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Posts posted by Kace

  1. It sounds like he may feel ashamed of his sexuality, it's not uncommon. As with everything, porn in moderation isn't a bad thing. But if he's using it as a substitute for intimacy then it can be destructive. However, you can use his taste in porn as an advantage. Rather than flat out confronting him about it, work it into a conversation and find out what kind of porn he prefers. That may open him up a little and you can find out about what his fantasies are. You could also offer to do "Top 10's" - each of you writes down your top 10 fantasies/wishes and trade notes. You each pick something off each other's list and make an effort to fulfill it. The nice thing about top 10 is that there's no rejection associated with it - you get to pick from a range of options rather than saying no to one. You don't have to turn yourself into the supermodel of the week he's salivating over - most guys view women in porn with a detached lust. Take heart, It's all just eyecandy to fuel masturbation fantasies - I'd wager he doesn't think less of you for not "measuring up" to the airbrushed bodies on the screen. It's an unattainable ideal - you're the real thing! If the top 10 doesn't get a reaction, sit him down and lay it out.

    As for your comment - "I could buy the biggest, fattest, dildo around and never leave the house, but I don't because I'm in a relationship.", why NOT buy the biggest, fattest dildo around? There's no shame in it, doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not! You might be able to incorporate it into your love life and draw him in. Get him to try a toy or two on you, maybe work a new position in. It's worth a shot. :)

  2. Although I like natural female "flavor", System Jo flavored lubes are pretty good. I have the Tangerine Dream flavor and like it. Flavored lubricants are often hit or miss - I've found many of them to taste rather repulsive. I hear good things about ID Juicy Lube too though I've never tasted it. As with all of the System Jo products, they don't get sticky as they dry.


  3. Flutter is the only erotic poetry I've written so far and that's been years ago. I wrote a poem about a painful breakup with a different girl in college who I'd been with for only 2 weeks. I've long since lost it but I recall it was a description of a rose and how soft and beautiful it is on the surface but reaching for it will make you bleed. Yes, it was depressing and dripping with self-pity. :rolleyes:

    I've got words for another poem bouncing around my head but it's not particularly erotic either. I can send it to you if you like once it's done. I want to experiment with iambic pentameter as a nod to old Shakespeare. I think the poem is going to be an allegory about the implicit disposability of the male gender using Atlas as the primary figure. Not sexy, but cathartic. :)

  4. You have the most amazing way of describing everything !! (you do know that--right ??? )

    I myself, like a little bit of hair. I have tried in the past to go with the completely shaved look. I felt so naked ! I do keep it completely shaved underneath, but I have a small V shaping on the top. I was thinking about how sexy I find photos of women-- where just a little bit of hair is peeking out over the top of their panties. There is something very exciting about it to me.

    As far as my husband goes---well he does not shave and I love the feeling of his soft hair between my fingers (and on my face....) He loves for me to stroke him and I always love to run my fingers through it-- tugging and pulling on it a bit.

    Thanks! :)

    I totally agree about how sexy the slightest thatch above the pantyline can be! I know it can be off-putting for some folk but for me it draws the eye, a visual invitation, and makes me imagine the wonders hidden just below that thin strip of lace. :kiss:

    About the small V shaping bit, there is a nude model that frequently poses for Metart that goes by Ulya who has done the same thing. It's unbelievably sexy - this perfect little V that points the way. Pardon the stupid censor dot over a nipple, here's an example I found on the net: http://www.femininebeauty.info/images/ulya.5.jpg

  5. I keep myself well trimmed with a short electric groomer. I tried shaving down there once and it was a miserable experience 2 days later. Felt like I had a combination of poison ivy and a brush fire going on. :blink:

    As to what I prefer with my partner - it depends on the gal. I've never been with anyone who shaved but it sounds fun - I'd love to do something like this for her. Trimmed is perfect. My previous girlfriend left it all natural and I thought it looked fine, wasn't like she was smuggling sasquatch in her panties or anything. Her hair was jet black and soft like mink fur, just divine. She had the softest hint of rose in her natural scent. Not sure how since she refuses to use perfume but it was intoxicating. :kiss:

    My wife is a bit of an enigma in that her pubic hair grows in in just the right spot and just the right length that it looks like it's always well groomed. It's really weird but a time saver. It's a little patch right above her hood and nowhere else. She won't admit it but she likes when I tug gently on it when she's close to orgasm. I suppose I'd be a bit sad if she shaved it all off since I wouldn't be able to do that for her. As for her preference, it's anything but shaved. She wouldn't shave and doesn't want me shaved either. She says it creeps her out to look pre-pubescent. I suppose it's a good thing that I don't have a strong shaving preference.

    So what I mean by "depends on the gal" - I consider the amount of trust required for her to allow me between her legs to be a gift. It's a sacred space and I'm going to treat it as such, so I'm not going to judge her based on where she's got hair. Sure I'd appreciate if she trims enough to keep me from coughing up hair later but I'd never dictate how she should groom herself.

  6. Probably? Due to my creative energy and mindset, I'm always thinking up crazy/wild things to try. I would probably give it a try! Gah, listen to me! Hehe.

