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helloooo, so.. im in iraq, my gf isnt. we play around on the phone every now an then (im able to have a cellphone because of my job lol) and its cool an all at first but after the first few times it gets kinda boring an old. any tips on keepin it exciting??

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I would also like to Thank you for being there. I know how hard it is to be away, I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and keep yourself as safe as possible over there. Another idea I just thought I would throw in there is while on the phone to her imagine her right next to you, the things that you would do to her,, tell her in detail and her you. Like where you would start, let her know if it is making you hard etc... I do this from time to time with my husband. When I get bored or just feel like getting him worked up at work I will leave dirty nasty messages on his cel phone. Your imagination is a wonderful tool.

Take care and Thanks for being there for all of us.

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i would like to say THANK YOU also for being over there being brave for us

what my husbnd and i do we reverse our roles like we are other people telling each other what we like to have done to each other

when we were dating it was a long distant relationship so we did write stories and shared them with each other when we saw one another that gave us the chance to enjoy each other in person also (if you can) have her to play love songs whils she talking to you over the phone its just a little suggetion

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