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Hello all!! Welcome to TooTimid!!!

I have been getting a lot of concerned messages and emails lately as to the content of some of the posts, so I thought I'd take a minute or two, to go over what this Message Board is about, the goals and points of it, do's & don'ts, and so on........

So, this board was starting YEARS ago (ahem), to be an offshoot and support of the TooTimid online Adult Novelties (aka sex toys) store.

TooTimid is committed to helping with all sorts of sex toy wants and desires. TooTimid's founders have made this board for helping mature adults (over the age of 18 only please) feel free to discuss sex, sex toys, issues, concerns, questions, and also to see reviews in a more detailed manner than is allowed in the shopping site.

For those of you that don't know, when doing the reviews for the sex toys on the shopping site, you are only allowed up to 2000 characters in the review. That can be hard if you simply LOVE the toy you got!!! So, this board has a section where you can see a more detailed review of the toys. Also you can see who liked what. There should be a link to that toy so you can go to it faster as well.

That being said, let me repeat this: THIS IS NOT A HOOK UP/DATING/WANNA FUCK/SEE MY VIDEO/I'M SELLING SOMETHING (not of TooTimid) SITE!!!!  This is NOT what this message board is for! Selling stuff that is from your personal shopping site, or privately, is rude, IMO.

We have a Members Pics forum just for those that love to share pics of your special parts! We love it when you share pics! However, I can't tell you how many reports we've been getting, and PMs I've received on unsolicited dick pics inserted into all sorts of conversations on here. 

I'm in no way a prude or shy, trust me. But, when I get into a subject, and start reading, and then scroll down, and BAM!! There's a dick......well, unless I'm in the Members Pics section, I personally feel that shouldn't be there, it's immature, and not cool dudes. Unfortunately, it is mostly men doing this, so, please just don't.

I've had many people message me because of these pics, and saying that, due to the high amounts of the dick pics in odd areas, they don't feel comfortable (in a sex discussion site!!!) any more and have left! Or just stopped coming on here. This saddens me greatly.

I can honestly say that I've made some amazing friends from this board. We talk off of here, and share our lives with each other more personally. I know their real names, and we talk. Honestly, if the board was like it is now, I probably wouldn't have stuck around for as long as I have. I think I'm the most active "old timer" on here now. That also saddens me. 

Some of my own personal tips when posting on here:

*Use a name that is hard to guess. Don't combine your real first and last name, or a special nickname you may have. 

*You should not post a picture of your real face for your avatar.

*Do NOT share any intimate videos to people you meet on here. -True story: one of our members has deleted all of their posts and left due to making the bad decision (they admitted this was their fault) of sharing a video of themselves masturbating, and the recipient of said video shared it to a local forum of their area. So, you probably shouldn't do this.

*Do ask question in the specific areas. A lot of us tend to focus on areas on the board that are what we are interested in. So, naturally, we look at those areas for tips, questions, and so on. Peruse the site. Have fun. Read. Even if you don't want to post, the reading is very interesting at times.

*Share as much as you feel comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable, don't share it. Please understand that, if you post something, people may comment on it, and therefore

*We love hearing about your fantasies, loves, desires, wants, needs, concerns, worries, and hobbies. So, please share what you wish, in the most accurate forums on here. I love reading all sorts of stories, experiences, and opinions! ❤️ 

*Do NOT give your phone number, address, or any social media info to people you meet on here. Years ago, when we were smaller, I did. I'm not sorry. But, it took me a loooooooooooooong time to do so. If you PM people over a long period of time, then, do what you're comfortable with. However, as with online safety, it's best you don't do so with people you just met. Don't be offended if you ask for info, and people don't give it. They're just playing it safe.

*This should be a no-judgement zone. Please be respectful in your comments, should you choose to make any. You may not understand or condone some of the behaviors, but try to at least be respectful. Yes, people have actually been banned for being disrespectful, spiteful, and rude.

*Understand that this is geared for mature adults only. 

*PLEASE Enjoy the site!!! 

*If someone is offensive in the message board, please report the post. If someone is rude via PM, please message me, Rob, or another Admin. We will address it as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading, and again, WELCOME!!! We are happy to have you here and look forward to seeing your posts!!!


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  • Tyger pinned this topic

Just an fyi:

A lot of Reports of post have been submitted. Rob was finally able to work his magic on the forum's behind the scenes so I can update my account to be able to go through them. Many have been reported, so I wanted to update all of you that yes, we DO see the reports, YES, a lot of things have been taken care of, and are continuing to be (there's a LOT). Some spammers have been banned, others warned thru PM's, some topics of obvious SPAM have been and will continue to be deleted.

We would like to thank all of you that take the time to report the spammers on the forums. We can't see everything all of the time, but, when a report is made, the Admins of the board do get an email, and try to handle the most obvious against the rules post first. 

So, thank you all for your help, support, and continued interest with making this place a great adult-subject on to go to!


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Guest Crazy Cat

Thank you Tyger, I am sure it is a daunting task keeping everything cleaned up. Thanks to all the hard working admins!


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Thanks CC. I think I have tackled the ones that Rob had missed, and we are all caught up now. I've been working on and off on it all day today.

:) This forum is worth it!!!

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Also, one thing I noticed on a LOT of the reports......is a lack of people saying why they reported it. I had some that seemed to actually have hit the Report button instead of reply, because it seemed to be a response to the post. So, I just marked it as done. So, if you do report something, please fill in the little box saying why you're reporting it. It would make things go a lot smoother!!

Thanks again everyone!! ❤️ 

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  • 1 year later...
  • Tyger locked this topic

Hey all, I have removed the intros from this post. They were responses to this post, and should be focalized as their very own introductions! So, if you intro'ed yourself in this post,  please create a new topic and feature your intro!!! I love seeing all of the responses!!! I wish I could have moved them, but it won't let me do that, so please repost!!! 

And, I made it so that can't be done on this specific post anymore, so people don't detract from themselves. 

Please do read this though. I've been getting more reports, so, I think that this post is still relevant. 

Thanks all!!! 

Happy posting, and welcome to TooTimid!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Just as an update to this....

Nude photos are not allowed. No slips, nips, or naughty bits...and, this does include a bare ass.

Now, lingerie shots, creative placement shots, and paintings, are allowed. 

Please be respectful and mindful when posting pics.

Thank again y'all!! Have fun,  & happy posting!!

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