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Everything posted by zakdad

  1. No you aren't!! I don't care what anyone says, sex makes us happy and we sure smile a lot!!!!hehe Our friends think we are wierd because we would rather be with each other than anyone else, period! Best friends, fuck buddies and we are married to each other!! Fuck what they all say, they are the ones that aren't too smart or happy!! Peace, Mark
  2. Another great one, Sun!! You two sound way too much like my wife and I!! Get it while you can before they are teenagers and you have to be way more sneaky! That can be a lot of fun, too!!!!hehe Peace, Mark
  3. I dropped by today to let you all know that I have missed you all for the past couple of weeks! I love this place and the people here! I have been covered up with work(good thing) and is why I haven't been around. Even the music has taken a backseat the past couple of weeks. Plus, with football season(yes, I am a fanatic) and going to see my Titans play has limited my time here as well. I hope everyone is doing well! I just took a look around and sounds like some of you are having a great time while others are just hanging in there. I hope to be around a little more in the coming few days, but I never know what is going to hit next! I hope all in the gulf coast are doing well and getting things back to normal! I saw where Tyger is without power, but glad to hear she made it through Ike! I do miss this place when I am away and hope to stay with you a little more now! Peace, Mark
  4. I agree! The harder iwork the further behind we get. Well, we are digging out slowly but surely!! Maybe have money for new toys before long!!!!
  5. Why do I have to work ALL the time?
  6. I'm going to chime in on this one! We have a family of racoons that like to eat our kittens!! Yes, they are eating them and we had to bring them in the house to get this to stop! The Humane Society will not do anything for us and animal control said the same!! So, we may start killing the racoons that are coming here! Traps didn't work and a leg trap would probably catch our cats!! We are about to lose it over these pesky little bastards! Just wanted to give my two cents on this!! Peace, Mark
  7. Hey gang, I wanted to let all of you know that I have really missed this place. I have come on here for a few minutes at a time to check on what's up, but too busy with work right now to post. I have been swamped with work and really miss coming here and posting/helping! I hope things will slow down a little bit to where I can start doing more posting in the next couple of weeks. I do really miss this place and it is the best place on the net!!! I'll be back as soon as things slow down a bit. Love and miss you all, Mark
  8. You are right Sun! Natural high and almost as good as sex!! I wish I had more hours in the day!! Peace, Mark
  9. Always!!!!!! ( You are welcome, MS!)
  10. You? (Not around here you are not!)
  11. No, playing music is close to sex, but not quite there!!haha It is the loss of sleep that kicks my ass most weekends! Get in a cool groove and blowing peoples minds is pretty close to sex though! Of course, I might have a big wetspot in my pants if it was like sex!!haha Peace, Mark
  12. hahahahahaha I do this at football games on the TV!! My wife says if takes her a couple of weeks to get used to me yelling at them and cussing about bad calls and all! It is usaually about week 2 or 3 of the regular season before she gets used to all of that! She thinks the kids or her have done something wrong and then she remembers, it's football season again! Poor girl is a football widow!!haha Peace, Mark
  13. I always say I will sleep when I am dead!!haha Just wish it would have been because of sex!! Had to play both nights and didn't even get laid!!haha Peace, Mark
  14. That is such a shitty thing for them to do to him!! We struggle all the time and I work all the time(well, when I am in here for a little while) and it is still hard to stay afloat! My wife is up for a full-time position at the local university and if she gets that, it will help so much!! Just keep your chin up and we wish the best for you guys!! You desearve it with all the help you have done for so many here!! Peace, Mark
  15. Sleep! (Knocked them dead both nights, Sun!!)
  16. Good for you, Ms!! Like you said, Fuckoff if they don't like it!! Now if I could sleep for a week!!haha Peace, Mark
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