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Posts posted by michelleddd

  1. Well this one time at band camp..........

    I distinctly remember masturbating at 4-5 years old in the tub. One snowy afternoon my dad came home for lunch and

    found the boy upstairs and I playing Dr. We were probably 4 ish and I was the Dr. of course! lol

    I was fully clothed and he was naked from the waist down, I was giving him a full examination if memory serves.

    I was the one that got a spanking for it too!! hmmmm

    I began my training to go pro with masturbation around 12. I'm still practicing. ;)

    Sex came along with my one and only bf, we lost our virginity to each other, awwww.......

    Kink as just been an evolution I believe, I can't think of one ground breaking incident, although I think I've always loved experimenting and sex in general

    more than most women, I can tell when the subject comes up in conversation (even with female friends)

    I'm waaaay more out there.

    Is a SO with a lot of partners a deal breaker? A turn off? Turn on? Where's the line?

  2. Well........ there have been a few times... standing in front of the window in Las Vegas with only a red bra and heels on,

    my husband standing behind me thrusting for all he was worth. I think we started what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. lol

    I've also had a few truckers notice I was giving road head. I'd never do it if the road was crowded and never if families might be

    going by. On lazy roads that it's miles before you see someone or late at night when it's just you and the semis I get inspired. ;)

    When did you begin your masturbation career?

    • Like 2
  3. You probably are ejaculating, it's a wonderful thing!! I do both clit stimulation (when I'm really turned on) and

    always penetration. Depending on how long it's been it can be a flood, I've even made a special blanket because

    I got tired of changing the sheets and was afraid of ruining the furniture.

    I always void my bladder before and after just to be sure, I've smelled it and it smells like pussy not urine.

    I couldn't stop it if I tried, it just happens, some men might mind but I think it turns on the majority.

    Physical proof of how much they turn you on! And to me the g spot o's are soooo intense, my SO can

    get me going over and over till I beg to stop.

    Embrace it, it doesn't happen to everyone!

    • Like 1
  4. Yes I have, it doesn't happen often but when it does it's a nice feeling. I said in the cheating thread that I'm just not built that way so I take it for what it is,

    an attraction and move on. I tend to stay in relationships for a looooong time so no the second chance thing hasn't happened to me. I do have one right now

    that I'd do in a heartbeat but I'm committed and he just began a new relationship so it's attraction from afar. We never seem to be single at the same time. LOL

    How old were you when you lost your virginity?

  5. That's a make me think kinda question......

    Intellectually... I love a smart man, I can't do stupid. Even if he's intelligent about something I know nothing about I love

    that he has a thirst to seek knowledge and can carry on a conversation about something besides sports.

    Personally.... I love a man confidant enough to not be macho if that makes any sense. A man who is outgoing and isn't afraid to look silly.

    I'm a huge dork so he has to fit into that, get my jokes and references and be a dork himself about at least one thing in his life. I need playful

    in my relationships and to laugh everyday with him.

    Sexually....It's not just one thing, of course I love a pretty face, a great smile, and long hair trips my trigger lol but it's more about an animal attraction

    that is just there or it's not. Haven't you ever been attracted to someone you never really thought you would be? Someone you just wanted to fuck

    and then find out about them later?

    Do most men have a preference for innies or outies? Or does it matter?

    • Like 3
  6. Getting my attention? I have to admit I'm a sucker for a pretty face and a big brain..........

    Keeping me interested? Being honest, trustworthy, kind, goofy, attentive, adventurous in and out of the bedroom.

    When you try something new are you ever surprised how much you enjoy it? How hot it makes you when maybe you

    had an preconceived notion you might not like it?

  7. Real biting or hickys? The more turned on I am the more pain I can endure....

    By the time I cum a few times I'm pinching my own nips so much harder than the beginning when

    they're too sensitive. I like a smack to the ass or grabbing my hair during doggy better than biting.

    Has there ever been a time when you just flat refused to participate in a certain act.

  8. LOL maybe but we have pretty good screens. I do worry about them hearing us in the summer as our bedroom window is sort of close to their house.

    Thanks for the advice on the metal ring, not sure if he'd like it or not.

    And don't get me started about the airport. I get pulled out everytime.....

    I'm the least terrorist looking person you know, blonde etc. I guess last time was a zipper on my bra, I had to tell her that as she's feeling my boobs

    and complimenting my earrings. ;)

  9. Metal might be interesting, hmmmm.

    Funny cock ring story..... We tried one of those plain black rubber ones one night,

    and at some point we noticed it was gone. Looked around half heartedly then but

    in earnest the next day. It's never been seen since, WTF? How could it disappear?

    I was halfway worried it was hanging from my IUD and the next visit to my gyno

    was kind of strange... me worried it was stuck in there. She never said anything

    and I've replaced the IUD recently so no issues but seriously where could it have gone?

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