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Posts posted by DADT

  1. OK...what is with the sarcastic pessimism? I admit, my point of view is probably skewed by some resentful feelings, but why all the reference to divorce. You really think swinging is that much of a distraction from our emotional and physical relationship? If so, by all means enlighten me.

    I'm not being sarcastic. You have painted a bleak picture. Maybe you exaggerated. I can't tell from here. But taking your situation on face value, based on what you said, I can't see what you are getting out of the relationship.

    What is sex supposed to be? Ideally an expression of love, closeness, belonging to each other. Right? Sure when you are a kid you just want your jollies. But once you become a married adult, sex becomes different. Or at least it should do. Otherwise why get married?

    Swinging isn't causing the empty place in your soul. But it isn't filling it either. Its really just a symptom.

    Anyway, Smiley, all I meant to do was to offer some considered thoughts based on some experience.

    Good luck whatever happens.

  2. Wow Dadt, somehow I feel like a hit a nerve with my last reply, LOL. It's a good thing I'm thick-skinned and willing to accept constructive criticism.

    After re-reading my replies, I did notice that some of my reasoning surrounding the swinging topic made it sound like I'd rather continue "the recreational fucking" than work at awakening his sexual interest again. Just to clarify, that's not the situation at all. Like I said earlier on, I would LOVE for it to be just me and him again. Aside from his psychological malfunctions (for lack of better terms) my SO is a bored soul. He does not have a romantic/sensual bone in his body. I (and I accentuate the I) have tried everything my imagination can generate to see what makes him tick.

    The thing with him is, as soon as he tries it and likes it, he's ready to move on to something new almost instantaneously. He gets a thrill from the "taboo"...which I think is why he is so set on swinging. Tying me up or vice versa, power exchange, erotic massage, mutual masturbation, watching each other masturbate, "rough" sex...none of it sustains his interest for more than a single sack session. I'll bet there is nothing in your distinguished list of "spicing things up with your spouse" that we haven't tried or continue to do as a part of our once every two week escapade. Nothing except for changing the face and body of the person he's with, watching me with another woman (or man), or being with another man's wife in front of the guy does it for him. He gets OFF on feeling like he's doing something wrong. I say it again, he is sexually spoiled. He still has that 18yr old mentality; fuck as many women as he can and experience it all. He doesn't have to work for it, because all of his fantasies and desires have been served to him on a silver fucking platter. I didn't coin the term "married sex." He did. He is completely unsatisfied unless he is tasting the rainbow. If there was no job issues, I fear THAT would STILL be our reality. If living like a free agent is the ONLY thing that makes him happy, who am I to say "no, let's not do that anymore"

    You sense exhaustion for a reason, I am TIRED of feeling like I have to trade bodies with someone just to get my man to want me. I'm TIRED of talking to a cold wall of a human being every day at 530 on the dot. Think of it in terms of empty nesters. You raised your kids, did the best you could, and now it's time to take care of you. I gave him sexual freedom and freedom from being exclusive to one sexual partner (what many husbands would kill for), and did my best to ensure his needs were taken care of. Now I just want someone to focus on ME a little. I want him to WANT to make ME HAPPY. As I have him. Is that completely selfish? Yes. BUT I devote a lot of time to his happiness, and continue to expect nothing in return except love (good thing, cuz I'd be SOL otherwise). If he were to demonstrate the same amount of interest in satisfying me as I do him, I betcha I would be a happy gal.

    Ahhhh jeezz the plot only thickens.

    Make sure your second husband is a fully formed human being. But wait a few years so that your anger can evaporate, and you can rebuild your self-esteem. I agree. You've tried very hard. He sounds like a thrill addict. That cannot be easy to live with. And perhaps you should no longer try.

  3. AND back to swinging (sigh). The whole thing is almost exhausting to think about in between studying socialist theories and business laws. Huff---I digress. The swinging thing is a very difficult topic. Both of us enjoy being with other people sexually; if anything it makes the sex between him and I very lusty and exciting (well, once upon a time). Initially I felt like it was what created the sexual barrier between us, like he'd rather be with other women than the same ol' pussy every night (pardon the language). The problem is, and I go by our previous trials at complete monogomy, the sex fizzles. It gets boring and well, becomes what he so tenderly refers to as "married sex."

    You're going to hate me.

    I changed my mind. Get divorced. Go ahead and continue the recreational fucking. I can see how you would value that over becoming real soul mates. And isn't it a chore to figure out how to push your partner's sexual buttons. All that tiresome trial and error. Does he like his balls licked? Deapthroat or slowly suck the tip? Should I talk dirty? OK to pull his hair? Nails on the back? I wonder if he'd jerk off in front on me? That would be hot. Nah, too much work.

    BTW, the swinging thing may have become an addiction. That's why you may be afraid to give it up. Its a narcotic high. Take you out of yourself for the evening. Super. And yet here you are asking us for help because you can't connect right with hubby. And we're happy to help. A lot of us have had to overcome disconnection and lack of intimacy issues. But you got to listen. Unless you want to be yet another case of marital roadkill. And how empty would both of you feel if that happened.

    WTF is "Married Sex." Stale, unimaginative, repetitive, same thing on the menu each week. That what you are getting at? Well yeah, that will indeed happen if you and he are mentally lazy. You want hot sex? Make it happen. He will be creative if he's encouraged to be. So just freak him out, but in a good way. Strip for him. Masturbate in front of him (he'll say he disapproves, but he'll love it), random blow jobs in the car. There's a billion terabytes of erotica on the web. Do some research. Make him do some too. Hey do it together.

