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Posts posted by flyboy367

  1. my wife and i just started having sex again since our daughter was born. except for 2-3 times during the pregnancy basically it was a year since our last time. sell let me tell you it was like being a virgin again for both of us. although the condoms we used to use dont cut it anymore. we got all hot and heavy without one but not wanting another baby right away i opted for the raincoat. we loved the trojen extra sensitive. well basically soon as i got back in her with that it was like a flash drought. when i hit her spot i cant move till she gets off. sometimes its a pace lance armstrong couldnt even hold. if i get out of her grove for a few seconds she loses it. any thoughts on some super lubed condoms? she isnt a fan of lube gels. the time i will take to get them and use them she will lose interest in goin at it. i want it to be the best it can for her

  2. thanks for the reply. alot has gone on actually. maybe i dont want to think things changed up but they have. im a bigshot in my company and i make good cash. she feels like she does nothingt o help us. (she is a real estate agent and does good) i tell her she does the best thing take care of our daughter. my company moved me to the southern part of our state. so i ride 1.5 hours each way and put in generally an 11hour day. we had to give up our apartment cause the dravel expenses hospital bills and all. so we live at her mothers. i guess im muck more open about my sexual self then she is. but even before the baby she had no desire for sex. she does it to keep me happy but said a few times she can do without it all together. i just dont know what to do about it anymore. i cant even put my hand up her shirt to give her a backrub without her clenching up to protect her girl gear. its been so long since we had sex, supposedly we are having it tonite but she always promises and then doesnt want to, doesnt feel good, or something else distracs her. i dont know what to do anymore

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