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Viva Cream For Women


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A little Awkward

I got a sample of Viva Cream just to try out some of the more interesting products made for female arousal.

The sample packet comes with enough cream for 3-5 applications (of a pea-sized amount or less), so I was pretty interested in seeing if it would work for me after seeing mixed reviews here. Some people seemed to love it, others seem to hate it.

I followed the sample directions very carefully - This stuff contains Menthol and Peppermint Oil, so I was worried it might be a little too intense for me at first. I don't have any particular sensitivity to the ingredients, but better safe than sorry.

I applied directly to my clitoris - the hood and actual clit, rubbing it gently in. I immediately felt warmth and tingling, which quickly switched into a cold feeling. I found it to be a little awkward and off-putting, but figured that I might as well finish what I had started.

After some very careful masturbation (this stuff definitely heightened my sensitivity to gentle touch and drafts of air or breath), I think I've decided I like it.

I've tried it a couple more times since then and still have the same warm to cold feeling, but quite honestly, it's rather enjoyable when you actually expect it!

I definitely like this product, but please, please, make sure you use less - not more, and test for sensitivity to menthol and peppermint before deciding to just squeeze half the sample on!

Worth checking it out for the price - I didn't think it would do anything for me, and it definitely did!

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I LOVE the Viva Cream! Always have!

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I received a sample of this very intriguing cream to try out with my last order.

It sounds perfect for me: I adore the power of peppermint, like the idea of the cream having "vitamins and amino acids", plus anything that can help with sensitivity for me is a seriously huge plus.

When I masturbate, I can usually only orgasm through clit stimulation and need STRONG vibrations to achieve this so I sometimes find myself getting bored and kind of passing out even while holding multiple bullets to my clit.

I think this may be due to the fact that I discovered a removable shower head and that I had amazingly strong water pressure from ages 11 - 22, but anyways.

In a time when humans force-feed themselves poison in every way imaginable, I am hyper obsessed with the safety and toxicity of common poisons (I mean ingredients).
So, before ever using a product I like to find out as much as I possibly can about the listed ingredients from different cosmetic databases and the FDA.
Interpreting the information and ultimately deciding if I want to use the product can be so irritating, but I honestly feel most people would be shocked if they looked at the classification of the chemicals in products they thought were totally safe.
For those of you that could not care less about my ingredient evaluation, let me just say that I did decide, since it was only a small sample and all, that using this once or twice for the sake of experiencing and reviewing it would be okay.
So, before getting into the ingredients, I will get into my experience.
Then you can stop reading, for all I care. ;)
So, based on a couple of these ingredients and super absorbency of the vaginal area, I could not see myself buying or using this product regularly BUT if this one reason is silly to you, and you are in the market for an arousal product for women that is technically edible, non-sticky, and truly works.. then OH, MY, GOSH, this product is for you!
Knowing the power of peppermint, I applied a tiny dab to the sides of my clit at first, maybe about the size of the head of a sewing pin.
This immediately felt cold/warm (not really sure which to chose.. it felt like both at the same time, so hot that it felt cold, or vice versa I guess),
and it started to tingle a little.
I decided this wasn't enough for me and rubbed double that amount directly onto my clit and also put the tiniest dab
just over the hood area.
The tingling got so intense at first. I thought I over did it, for sure, and would have to wash it off, but just as fast I thought that, before I even made it to the shower I could suddenly feel the blood rushing to the area. I knew it was just right.
I very carefully timed all of this to be later in the day when I knew my partner was already on his way home from work.
I figured if it worked out as I planned I would get to orgasm a few times with my toys, once after I throw him down and sit on his face while he tries to change out of work clothes, once or twice during sex, and finally, finish with a few orgasms and a good squirt, sponsored by the removable shower head.
My plan worked perfectly, and thanks to this cream by the time I made it into the shower my clit was so inflamed and throbbing that I couldn't just hold the stream to the left side of my clit and flick my wrist a bit like I normally have to.
It was SO intense that I could only tolerate holding the stream to it for a quick second at a time.
Very long story made very short,
I screamed SO loud and with such pleasure that my partner was laughing at me when I got out and my neighbors now seriously look at me funny
-- Peppermint Oil
I wanted to start with one of the ingredients in this cream I personally can't get enough of. I just LOVE the feeling peppermint oil gives my insides (I take it twice daily, as a digestive supplement) so I was very curious how this would feel applied to my clit.
-- Niacin
Vitamin B3.
That blood rush to the face after one too many energy drinks feeling comes to mind. Interesting
-- Tromethamine
This one is interesting as I actually recognize it as the anti-inflammatory Toradol that I have been given while dealing with kidney stones in an ER.
-- L-citrulline
From Webmd:
a naturally occurring amino acid found in food, such as watermelons, and also made in the body. Our bodies change L-citrulline into another amino acid called L-arginine and also to nitric oxide. L-citrulline might help increase the supply of ingredients the body needs to making certain proteins. It might also help open up veins and arteries to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

-- Propylene glycol
  • evidence of skin and immune system toxicity or allergies
  • Classified as expected to be toxic or harmful to organ systems in Canada
  • Classified as skin irritant
  • Determined safe for use in cosmetics, with limitations
  • Designated as safe for general or specific, limited use in food by FDA
  • Not likely to be a toxicant to human reproduction
-- Cetyl Hydroxyethylcellulose

a mixture of cetyl alcohol and hydroxyethyl cellulose

functions as thickener and stabilizing agent

- Cetyl alcohol

a long chain organic fatty alcohol
according to the PETA's Caring Consumer guide, this ingredient can be of either animal or plant origin

Warning - people who suffer from eczema can be sensitive to cetyl alcohol
Classifications in Canada:
  • as medium human health priority
  • as expected to be toxic or harmful
  • as suspected to be an environmental toxin

- Hydroxyethyl cellulose

the main ingredient in the lubricant KY Jelly, it is a a gelling and thickening agent derived from cellulose.
  • Classified in Canada as not expected to be potentially toxic or harmful, with very limited data availability
-- Methylparaben
  • a paraben used to prevent the growth of microbes in products
  • can be absorbed through skin, blood and the digestive system
  • has been found in biopsies from breast tumors at concentrations similar to those found in consumer products
  • may be found in a wide variety of products including shampoos, lotions, deodorants, scrubs and eye makeup, and is found in nearly all urine samples from U.S. adults regardless of ethnic, socioeconomic or geographic backgrounds
  • adolescents and adult females had higher levels of methylparaben and propylparaben in their urine than did males of similar ages
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