    I know that's a horrible way to look at things, and I know I'm naive to the many issues that should probably be shooting off metaphoric "ERROR" flares, but I don't know what else to do really. We talked about the lifestyle in our convo, and both agreed that the way we prioritized meeting up with other couples was not helping, and that it was time we could have been spending working on our own sexual relationship. BUT....neither one of us wants things to fall back into a routine again. My husband is a very logical thinker, he is far from creative. So when it comes to changing things up, that usually falls on my shoulders.

    You want to save a marriage or ensure an equitable distribution of emotional labor? You are clearly very smart. You express yourself very well. So I think you will understand what I'm about to say. Neither of you are emotionally strong right now. Beneath all the clever phrasing I sense emotional exhaustion. Probably the worst frame of mind to start developing a solid, mature, relationship. But you are where are.

    If you spend a life time together, and I really hope you do, the emotional burden will ebb and flow between you. Some times you feel stronger. Some times you will need him to hold you up. And some times it will be about equal. And that's the fun of a real relationship. To need someone and to have them need you back. Ring true?

    Right now you are the stronger one. So yeah, you have the burden if that's what you want to call it.

    As for the oral thing you mentioned, I don't know what planet my husband reigned from, but when he doesn't want sex, he doesn't want ANYTHING to do with sex. Notably in that aspect, I feel he is very selfish. I have never been demanding of sex, I'm just too passive for that. I usually approach the area of sexual suggestion with caution in fear of being rejected; rightly so, I am USUALLY rejected. Once a girl is turned down so many times, she stops trying, and once I stopped trying, our sex life diminished. Thus why I jumped on this sexpert board with such haste and visible frustration! I'm glad I found what psychological barrier sits between him and I sexually, but now I worry that the job frustration will be used as a scape goat for continued sexual denial. Then again, I overanalyze a lot of things.

    If you work on fixing his sense of failure at work, showing him you accept and understand and still really love him, he will feel safe again and want sex. His sense of shame should diminish. Obviously, the "What can you do about? Just suck it up" approach didn't work. It will take time. Be patient.

    But don't be passive. Implies you don't care. You want the opposite. Done the right way, being a sexual aggressive female is a huge turn on to a man. In fact, when your marine finally lets his guard down, and allows you a bit further in his heart, he's going to love being overpowered by you. So put on your "That's Mrs. Bitch to you" t-shirt and get demanding. In a good way. He will follow. Start by teaching him how to lick you. Every man has to know that. Its the sexual equivalent of having a drivers license. As he gets better at it he will like how you respond to it. That will keep him coming back to your "same old, tired-ass, married" pussy. You dig?

    It's the classic "caught btwn a rock and a hard place" scenario no matter which way I turn, and I'm not sure how to approach the whole damn thing.

    If he sees you fight to make your marriage work, he should want to get on board. Doesn't matter how you approach it. You take one step at a time toward a new, happier life. I can't guarantee you'll be fine in the end. Hubby also has to decide to get unstuck from the past, and decide how his future with you should look. Is he ready to learn how to cherish you? Is he ready to learn how your feminine brain works? Does he want to be able to bare the burden when you can't? Can he find it within himself to let you in and trust you with his deepest fears when they arise?

    If the answer is "no" then put your marriage out of its misery.

    I probably sound harsh. Sorry. You just need that kind of help.

  4. Thanks so much Dadt, those are very encouraging words! I've already noticed a bigger sense of peace just in his demeanor; it's kind of like our talk took a huge monkey off his back and now he can relax. He smiled at me today during his lunch break, and I almost didn't remember how handsome he was when he smiles. I guess my marital pressures were only fueling the psychological stress of feeling like a "failure" at work, and brought them home too. I interested to see where things go now, assuming we are on the same page with one another. I had some humbling realizations last night; I realize how unsuportive I was of his pain. Everytime he came home to "bitch about another bad day" I would just roll my eyes and say "nothing you can do about it" which was far from encouraging I'm sure. Now that I know what eats him up, I can at least do my best wrap a bandage around his wounds.

    I guess this is why I felt our emotional bond was good; I feel like if we had any emotional problems in our marriage, swinging would have destroyed us a long time ago. (Sad but very true). Just the fact that we were able to level with each other, and that he was able to show me a softer side of a rather arrogant marine I've learned to know and love, makes me confident that we could survive some brutal blows. Your feedback is always appreciated, Dadt. As for everyone else, please add your thoughts too! Everyone here has helped me look at the big picture and figure out what was behind this loss of intimacy, and for that I am very grateful! I only wish I had friends like that close by. Have a great afternoon everyone :P


    OK. At the risk of becoming the uncle you never wanted, I have a few more thoughts.

    You done some great things. You've potentially saved what can become a great marriage. You have made it possible for your depressed hubby to see hope again. And you have made it easier for him to unburden himself of his sense of shame brought on by perceiving himself as a failure. That is quite remarkable given your age and your own feelings of anger. You must have very good instincts. That will help you a lot. And will help him trust you as the years unfold. I would say that you beat yourself up too much as the "non-supportive wife." How could you understand his shame, if he disguised it with anger & emotional withdrawal?

