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Music - What Turns You On And Keeps You Wanting More


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I'm new to this site and must say I've learned a lot in the last few weeks. The idea of spicing up our sex life with some 'sexual aides' has been on my mind for a while, but didn't know where to start. Thanks for all the great tips, techniques, and honesty. In fact, I bought my wife her first toy for Christmas this year. She was a little skeptical at first but is now looking forward to experimenting with it. Now my question:

What kind of music do you like to make love to and/or have sex (may be 2 different types...). My wife likes Enigma but only the Love Sensuality Devotion: Greatest Hits. The other albums are just not the same. I'm looking for something new to try.

Any ideas?

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we dont listen to music all the time but when we do our selection is range from listen to the Ocean,The whispers, Smooth Jazz like (Kenny G., Najee, Kindred) it really depends on our mood and if we have the chance to put the music in :lol:

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Nobody is going to say Marvin Gaye, Barry White, Teddy Pendergrass, Al Green, or even the more recent guys like prince, John Legend, or Babyface? Oh come on! maybe babyface is a bit too much, but you can always go back to some standard early/mid 90's Boyz II Men! Really though, how can you go wrong with Barry White?!?

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Being a child from the 80's, I love Monster Ballad music. I also like New Age, including nature sounds. And tribal/Native American soft music. I dunno, just gets the blood a pumpin'!

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Mike D i agree with your selection at the time i responed with what i was looking at in front of me believe me i donot count out all the great legends of music or even now jill scott kindred etc and as you said Barry, Al, Luther or Marvin

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I believe that music has its place in sex.

For some people music holds a much greater importance than others. I think that to such a person right music is an aphrodisiac just as anything. This can be particularly important if both are the same way.

Music also brings people together - as has been stated here many times, sex often starts long before there is physical contact. Music can be just the catalyst for this to happen.

My third point is memory and associations. Just as a familiar scent or a taste can evoke feelings (even sexual feelings), so can music.

I admit being musically twisted. :P I've experienced all these things, and they are certainly not meaningless to me. Of course I agree with Howard that in the heat of the moment music tends to fade in the background. But funnily enough, I've also had pleasurable sex with music being a vital part of it right to the end.


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Thanks for your input! Who can go wrong with Luther Vandross, Barry White, Enya, etc. We even like a little dirty hip-hop from time to time as well. I will check out Nuspirit-Helsinki also; it looks interesting.

Music is not for everyone or every situation; I agree. Music never replaces the interaction between us. On that point, I agree with Howard.

However, life is busy, stressful, tiresome, and much more. Music often allows for the transition between our busy lives and the intimate, loving contact we need to stay connected and strong. The right music bridges the gap, breaks through the walls of work, parenting, bills, etc. and creates an environment where two people can escape from reality and share a moment protected and private.

Music also works wonders in masking our "love langauge" in a small house with kids, one of which is fast approaching junior high. ;-)

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