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Posts posted by Kace

  1. You can attend either on your own or as a couple - but if you're asking if couples are practicing on each other during class then no. There is a single nude model on the massage table as the instructor demonstrates techniques, anatomy, correct breathing, etc. After each new stroke we were invited to try it practice it with the model who would provide feedback about what felt right and what could be done to improve. (I'm excited that I consistently got it right the first time and was told I was "good with my hands".)

    I'll go into what I learned soon.

  2. Hahah! Hey Tyger, how far East in East Texas are you? :P

    Only about 30% of the strokes I learned were over the "bikini area". A large portion deals with caresses, light rocking, holds, stillness, cupping, sounding, and oppositional presses. Orgasm isn't the goal - that alleviates the pressure. And as the giver, you follow the pattern of deep breaths of the recipient. My favorite one is the root/heart hold. While the receiver is face down and after you have permission, your strong hand palm (fingers up) cups her perineum and presses forward with deep pressure. This supports the pelvic floor muscles and is very grounding - it sends the message "You are supported and safe with me". The other hand goes over the heart or sacrum. Gentle rocking of the root (perineum) is so calming.

  3. This past Sunday I had the good fortune of getting the chance to attend the Female Erotic Massage class taught by Charla of Bodyjoy. In 3 hours we covered a LOT of material from creating safety and giving/receiving touch without expectation to hands-on body work with a live nude volunteer. Yes, we had the opportunity to learn and practice these techniques. It was an incredible experience - I have a newfound reverence for the female body. Ladies, you are all so lucky to have bodies capable of such pleasure! :lol: And guys, seek out one of these classes in your area! Seriously. There is so much you don't know you don't know. It takes a competent female instructor!

  4. I think the craziest place we ever got busy is pretty tame by everyone else's standards. It was in the teeny tiny bathroom of the cruise ship we were on, leaving St Thomas after a day of snorkeling and a staggering amount of alcohol. We had stumbled back to our room after boarding with the intention of showering and getting to dinner later that evening. Never underestimate the inhibition reducing power of Caribbean rum! Shortly after walking into the shower stall, she took off her bikini top and some primal part of my brain kicked in. I reached over and gave a quick tug to both sides of her bikini bottoms and they hit the floor, showing off her precious strawberry blonde tuft. She gave me a surprised look which soon changed to a wry grin as she yanked my trunks down the same way. I knelt down to embrace her hips before lifting her up and carrying her out of the shower and unceremoniously setting her down on the vanity. There were no words exchanged, only grunts, moans, panting. The counter was the perfect height - made it easy to go down on her and she could wrap her legs around my neck. Her moistened folds still tasted like the ocean salt spray but that soon changed when that first orgasm coursed through her. She shuddered violently, knocking the medicine cabinet open, narrowly missing my eyebrow! I reflexively pushed it shut and stood up as she guided me inside her. We were both in a lust clouded fog, savagely fucking like animals on the bathroom counter until we both came with a howl.

    I don't remember if we ever made it to dinner, or the shower for that matter. :D

  5. Redhead? Check. Uniform? Check. Redhead in uniform? :kiss:

    I echo the attraction. I've gravitated towards jet black hair and redheads, brunettes are grand too. You know, I wonder if your affinity for the uniform is because it's a symbol of authority? You might have a latent submissive streak in you - and red hair is often associated with dominance and power. Combining the two cinches it.

  6. My moustache is very well trimmed and I've tried to keep it from extending below the top of my lip line. Lately though, my wife has stopped me while I'm going down on her and said she'd rather I not. The reason was that my moustache was supposedly getting in the way and she didn't like the way it felt. I thought I was being careful about it, guess I wasn't careful enough. I've shaved it completely smooth before and that made her mad. So I guess I have to find some sort of solution. Maybe a dental dam? Seems rather impersonal, desensitizing, and expensive. There doesn't seem to be any sort of wearable "moustache cover" in existence. Might have to create one? I'm really not sure. I really don't want to give up oral altogether, feels like I'm losing ground. <_<

    Any suggestions welcome. :)

  7. :blink:




    Sounds like a fun night! Remote vibes are such a fantastic idea...

    Years ago I let my friends take me out for my bachelor party par excellence! It was mans night out. Started off at a firing range where we obliterated hanging bits of paper. Then it was off to a steakhouse for the reddest, juiciest porterhouse filet I've ever had. Rounding out the evening was the local strip club....