    I hope we've convinced you that the swinging should stop. I'm not judging you or him. Its neither wrong or right as long as everyone involved is consenting. However, you want true intimacy with hubby. Why? You don't just miss sex (you have an outlet for that). You miss him really being completely part of your whole life. Men and woman need sexual intimacy for different reasons. But it is still essential to both genders. It really is the glue that bonds a woman and a man together. Otherwise, just be palls & roommates & FWBs as Mikayla so eloquently intimated. That's what you want. Its why you got married. Well, I don't believe you can regain that if you continue to swing because it really is going to confuse the sexual messages you send yourselves and each other. How do you convince yourselves that sex with each other is something special, to be cherished and nurtured, and then tell yourself that the recreational fucking you do with other people is no biggy. You are both asking your emotional brains to do a lot of acrobatics when you really need your focus to be on each other. OK I think I've flogged that dead horse enough.

    So he is a marine. That is a very overpowering culture. Not one conducive to training young men to be sensitive husbands. And from what my friends who are former marines tell me, if you succeed in their terms you are golden. If you fail you an object of shame. And failure and shame are things that terrify men. Can they succeed at providing for their family? Can they succeed at making their spouse happy? Can they achieve in the workplace? If at every turn a man hears the answer is "no," he begins to break down. Which is basically what you are witnessing. Its made more acute by the fact that he has no way out of the Marine Corp in the near term. And that has a knock on effect in the other areas of his like, and of course yours. Any of this ringing true?

    And now I have a big ask again. Back off on the demands for sex. I know that is completely unfair. You have done nothing wrong, and jeepers you have needs too. But sex right now is dividing you emotionally. You both need the opportunity for that issue to be less emotionally charged. I think you'll find that if you back off, he will feel safer and come out of his shell. It may take time mind. But it will happen. Actually, let me amend that so it isn't drudgery for you. Don't demand intercourse. Making demands kills desire, the very thing you want to come back. However, you can ask him to learn how to pleasure you orally, if he hasn't become good at that already. Excuse me for being so graphic, but we are all adults here. It is a nice way for him to succeed with you. That will help build him up again. And then pretty soon, starting with some nice, tender oral, will lead to the rip roaring sex that you read about in "Young Bride Magazine."

    OK last piece of unsolicited advice. When the immediate unhappiness has abated & you guys think that you are back in a "happy place" where you can talk openly & freely again, I'm going to suggest some reading. There is a book by Willard F. Harley, PhD called "LOVE BUSTERS: Protecting Your Marriage from Habits That Destroy Romantic Love." Its really written for couples with more miles on their relationship. But you are an intelligent woman who seems capable of some preventive medicine. It basically identifies the behaviors that men and women respond negatively to in each other, and suggests alternative ways for couples to interact. Can't hurt to read it.

    Hope I helped. Hope I haven't pissed you off.

  5. DADT..you are soo ....welll...you are just sooooooo :P


    Well...you're...how can I say this?....you're....the word is on the tip of my tongue......so......and I mean this from the bottom of my heart....where was I.....Oh I know what I wanted to say......goodness is that the time.....well I think you know what I mean.

    Lovely chatting.

  6. All I can say is WOW DADT!!! I'll say "something to think about" I was so enlightened by what you said that I shared it with my hubby this afternoon when he got home from work, and it turned into one of the most productive, if not theraputic conversations we've ever had. He was shocked that someone he didn't know had pegged him and his situation so well; especially a deep-seeded issue that even he couldn't adequately come to terms with on his own. It was almost a bitter-sweet experience, as I didn't know he was so unhappy to begin with, I never knew that hating your job could be so influential on your personal life, especially to the point that it changed his overall perspective on life and relationships (sexually and otherwise). I don't want to write you guys a novel, so I'll highlight:

    He's a junior-enlisted marine, and he's 10lbs overweight...not sure if anyone knows, but that is OBESE according to the Marines. Day in and day out, he is criticized and undermined, because a "fat" marine, is not worthy of respect. Now this isn't NEW NEWS to me, I know it must hurt him to be in a job built on superficial monotony, and be the so-called black-sheep of his unit; I'm here every afternoon when he needs someone to vent to. I NEVER EVER realized how much of an impact this had on him, not until this evening. He described his job in the Marines as a life-sucking force that he couldn't escape. The more I think about it, the more I feel like, hell, I wouldn't be the same humble and loving individual either. Think about it, if you had a job where your extra 10lbs was sitting between you and your next promotion, and the hard work you put in every day is reduced to nothing because of how you look in your uniform, opening up to someone sexually would only allow you to become even more vulnerable. I feel horrible for not looking at the big picture, but at least I know why he's so different today, than he was when I married him.

    I just wish I could fix it for him. I wish everyone else saww him for what a fantastic person he is; but then again, he's my best friend for a reason.

    Not to get all mushy on you guys, but it was a very emotional conversation! He opened up to me in a way I've never seen him do, and all because of you DADT! I now have the piece of mind that it's not just ME. Much thanks to everyone who contributed to my question, and DADT...you rock; I deem you DR. DADT (you should seriously consider being a shrink, if you haven't already LOL!!)

    I've never been a Marine. But as far as the rest of those feelings go lets just say in the past I have "been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, sweatshirt, and baseball cap."

    I'm proud of you for having the guts to show it to him. And I am glad that it helped. You guys are not unique in dealing with these issues. And when you are young just figuring out what the issues are is hard enough. Luckily you decided to not struggle alone.

    If I can I'll give you more feedback. Be kind and gentle to each other. You don't even know how massive last night was for you. He doesn't have to "marine" his way through his marriage anymore. Your honey will start reappearing as you guys figure out what next.

    Regards, DADT

  7. lmao.. I did not notice I spelled breast wrong..lol! oink oink DADT

    Well, if you just stopped playing with your tits you might be able to concentrate.

