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Posts posted by hotgirlydragon

  1. We found out that I was pregnant in March and he I guess had been trying to plan this since around Christmas time. I came a crossed the ring in his truck while cleaning it out after we went to the lake. (in July) :rolleyes: It wasn’t hide at all it was in the arm rest. I didn’t say anything that I had saw it. Then in September we were sitting on the couch and I was starting to get really huge on the pregnant side. :( He had just got home from work and I used him as a pillow and It was in is pocket and he just said “here you might like this” and gave it to me. It was two years later that we ended up getting married. :rolleyes:

  2. My night was pritty lame. We got married in are back yard and hubby and my brother had been sneeking beers on the side of are house. :angry: (I couldnt becasue inlaws are kinda picky that way) There was just are brothers and there girlfriends, parents, grandparents and just a couple of friends. There was only like 25 people there. Half stayed after and we got drunk and hubby and my brother were passed out by 9pm. They drank poison (the alcohol) YUCK!! And I went to girly beers (I like the Jack ones!) There was no sex that night but it was just a reason to party because we already lived together for 2 years and had a kid together. :rolleyes: So it wasnt like we didnt know what to expect.

  3. I know how that is...My hubby drinks ALOT...not kidding...24 pack in a day sometimes. I cant count on my hands how many times he has passed out on me, playing with me or me playing with him. I have also hird "I wish I could remember how I got on the floor upstairs naked" and "what happend lastnight". As for Im not the drinker. I think it has been over a year since I have even had a drink. I just sit back and laugh most the time.

    ~MM~ good luck living that one down my hubby hasnt yet...

  4. Just thought I would say HI! Im new to this whole thing... :rolleyes: I hope to learn lots and hope to help also.

    I have been married to hubby for almost 5 years and have been with him for 8 1/2 years. The first two years was a long distance thing and so when we were together it was very hot and now things are starting to cool down in the bedroom :( Alot of it has to do with kids and stress. I hope to learn more about adding things in the bedroom to spice it up a bit.

    So Hi for now...

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