    Would you ever consider having sex with the person you'd NEVER ever do it with (the person you think, no freaking way) if it meant you got to have sex with a person you really wanted to?

    Heh, you *should* give it a try. Lots of fun. :)

    As for your question - Tough one. I'd say no for two reasons -

    1. I'd feel sick and obsess over it afterwards. I need a strong bond with someone first. If that's not there I get really depressed.

    2. Sex generates powerful emotions. I couldn't forgive myself for leading someone on just to use them. It wouldn't be right.

    Would you use a "one night free sex with anyone" pass if your significant other gave you one? If so, describe who you'd cash it in with. :)

  7. Here is the poem I alluded to in the "Workout" thread. It's freeform prose with a bit of alliteration thrown in for sparkle. All apologies to ee cummings. I can close my eyes and still relive that day and the 5 hours we were in each others arms. C'est la vie. :D



    Quiet early morning, a weekend - for sleeping in!

    Alarm clock conspicuously absent numb groggy fog dispelled.

    Yet how squirmy my thoughts and how languid my drive Awake! Yawn.

    Streeeeeetch... Remember, smile.

    A someone awaits - Promise of undiscovered bliss near in the dawn air.

    Effervescent elated flips, capricious smile.

    Greets to you bewitching goddess desired

    Soused not of spirits but by spirited being.

    Amidst the fuzzy warmth of chilled mimosas how (ful)filled are we

    Boundless still this old friendship swelling smolderingly underneath

    We dance sans moving, wield words in eversocrafty ways

    Catching up to the time displaced - many memories bubbling new ones made.

    Trek short anticipation long

    Words fail to say as they're wont to do

    Passions rekindle flames never wholly snuffed out

    And how wonderfully new this all is!

    So familiar yet new territory, new sights, new smells, gentle sighs

    Longing for you never ended but now is more beginning

    How long has it been? Too long, m'dear.

    Hands sliding, lips gliding, breathless gazes bartered, senses free!

    Alight with you follow fly on with me no wings needed

    Not sure where we are but exactly where we should be

    Oh flutter! Fierce howl inside this animal need, wanting, bursting at the seams!


    Settle down boy! Calmly, no rush to enjoy. Savor this moment we are ours for a day.

    Fingertips gently caressing past rosy cheek

    Down delicate valley between twin magnificent peaks

    Never known coquetry now childlike wonder explores

    Silky the skin, gleeful the grin, overflow sensation, WILD again

    Lick pop circle suck squeeeeeeze - a gasp!

    Lengthy look that says "Yes, please."

    Quickened beating though metered pace further south

    A whiff, sweat salty glistening, a whisper, come hither...

    Cute button! Ha ha! Mercurial nips across the surface.

    Beckoning beyond satin womanfur so curlycue black beautiful <tickle> <giggle>

    Up to green pools so deeply alive to gaze into you me

    Heat. Steamy moistness secret place, sacred space

    Morning dew for honey smooth petals of light dark

    Enfolded at the point of origin inviting within.

    Mmm loitering loins nicely

    Raising the sail to catch the wind

    Not quite yet

    Tease in electric arc licks flicker fickle flaming tongue wisps

    Whirling dervishes, graceful motion and arching spine, curving hips

    Crimson complexion purple hues aching breath.

    Begging muscle pleading twitch and soon but

    No, not yet.

    Careful brushing of velvet aside lovingly delighted at the passage

    Gentle pressure guiding where I cannot follow

    Tender shudders serene quakes through my consuming

    Fevered tempo beats lashing nerves tingly and taut tightly wound

    Fiddle strings and bow plucked playfully nimble in rhythm to the body topic

    Ragged gasping silent cries

    Oh yes m'dear, now.

    Tension snaps - slack crisp new scorching blush

    Cresting tide crashing into shores unstoppable

    Released exhortation to a god that isn't there but laughs in joy nonetheless

    How sweet the shudder and clench to crush the agent of attentions lavished

    Lovingly ripple tense break beyond to float to fluffy earth

    A firecracker spent - price paid hundredfold at such a precious view

    At ease you are Into me so as I into you.


  8. Hmm, I'll have to pick one out. Truthfully, we've been vanilla for a looooong time. But I do have a poem I wrote immediately after a brief dalliance with a former girlfriend before I got hitched. Let me dig it out and I'll post it. It was the most incredible, DEEP lovemaking I've ever had. I mean, how often would a man be inspired to write poetry afterwards? :kiss:

    Damn, I miss her. But I don't regret how things ended up, for many reasons. I'm in a good place now. :)

  9. Losing a bunch of weight will certainly change your body image - sometimes in a positive way and sometimes negative. My wife lost a significant abount of weight through diet and lots of exercise. I though she looked fine before but now she looks fantastic. She still doesn't believe it yet but she's coming around. She's pregnant and you'd NEVER know it. I'm sure that'll change in a few weeks but it won't change how attractive she is. I think with enough reinforcement from people other than me she'll get it. :)

    This week's episode should get recorded tonight, can't wait.

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