    Mind you if I had tits like that, I would have spelled it "&$%*$." That's how I type when my hands are full.

    Oink, Oink.

  8. What's a "Breat."

    Hey nice tits though. Really nice. But they look cold though. Somebody with big warm hands should hold them for you. Just a suggestion.

    Yes I know I'm a pig. Come from a long line of pigs.

  9. Thanks again Mikayla and Lil-Librarian.

    Honestly, the "maybe he's just not that into you" thing has been the prime concern here. He claims that I am beautiful to him and that he is very sexually attracted to me. Of course that would be the default answer for most guys who would like to stay out of the dog house!! LOL To be perfectly honest, I've even brought up divorce!! It has come up in our conversations, because it isn't just me that notices this lack of chemistry (for lack of better terms). Everytime I tell him that he isn't giving me what I need and that I feel sex is a pivotal part of marriage, he blows me off, saying "I'm sorry babe, I'm trying, I'm so tired all the time..." and blah-blah-blah. It's like this whole burden had fallen on my shoulders, he doesn't sexually desire ME, so I have to spice things up, and I have to fix this and that, and he just gets to sit back. Frankly, I'm tired of feeling like I'm the only one putting forth effort. I thought maybe it was just a difference in sex drives, but honestly, how many 23 yr old men do you know have a problem with desire? UGHH....thanks for letting me vent guys, hopefully you understand my frustration. Mikayla, I can't speak for him when I say why we married, but I married because he WAS the best person I had ever met, and I wanted to see the world with him by my side. Our chemistry used to be unmatching, but something changed along the way. I just have to put my finger on it.

    SLOW DOWN. Divorce? You've been married like 5 minutes.

    I've only got your description to go by, but something is profoundly up with your fella. He's unhappy about something and its manifesting itself in him withdrawing sexually. I agree that you are both young people and normally couples your age have sex constantly. And as a young, healthy woman you should indeed expect to be having sex pretty much on demand. That's if you are both in a happy place. But he isn't is he? And maybe you aren't either.

    The "maybe he's just not that into you" diagnosis doesn't go deep enough. If that's true then you need to ask why not. Not long ago you were so happy with each other you got married. So what did you adore about each other then (and I mean non-sexually) and what happened to it? Are you still friends in the same way? Do you still like and understand how each of you think about things?

    BTW, a sense of failure is about the most debilitating feeling a men can have. Feeling like a failure is corrosive to a man, somewhat akin to a woman not feeling secure. Does his job suck so much that its taken his smile away? Does he feel like maybe you look at him as a failure? I'm not saying you do. I'm just asking could he feel like you do?

    And of course you want him to talk. Your desperate. Where did honey go? You're supposed to be his Everything. Feels like he kinda abandoned you. WTF right? And the maddening thing is you are completely justified to feel that way. You didn't do anything wrong that we know of. But I'm going to suggest something to you that right now is a "big ask." Back off. Your soul mate is hurting. He can't understand it completely. He has no control over it. And to talk about it with you is so painful he shuts down. To a woman it makes no sense. You guys share your darkest thoughts with each other and take great comfort in having that outlet. A man could be dying of a cancerous tumor and have 3 weeks to live, and would still rather talk about sports with his buddies than admit he's terrified. We are different animals.

    Does the swinging help? No. Its noise. A distraction. He fucks some anonymous woman or masturbates to porn as a temporary form of self soothing. For 30 minutes he distracted from his real headache. But its enabling him to avoid what he's feeling. S.O.P. for Men. And it's probably that way for you too. If you can get this swinging phase behind you it will help a bunch. Sadly I don't have "Disengaging from Swinging for Dummies" instructions.

    If it was just about having jolly orgasms then you'd be happily continuing with "the Lifestyle." But it isn't. You really want to reconnect badly, feel loved and cherished. Healthy, sensual sex is all part of that.

    I haven't really given you any answers. But perhaps some things to think about. Good luck.

  10. Maybe it isn't the Swinging. How are you guys getting along in your regular life? Maybe there is some dissatisfaction going on that's getting in the way of his true lust for you. Is he otherwise the happy guy you married? BTW, if you have been getting angry at him because he won't give you nookie, he will be even less likely to want it with you.

    So check your emotional connections with each other. Just a thought.

  11. Well that was worth the wait! Are you going to keep make us beg for next installment?

    Hey Bean. How ya doing. Sooo glad you liked it.

    I'm exhausted. I'm on sabbatical. Perhaps you might want to try your hand at thrilling us all.


    If I wasn't expecting my daughter home any minute, I'd be grabbing my college stud..... Now I'm just going to have to endure hours before finding my own release.......

    BTW, Great story!

    I feel 10 feet tall. Means a lot coming from you Sweetie.

  13. "MMMMmmmmmmmmm.....oh, yeeeahhhhh"

    Your story was more than inspiration for my morning play time! You are very, very talented indeed and I LOVE reading your work!

    Keep giving it to me (us) baby, we (I) love it!


    Darling M:

    I'm thrilled at the thought that it aroused you. I know you'll only accept erotica of the highest quality. A lot of TLC went into this tale. But it was arduous labor and took a lot out of me. Maybe I should make like JD Salinger and quit while I'm ahead.

    Agonizingly Yours, DADT

  14. Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. Give me Life without parole.

    Love everything about this. Looking forward to cumming in her before she's had her orgasm (its usually the other way around). It excites her to feel me release, which she feels more acutely with her pre-orgasm pussy. The thrill of her increased excitement as she realizes I really am going to devour her as our cocktail flows into my mouth. And the sloppy gooey texture of everything is so wild too.

