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Everything posted by lil_librarian

  1. Booo for knock offs, but at least you know and can sell it accordingly. Good luck!
  2. I can not speak for women in general. My ex, would never touch me tenderly unless he wanted sex, it did not take long for me to clue in to this fact. Although there were other factors in the marriage that made for a bad marriage, this did NOT help. For me, as a woman, I need touched outside of sex. I need physical intimacy that stands alone. I need to feel that I am "loved" for who I am as a person and not as a sexual object. It sounds like you do that though. I would just up the amount of touching that does not result in sex.
  3. Depends on what I am waiting for...lololol! TPBM had a sensual evening last night!
  4. Oh yes...then again..Libraries are pretty quiet! TPBM wants to make snow angels...!!
  5. It does not sound like it was your friend's intention to hurt your daughter, although it was pretty careless to pick a child up like that. I would certainly let your friend know though that picking your daughter up by the hand resulted in a pretty bad injury. You know your friend better than I, could she have been trying to deflect the blame because she was embarassed? Even so, it is not a good reason. Not sure how friendly you will want to be in the future with a person who does not understand how to apologize and show remorse. But yeah, if it was me, I would definately (in a calm direct fact based manner) let "my friend" know what the outcome was. Hope your daughter is feeling better.
  6. when i did a quick look and not for your specific bag...it was like $1000, but you would have to really try to google it and see if you can find what it orginally retailed for. Good luck!!
  7. I soooo know the feeling Tyger. It was nice here for several days...then BOOM back again being frigid. I really don't do frigid very well either. I am scared to check the weather..why depress myself in advance.
  8. I am planning...for the next installment of "congratulations" for tomorrow. TPBM is wearing sexy lingerie.
  9. Welcome and will be looking forward to reading your posts!
  10. HAHA...ok...I'm single as well. This is really interesting to me because I am sooo shy, I have a hard time intiating a conversation with someone I do not know. I wanna know how this goes...maybe it will encourage me. Good luck!
  11. Yes...and add another one as well TPBM hates to iron.
  12. No and THANK GOD! TPBM has major house cleaning to do.
  13. True I always have questions. TPBM is a natural blonde.
  14. What do you and the girls have planned?
  15. True.. TPBM is making breakfast in bed for someone.
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