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Spring break in the Keys

Wisconsin Cougar

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My husband and I maintain a 43 Ft sailboat as my husband is an expert sailor. We often take long trips on the boat and it is so enjoyable to be is such commentate hands, he has been sailing since he was a kid and knows Lake Superior like no other. This year instead of heading to the Atlantic side, we decided to do a Gulf trip this time and he plotted our course for Galveston TX. Anyone who knows sailing knows the challenges of sailing West but he makes it look easy. Hooking up with some like minded friends in Key West, we all met at the Hoggs Breath for adult beverages before heading to the mooring. Our group consisted of members from our swingers group that had never sailed before. Jeff made sure the boat was ocean ready and we loaded 2 weeks worth of supplies before a dawn departure. The 1st night we all got mellow and drunk and just hung out partying until someone noticed that Jeff wasn't among us as he had already turned in for the night as he is very strict about the safety of his passengers and his boat. So we all crashed and awoke to Jeff preparing to sail. He was already up at 3:30 AM and was untieing the moorings and we set out at 4:15 in the blessed AM, once underway he set the mains and jib and even though we were bucking a solid 15 knot wind we were making good time at 7 knots. Sunrise i made breakfast for everyone and a few were not feeling well, we were in 4 ft seas which made some uncomfortable but they toughed it out and it wasn't long before they got their sea stomachs and sea legs. We had planned for a 5 day run to Galveston and knowing Jeff he knew how to navigate and time our arrival. I too believe it or not am a certified Coast Guard certified sailor and the only one on board able to take the helm to make course adjustments and sail trim. Throughout the day he was steadfast on his watch even though he knew what was going on below, yes we were sucking and fucking most of the day. But make no mistake, through our 1st day  Sally and Jessica made sure he was taken care of as well. By noon he was piloting our boat butt ass naked and we made sure to include him in the fun. To experienced sail boaters, there are mooring areas set up in certain locations. although certified to sail during night time hours we choose not to. We found the moorings and hooked up for the night and so ended our 1st day on the gulf. Once hooked and anchored he done a as he puts it sounding the boat and to ensure the next morning there are no surprises. However once he came down from the bridge he looked concerned but said the storm that was developing would most likely dissipate by morning.   After telling him not to worry we all engaged in our favorite past time, yes sex and lots of it.  After lots of rum and wind and rain we had a great time. Being out in the Gulf of Mexico and away from the rest of the world, i don't have the words to describe our intense enjoyment. As jeff puts it, all systems are ready and available, i hate sailor talk. But what he means is the generator, and all power is 100% available and we partied until 1:30 AM before being wore out as the men were tired. But just like he was a clock, he awoke and prepped our departure and we set sail at 6:00 AM. Underway Jeff was still naked and his cock smelled of cum and pussy, i re-leaved him so he could shower and smell more respectable. In the Gulf heat all he does is sweat and is soaked most of the day while the rest of us are comfortable in the A/C. We hit Galveston a day early, go figure i knew that was going to happen knowing him. Once there thats when the party really started, sailing back would take 2 days less so we had lots of time for matters that matter most. After 4 days of sucking and fucking lots of cock we had to head back. I would totally do this type of vacation again. our guests were impressed with Jeffs sailing skills and everyone got along famously. totally rocked my world. 

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Great story! I enjoyed it, sailing sounds so wonderful! 

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Zking, I have never had the pleasure of experiencing the pierced cock. Although a close friend and I were looking at a few photos a male friend had sent to me of his cock. she suggested that he pierce his. As I listened to her intently, she described the feel of a pierced cock is none other than; "the best orgasm, the way it feels with each thrust of his cock the piercing enhanced an almost tickling sensation inside of me"! That's how my dearest childhood friend only 3 days ago described it! 


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Well Zking, how did your friend that came over this evening like your piercings?  Did she describe how good they felt? I'm just curious?? Hope 2 hear how it felt...


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I hope you are well, Holli. Just curious, is the male friend above me?  If so, I feel honored.  In my thought often, Take care, Holli. 

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Good morning all, I am in heaven as I write this, needed to share my adventures from our get a way on our sail boat. After a hull renovation sis’s fantasy is back in the water. No way in hell was we going to miss her launching as she was completely redone . A lot of time and money involved in getting her rebuilt and sea worthy. She was rolled out of dry dock and launched early morning on the 17th of June. Getting her loaded up up for a 3 day sail was exciting and something we have been looking forward too for some time. 

Getting together with other boat owners we once again greeted the sunset with lots of adult beverages and good times. Life in the conch nation is like no other, the Florida Keys is so hospitable that it’s something I truly enjoy. When we arrived at our mooring, there were our close like minded friends there to greet us. After rededicating Sis’s Fantasy to the Gods of the deep we had a party on her deck . This may sound like jibberious to non boat owners but for those who own sail boats would understand. Chris my husband was all excited that she was once again proudly floating upon the sea for which she was born to float. 

Never wasting an opportunity to play, Chris had made arrangements with some like minded friends to help christen the boat, my sexual desires running wild as the sun set. With 4 like minded couples on board, lots of drink we enjoyed lots of fun.   

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