    TBH, when the cocktail is mixed, the blend seems to neutralize any nasty tastes. Flavor-wise it tastes quite mild.

    Guys, don't knock it until you try it. You're being squeamish about what, maybe 3 teaspoons of goo, most of which will not actually end up in your mouth. You're cheating yourselves of an outrageous experience.

    When you lick your gal, do you give a second thought to the fact that she pees out of that same location? Hell no. Well take that attitude into this activity. She's never let you out of the bed.

    • Like 1
  15. Very, very nice! Great details! You have some real talent, dear. Thanks for sharing it with us. I was right to wait until I got home to read it. ;)

    You are too kind.

    It was rather long I know, but it seemed important that we know who these women were. I hope it wasn't too frustrating waiting to get to the erotic parts.

    It was nice to write a more tender story. "Sad Face" ended up being a bit more raunchy than I had really intended. Of course, you, Ladylove, and Shelly got me all revved up. And TA sent me over the top. How could I have been expected to retrain my characters with my mind scrambled the way it was?

    Anyway, if I made Alone Time a lot more fun then I am a happy author.

    See patience really is a virtue.

  16. There was a knock at the door and she went to answer it. "Francesca Julianna Beauvoir, you look exquisite. Come in, come in. Welcome to Palm Beech. I can't believe you are finally here. Lets have a look at you." "Glad to leave frozen Manhattan behind. And what about you Isabelle Margarite Delmonti? You turned all girlie-girl. Where are you hiding all your sweetpants and hoodies?" It had always been their private joke to say each other's preposterous full names at least once a day. The friends laughed & clutched each other as if they'd never let go.

    A decade or so before they had been BFFs at a small liberal arts college. They were inseparable. Neither of them were "outcasts" per se, but no invitations had been extended to join the"in crowd" either. Belle had been on the swim team. Liked going to the meets. Loved the physical exertion & that feeling of being at physical peak. But was not interested in having a chlorinated extended family to hang out with. Once she had done her laps & lifted weights she waved goodbye to her fellow"fish" and went to find Franny. When not swimming or hanging with Franny, she would grudgingly work towards completing her degree in psychology.

    Franny was all about Fine Arts. All the artists she studied seemed noble, & romantic, & passionate. All sensibilities she wanted to possess, but somehow felt she lacked. She did join the school's amateur ballet troop, which did allow her to develop a strong, supple body. But alas she was never the prima ballerina and the parts she played had sporadic and fleeting appearances on stage. In addition, she was personna non grata with the other dancers. God had blessed her with a metabolism that allowed her to destroy pizza, chocolate in any form, and ice cream by the pint and not gain an ounce. Her colleagues would look on green with envy as they made do with celery and cottage cheese.

    Why were they friends? Seemingly an unlikely pair they just seemed to get each other. When Franny was with Belle the world seemed safe and secure. Belle was a bundle of positive energy, but she accepted Franny in every way. If Franny was having a fragile day, Belle didn't say anything trite like "Chin up. The sun will come out tomorrow." She just ask Franny to tell her how she felt so she could understand her friend. And for her part, Belle was drawn to Franny because she seemed so mature and erudite, but never talked down to Belle like she was a dumb jock.

    OK so I shouldn't go any further without telling your "mind's eye" what our damsels look like. The years had been kind to both these ladies. More than kind. When Belle's swimming career ended, God in Her infinite wisdom had decided that henceforth Belle would be an endless series of sensual curves. Men of a certain generation felt compelled to tell her that the great film director, Russ Meyer, would have made her the focal point of all his movies if only she had been born 30 years prior. In the Voluptuous Hall of Fame, her statue would be placed between Jane Mansfield and Jane Russell.

    Today her bushy chestnut hair cascaded well past her shoulders. Her face was all soft features, with welcoming hazel eyes. Skin was berry brown. She had applied plum lipstick to her full lips. Her body was adorned with a cinnamon colored sleeveless dress with pale creme polka dots. It desperately adhered to her every curve. Light olive espadrilles completed her ensemble.

    Franny had changed little physically. She could still pass for a ballerina, which she was quite proud of, and worked quite hard at. But the way she decorated herself had changed considerably. No more library mouse she. A skilled stylist had made sure that her fine, ash blond hair framed her exquisite face on its way to touching her shoulders. In contrast to Belle, her features were sharp, and precise, with high dramatic cheek bones. Her lips were thin, making her seem mysterious, but still very sensual when she was in certain moods. Crimson lipstick complemented perfectly her slate gray eyes and fair skin.

    In deference to the Florida color pallet, she had on a short-sleeved scoop necked t-shirt of cotton-spandex blend in a radiant chartreuse. It clung to say the least. On her bottom half were straw colored linen pants. Unremarkable except that to get into them, a tailor must have sewn them on her. A pair of coral pink slingback heels completed the look.

    Belle: "Let's eat. I made your favorite. Lobster ravioli."

    Franny: "You remembered. You spoil me."

    Belle: "Its gets better. There's tiramisu made with Grand Marnier for desert."

    Franny: "I'm fainting with glee."

    The two friends caught up on family and friends, as they devoured their feast. An hour later, there was not a scrap left as they enjoyed the last few sips of an Australian merlot.

    Belle: "OK you. Spill it. Why did you have to come all the way down here so urgently. What's this thing you have to tell me."

