and she likes it! I don't, but she does and it would be stupid for me to think she is less sexy because she doesn't look the same as when we met!!! Now, I'm not going to say that all women are sexy that has a little pouch or that the little pouch is sexy! I would be lying to all of you if I did! BUT, I will say I have seen plenty of women that were oozing sexy that did have a little pouch and there is nothing wrong with having one!! Most of us(men & women) will develop one as we get older and that seems to be the hardest part to keep in shape! So, if anyone doesn't think that someone is sexy because they have a pouch, then you are going to live a terrible life and have to keep dating girls that are 18 to late 20's and that has never had a baby!! All you ladies need to understand that fact about as we all age, our bodies will change no matter what we do! Maybe 1 out of a 1000 can keep it in prefect shape(genatics more than excercise and made up stat) and if you aren't one of them, you shouldn't feel bad about it! It will just drive you crazy and make your self-esteem go downhill!! You ladies are all beautiful in your own way!!! No need to compare yourselves to these models/actresses that have personal traners and still have to be airbrushed before their pictures go in the magizines!!! See the beauty in yourself and let your partner see the beauty from all angles, inside and out!! Oh well, off my little soapbox!!haha Peace, Mark
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