    It was the first time I'd ever been in one and I had no idea what to expect. Honestly, I don't remember much - the drinks just kept coming. I do recall a raven haired beauty with green eyes who I gladly nibbled away at with my eyes. And she gladly nibbled away at my wallet. :P The drinks were strong enough that they could have spontaneously combusted. Once sufficiently inebriated I was surprised to discover my name being called over the loud speaker as the bachelor of the evening - I was then dragged (as I could barely stand) onstage by 5 knockout gorgeous women including the girl I mentioned before. I was unceremoniously dropped into a chair as each one took turns giving me lap dances. One after another, grinding into me as I struggled to not "adjust" myself in public. Pure sensory overload - it became a syncopated blend of alcoholic haze, soft bouncing breasts, hot breath in my ear, the occasional firm derriere caressing my lap... Just as I was becoming accustomed to so much feminine charm I was hoisted out of the chair. Someone took my belt off in one quick flash. Someone else reached down the back of my pants, grabbed the waistband of my briefs, and yanked them hard enough that they ripped! It took me a second to process what happened - I turned back to see a short blond holding a handful of material that used to be a pair of dark blue BVD's. And then the whipping started. I turned around again to find a tiny brunette wielding my belt, visciously flaying my rump with it. It stung at first, then it felt like being pelted with rocks. The last lashing was the worst - something cut me. There was clapping and laughing. I discovered my belt in my hand as I was ushered back to my seat. I turned on my heel and limped red-assed to the restroom. Amid the whelps on my legs were oval shaped bruises and scratches - and a bleeding gash along the outer part of my thigh. What the girls onstage didn't realize was that I had a pocket knife clipped to my belt. The first whacks were leather, the bruises were the knife when closed, and by the last lash the blade had flipped partially open. :(

    The girl with the long black hair met me as I was headed back to my table. She took me by the hand and led me to a dressing room behind the stage. (Ooooh, she smelled like strawberries! :P ) There were the other 4 girls from the show, chatting away. One of them asked me if I enjoyed myself. That's when I explained about the pocket knife. The brunette girl looked horrified and kept apologizing. I shrugged it off and smiled like an idiot - the liquor in my system had numbed the pain to a dull throb by that point. We all sat down and they asked me about the girl I was about to marry - What did she look like? Where was she from? Was she a screamer or a moaner? :rolleyes: Sitting in that dimly lit room and talking to those girls was probably my favorite part of the night. Well, maybe second favorite part. They each gave me a free round of enthusiastic lap dances to make up for my battle wounds. :D

    Next thing I remember is waking up face down on the couch in my apartment wondering if I still had any Tylenol and antacids.

  8. Did a search and haven't found anything of relevance on the topic.

    For the guys with facial hair - Do your significant other's have a problem with your mustache when you go down on her? If so, how have you gotten around it?

    And for the ladies - Does it tickle? Scratch? Does it even matter?

  9. Hahaha! If you're referring to the little bit of hair between the bottom lip and chin - that's a "soul patch". He wasn't pulling it off. The Van Dyke beard was popularized by a Flemish painter in the mid 1600's. Take a soul patch, add a goatee, and a mustache that connects to the goatee. Shave everywhere else. That's a Van Dyke. Checking the Wahl site, looks like I've got a "circle beard" and not a "Van Dyke" though I've seen the two named interchangeably.

    Van Dyke - http://www.wahlnation.com/FacialHair/encyclopedia/VanDykeBeard/

    Circle Beard - http://www.wahlnation.com/FacialHair/encyclopedia/CircleBeard/

    Soul Patch - http://www.wahlnation.com/FacialHair/encyclopedia/SoulPatch/

    What Brett started with was a "Fu Manchu". Combine the horseshoe with a soul patch. Very '70's. Not rockin'. :)

  10. The Pure Wand is *fantastic*. I have the Fun Wand and it's so unbelievably precise. Found that spot? You can glide the head over it, around it, press hard, press soft, tap the base (oooooh), or touch a Hitachi or Wahl to it. I have a couple of the Njoy toys and I've been very happy with them. Very well crafted and they provide so many possibilities. The smooth stainless steel finish requires very little lube as it's so slick on its own. And when you're through it can be bleached or boiled for hygiene. :D

  11. Miss Maneater, you have to ask a "would you ever ?". We'll excuse you this time, but I next time we'll have to tie you up :D .

    Would you ever like to be tied up during sex play? ;)

    I think I may enjoy that, should the opportunity present itself. :)

    Would you ever wear a vibe or sex toy under your clothes while you're at work?

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