    Franny: "It was that letter you sent me when you told me you had become a lesbian, and that you had fallen in love with a girl called Amanda. Well you called her Mandy in the letter. It was such a beautiful letter and I wanted to be happy for you, but I was jealous."

    Belle: "I wrote that 2 years ago. Mandy is long gone. Why is it so important now?"

    Franny: "Ever since I got that letter I knew Mark was not right for me. We got divorced 5 months later."

    Belle: "My letter caused that? I'm horrified. But how?"

    Franny: "Now that I'm here I'm suddenly scared to say."

    Franny got up and nervously walked toward the window looking out onto the balcony and the Atlantic beyond.

    Belle: "Franny. We were always able to confide in each other. What is it?"

    Franny: "I love you Belle."

    Belle: "I love you too. We've always been close."

    Franny: "I don't mean in a sisterly way. When I got that letter I felt a mini-rage."

    Belle: "But why?"

    Franny: "Because I should have been your first true love. I've loved you ever since we were in college. Did you think I gave a damn about swimming & whether your times were improving? I went to all those meet just to see you. To be there with you. I SHOULD HAVE LOST MY VIRGINITY TO YOU!"

    There she had blurted it out. Hot little tears started to leak out of her eyes. That made her angrier. "Great. Wimpy mouse strikes again." She couldn't look at Belle. She just stared at the Atlantic feeling like an idiot. It had seemed like such a good idea on the plane. Now she just wanted to die.

    And then she felt some warm hands on her cheeks. She was so upset she hadn't seen Belle come towards her. Belle held Franny's face in her hands. She brushed aside the tears on Franny's cheek bones and looked her in the eyes for what seemed like the longest time.

    Belle: "That is the sweetest speech you or anyone has ever said to me. My heart breaks its so beautiful. What would you say if I told you that I have made love to you in my mind countless times since we first met."

    Franny: "Belle don't just say things to jolly me up. I couldn't stand being pitied. Not by you, my dearest friend ever."

    Franny broke eye contact. Belle held her delicate face firmly in place, and leaned down to place her lips on Franny's mouth. Belle felt a unimaginable euphoria. She wanted to drink Franny in. She let go of Franny's face, and wrapped one strong arm around Franny's slim waist, and with the other hand she held the back of Franny's neck and head. Belle thought she had never touched something so ravishing. Her dear friend and secret crush somehow seemed even more sensual that Belle had imagined.

    Franny was overcome with relief, followed by joy. Could it really be that Belle wanted her as much as she wanted Belle? Oh to be held in Belle's arms. She had never felt so secure, safe...and wanted. She placed her hands on Belle's shoulders, and suddenly felt compelled to wrap her right leg around Belle's left leg. Belle breathed deeply. When Franny had done that, Belle felt her own muscular thigh slide in between Franny's legs. For the first time in her life she actually felt her chest heave with excitement. Belle had to break off the kiss as she felt she might suffocate with happiness.

    Franny: "Make love to me Belle. Right now. Take my virginity. I need you to know me, and feel me, inside and out. I need you to extinguish the ache I've felt for you. Please, just take me Belle."

    Belle: "OMG, Franny I'm scared I might hurt you I want you so bad. Can I really touch you, and taste you, and smell you all over? Right now?"

    Franny: "I've dreamed of giving myself to you a million times. Make love to me Belle!"

    The two friends went into Belle's boudoir. Belle peeled off Franny's shirt and disposed of her bra too. Franny kicked off her shoes, unzipped and slid off her pants. Belle's dress and espadrilles were discarded in an instant. They stood before each other, reached out and clasped each others' hands and kissed deeply.

    As they stood, Belle's hands started to explore the contours of Franny's body. She stroked down Franny spine until her hands cupped her buttocks. They felt like two perfectly ripened grapefruits. That was it. Belle couldn't wait any longer. Still holding her, she lifted Franny up and plopped her on the bed. Franny reached out with her arms and gesture Belle to come closer. As Belle descended towards her, Franny took her head and guided Belle's lips towards her neck. Belle kissed Franny's neck and shoulders ravenously. It was so intense for Franny that she wrapped her legs around Belle's torso.

    Belle began to caress Franny's breasts, and hungrily sucked in one nipple at a time. Franny moaned as she felt electricity pulse through her body. Belle's hot breath on her breasts made her feel an ache she had never quite felt before. Belle continued down Franny's belly and on to her mound and thighs. Belle wrapped arms around Franny's legs and pulled her pussy towards her tongue.

    Franny thought she would die with pleasure as she felt Belle's tongue swirl around and through her lips, push into her opening, and flit across her clit. How could it get better than this? As Belle gradually applied more pressure and focused on the clit it did indeed get a lot better. Franny was wonderfully helpless as she felt Belle's tongue chase her clit around and around.

    Franny: "Belle, I'm in agony. Please, bring me home. I feel faint. I can't believe how good you make me feel."

    Belle: "Are you ready? I don't want to rush your first time."

    Franny: "I'm perfectly ready. I need to release!"

    Belle continued her tongue massage of Franny's clit, but started very slowly to insert her index finger into Franny's pussy. First it was just the finger tip. Delicate little strokes. Hi. How are you? Can I come in? . Franny's head swung from one side to the other. Her hands shot out and grabbed Belles wrists.

    Franny: "Its too good. Its way too fucking good. Give me more."

    Belle: "Like how much more? This much more. Is that going to be enough."

    As she said this, she allowed her finger to slide in up to the knuckle. And slowly out again. Franny's grip on Belle's wrists got tighter. Franny's toned ballerina legs started to close, but Belle held them firmly open.

