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Seems that there are a number of post recently that have the same basic theme and type (in bold) that are polluting is site. As I read is see similar structure in each post. They are all supposed for different people. But, I am suspicious that they are all generated from the same person or program.  I’m not sure about everyone else but this group, but I am getting to the point of being disturbed by the number of posts all relating back to one specific theme -dating tours - not sure what the goal is. It has me thinking I need to bring my attention to a different place. WTF is this all about?

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Thank you for your post. I have forwarded it to Rob, one of the owners of the site/company. So he can take a look at it. My abilities on here are limited. Thank you again for helping us make this forum as user friendly as possible!!!

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It's probably a bot that is just spamming the site.   As these bots get better at ppearing to be human like, we need help from members by reporting them or sending a message to myself or another Admin like Tyger.  

Yes, they are very annoying and appreciate the heads up!  

Thank you!

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