    Belle: "Franny darling. You look like you're in agony. What can I do?"

    Franny: "Belle, please, make the ache stop. I'm going insane. I need to explode."

    So Belle gave her all of the finger. She increased the speed and pressure of her hand thrusts. Her tongue darted over Franny's clit. Franny could endure it no longer. Belle continued to apply her deft finger strokes as she looked up to encourage her friend across the finish line.

    Belle: "Come on darling. Nearly there. You are so juicy. It feels so good to have my finger inside you. Do you like what Belle is doing. Yes? The cum for me sweetie. Cum for Belle."

    Franny's breathing became short, sharp, hissed gasps. Her body seemed to be one, big muscle, exerting itself to breaking point. And then she let go.

    Franny: "Belle, thank you. Oh God. Belle. I love you. It hurts so good. Ahhhhh.......Ahhhhh....Ahhhhhh. Oh God, I'm going to die.....What are you fucking doing to me? Oh God. HEELLLPPPPPP MMMEEEE!"

    Franny's body convulsed and bucked. Her hands desperately grabbed at the bed cloths. Her legs clasped Belle's torso tightly. Her face was in the most excruciating grimace with eyes screwed shut. Eventually, Franny turned on her side, opened her eyes, as she gasped for air.

    Franny: "Belle. You've ruined me. I can never have anyone else. I had no idea my body could do that."

    Belle: "Franny that was so hot. Do you mind if I touch myself? I have my own ache to deal with."

    Franny: "Yes, I do mind. I'm going to make you cum. That's right. Your little Franny is going to eat you. Lie down. NOW!"

    Franny's forcefulness was wildly exciting. Belle lay down.

    Belle: "Its fun to be submissive for a change. I'm normally the dominant one."

    Franny: "What do you mean 'normally the dominant one?' How many harlots have you been catting around with, you busty trollop?"

    Belle: "Enough."

    Franny: "Tell me."

    Belle: "Twelve."

    Franny: "Twelve? That's like a girlfriend every 2 months."

    Belle: "They weren't girlfriends. Hell they weren't even friends. And two were at the same time. So really that only counts as one. So just nine then."

    Franny: "You beastly pig. Your pussy is mine now. Only my fingers touch you. Only my tongue tastes you."

    Belle: "Shut up and lick me you little dike."

    And the two of them burst out laughing.

    Franny: "I'm trying to be dominant here. Don't make me laugh. Hey is it true what they say about you big girls?

    Belle: "Watch it with that big girl talk. Is what true?"

    Franny:"That you like it kind of rough. Biting, and nails, and nipple pinching."

    Belle: "Oh Christmas. I do. Yes please. Very rough. Yummy."

    Franny: "Really?"

    Belle: "Yes, really. And because I've been such a bad girl you may have to spank me too."

    Franny: "Spank you? Like this?"

    Franny gave Belle's outer thigh a nice slap.

    Belle: "Ooooh. Yes I've been very naughty. I think I need to be taught a really good lesson."

    Franny gave her another healthy slap, this time on her inner thigh.

    Belle: "Yes that's right. Teach me some more. I have been a really naughty Belle."

    Franny: "And what about these naughty tits? How many dirty mouths have been on these."

    Franny was really getting into it. She had never been so sexually aggressive. And Belle was so succulent. She hardly knew where to begin. Franny decided to straddle Belle by sitting with her groin on Belle's belly. Franny's still wet labial lips felt delightfully warm and slippery against Belle's mid-rift. That and Franny's post orgasm scent made Belle's own juices flow even more.

    Franny held Belle's wrists firmly down, and then began giving Belle bites on her neck and shoulders.

    Belle: "OMG, teeth have never felt so good. We're did you learn that? Don't stop."

    Franny looked up and winked. Then back down. She began to move down Belle's chest. She gave the engorged sides of each breast slow, soft hickeys. Belle could only groan and try to move her arms, but found herself unusually weak under Franny's grip. Franny continued her torture with quick little bites to Belle's nipples. Belle was sure she had died and gone to Heaven.

    Franny released Belle's wrists, and began running her nails down Belle's arms and the sides of her torso. She began to gently nip at Belle's soft belly. She was now straddling Belle's right leg, rubbing her pussy against Belle's thigh, while her own knee press against Belle's mound. Belle began to grind into Franny's leg as hard as she could. If she didn't get relief soon her head was going to explode.

    Belle: "Franny, please. Put me out of my misery. I'm going to have a seizure if I don't cum soon."

    Franny lay down between Belle's legs. Belle's scent was overpowering. And her lips were so full and puffy. Franny took a few seconds to admire her beauty. And then Belle took Franny's head in her hands and guided her head down. As soon as Franny's mouth made contact, she sucked in everything she could.

    Belle: "That feels soooo fuuuuuccckkking ggggoooddd. Eat me Franny. Eat my naughty pussy. Teach me a lesson. Ooooh God, what are you doing with your tongue?"

    Franny's tongue began to firmly lick up through Belle's pussy, with extra pressure applied to the clit. Belle's ache got so bad that she grabbed Franny's head and pulled it into her pussy, so that she could grind it against her face. Too add intensity, Franny's sharp tongue poked into Belle's opening.

    Belle: "Franny. You got to do something. Make me cum. Please. I can't wait. Please Franny. I want to cum for you so bad. Make me cum Franny. PLEASE!"

    Franny then did something rather curious. Belle expected her to keep licking. Franny had other plans. She got up and knelt beside Belle on her right side facing her friend. To Belle's amazement, Franny took Belle's hand and placed it under her own pussy. She guided Belle index finger in.

    Franny: "Fuck me again Belle. We'll see who comes first. Yeah?"

    Belle gasped. Franny then put her own index finger into to Belle's aching pussy. Where is it? Ah, there is her G. She began to rub in firm, rhythmic pulses with her index finger, while her thumb played with Belle's clit. Belle unconsciously returned the favor.

    Franny: "Come on my love. You need to cum. Its OK. Just go. I want to lick your honey off my fingers. Cum for me sweet Belle."

    Belle could not contain herself any longer.

    Belle: "Fuck, I'm cumming, Ahh....Ahhh.... Fuck....It feels sooo goood. Keep fucking me. Finger me harder. It feels so fucking good. Keep fucking me. Ahhh.....Ahhhh."

    Her orgasm felt so intense that it looked for all the world as if she was doing a stomach crunch. She was desperately gulping air in between piteous whimpers.

    Hearing that was too much for Franny. She started her own orgasm sequence.

    Franny: "Belle. Can you feel me? Can you feel my pussy? I'm cumming for you. I love you so much you made me cum again. Oh God. Keep fucking me too."

    Franny collapsed on Belle, surrendering to the waves coursing through her body. It truly was where agony meets ecstasy.

    The woman lay panting together, as both enjoyed their orgasmic tidal waves. As the waves subsided, they clutched each other silently for a few minutes. Eventually they both caught their breath.

    Franny: "I'm starving. Got any pop corn?"

    Belle: " Great idea. In the cupboard above the fridge. Microwave is about the stove."

    Franny: "Got any Dr. Pepper?"

    Belle: "Do I know you or what? Bought some this morning. Bottom shelf of the fridge."

    Franny: "Loved loosing my virginity to you. Guess that means I'm your bitch now."

    Belle: "Franny. We're dikes, not prison inmates."

    And the two friends fell about laughing.

  17. A brief blurb about my past relationship: I was married to a man who took great joy in abusing me in every way imaginable. After I literally escaped, I spent a great deal of time unable to look men in the eye and accept the causual touch of adult male family members like my Dad and my brothers. It took awhile, but I stopped feeling like that, although I still struggle with eye contact.

    I've never had a sexual relationship with someone that I was not married to. I have also never really dated, so I find this new world I am in intimidating. I ask myself, How in the world do I have a sexual relationship with someone that I have no committed relationship with?

    Fast forward to tonight: I've been out about 3 times with a really nice guy. Treats me like a lady, is really "into me". I enjoy his company, I enjoy exploring my sexual side with him. I like him as a person but can not see it becoming anything more than a friendship. He knows that I feel that way too. He also knows about my past. He knows how to arouse me sexually but I am not extremely sexually attracted to him. ( If that makes sense) The foreplay is outstanding between us. So tonight we had sex, and it was not great. He wants a repeat performance, I can't imagine repeating it. Although, I am glad that I am not crying and upset over the whole thing, I feel strangely numb. We had spent the whole evening together and once he finished, I just wanted him gone so I could shower. I gave an Oscar worthy performance though, so as not to hurt his feelings.

    Maybe I am not cut out for sex unless I am "in love" with someone. Maybe I am completely broken and doomed to a life of orgasming via toys.

    I realize that none of you can magically fix this for me, but if someone has some sage advice, bring it on.

    Hi Libby:

    You are OK. You got out of a dreadful marriage. That's good. But you feel a bit out of your element now. What are you to do about all this? Do you trust your feelings? Guess what? That's about how you should feel. Don't question your feelings. Just accept them. You feel the way you feel. That is just fine. You will find love when you are ready to. Sounds like you are not there yet. That's OK. You tried connecting with someone and it wasn't altogether fabulous. It happens. He's a nice guy. He treated you nicely. It was really sexually arousing to know someone wanted to get you aroused. We all like that. But you aren't really sexually attracted to him. Nice is not enough. Its not his fault. Its not your fault. You are not unique. But you are fine.

    Please do not fake sexual pleasure. My reason for advising this differs a bit. For your own sake, don't take on the burden of sparing the other person's feelings. You are not responsible for taking care of his ego. You have enough to cope with. If the sex is not satisfying for whatever reason, it is OK to say "sorry I need to stop." Sure he won't be psyched, but he will get over it, and you need to take care of you.

    You won't always feel like this. As your feelings become less and less raw, you will feel more and more attractive. And most likely, you will become attractive to the sort of man that you can not only be friends with, but also stirs that sexual passion that all human beings crave.

    Make sense? Helpful?

    Take care. It safe to share here. There are a ton of people here who get it. And I mean all it.

  18. That is SO true! I think 90% of the other problems in my relationship would go away if I was getting loving, enthusiastic sex once a week.

    Come on by. That happens to be my forte. And this week I'm having a special on tender nookie. You'll love it. We'll talk about how men never seem to appreciate the inner you and how they just aren't any good at noticing feminine cues and knowing when you need a hug and a cuddle. I'm full-service. There is foot and hand massage with lavender scented lotion. That comes standard. And then depending on your mood we can swing into finger tips down the spine or caressing along the inner arms and thighs. You decide. I'm here for you.

    If you did that more than once a week I bet the other 10% would evaporate too.

    If I HAD to chose I would chose a relationship that was just sex. It's easier to find a friend to talk to than to find a good sex partner. But I hope I never have to choose.

    No you don't have to choose. I'm right here. Just whistle.

    Hi Sunday. I tease woman because I love woman. Ask anyone here.

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