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The First Time


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Well I am a budding writer so I thought I'd give this a shot...I don't have a real story to tell like you all do so I thought I'd write about how I would Like my first time to be So here it goes :blink:

When I started dating Michael I was sure we wouldn't last, he had several girlfriends before me and didn't seem like the type of guy who would put up with a virgin. I told him on the second date that I was a virgin fully expecting him to run but he didn't, he stayed. We got serious fast and I began to wonder if he was messing with me, playing me so he could get into my pants. But as time wore on I realized his feelings for me were very real and not some game he's running, This is when I started thinking about being with him. I was feeling bad because I was depriving him of sex but he always would tell me not to worry, that he can wait. I told him that I really loved him and that I thought he should know that. He kissed me so tenderly and then told me he loved me too and did something I never saw coming. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, shaking and reduced to blubbering idiot I said yes, he slipped the ring on my finger and then placed another kiss on me.

I knew this was the perfect moment for us so I walked us back towards the bed until the back of my knees hit the mattress causing me to fall backwards on it taking Michael down with me. When I started to pull off his shirt he stopped me..

"Are you sure about this?" Michael asks nervously

"Yeah, i've never been more sure in my life" I say smiling back at him

"Ok" Michael says kissing me again

We strip eachother of our clothing and I suddenly feel nervous and scared, I try not to let him see my fear but he picks up on it fast.

"Are you alright Ava?" Michael asks

"Yeah..just a little scared thats all" I reply

"I'll stop if you want me to" Michael offers

"No don't, I want this" I say a little too eagerly

"Ok let me try something to relax you first" Michael says

"Go for it" I reply

Michael plants kisses up and down my neck occasionally hitting these super sensative spots sending chills down my spine. He works his way down and soon is sucking on my aroused nipples, taking his time to give them both some atention. Tracing my belly with his tongue he gives me goosebumps, and when he reaches my inner thighs my back arches as his warm breath hits my wet pussy. He travels down one leg and up the other making me squirm under his touch, he returns to my inner thighs and spreads my legs wider teasing my clit with his tongue. after a little while the feeling is so intense that i'm grasping at his head and knocking all the pillows off of our bed,I feel like my body is going to explode. Michael switches back and forth from flicking to sucking, my hips thrashing as I get closer and closer to that release.

Just when I think it isn't going to happen Michael starts humming and suddenly i'm cumming, moaning and groaning as my very first orgasm rips through me. When I am calm enough Michaels mouth leaves my pussy and he traces a line up my belly and doesn't stop until he reaches my lips.

"Did you like that?" Michael asks

"Yeah it was amazing" I say breathless

"Good, just what I wanted to hear" Michael says brushing my hair from my face and kissing me

I feel his hard cock resting on my belly and almost get nervous again, when he starts to position himself right outside of me. He grabs a Condom from the bedside table and slips it on like an old pro.

"Baby take a deep breath" Michael says softly

I do as he says and then he slowly enters me, I bite my bottom lip as I feel a little bit of pain. He holds it there for a little while.

"Are you alright Ava? don't be afraid to tell me to get the hell out" Michael says laughing a little

"I'm fine...i'm good" I reply

Michael starts to thrust slowly in and out of me, I whimper a little bit at first but after a little while The pain is barely even noticeable. Michael speeds up and this causes both of us to start moaning uncontrollably.

"Oh Michael!! yes!! yes!! yes!!" I moan as I cum

"Oh Fuck Ava" Micheal moans when he cums a few seconds later

Our bodies shake and shudder uncontrollably as our orgasms rip through us, with a few final thrusts our orgasms subside and Michael slowly slips out of me. My whole body is shaking and my lips are trembling as he pulls me close.

"Come here" Michael says wrapping his arms around me

"Sorry I don't know why I'm shivering" I say

"Its ok" Michael says kissing my forehead

"So..was it everything you imagined it would be?" Michael asks

"No..it was better" I say looking up at him

"Well it was worth the wait, i'm glad I waited with you" Michael says kissing me

"I love you" I say softly

"Love you Too" Michael replies

We fall asleep in eachothers arms......Even after 10 years of marriage and 2 kids Michael and I still have great sex in and out of the bedroom.


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Thanks Katprr :)

I didn't think anyone would read it though...its so tame compared to the other stories here because everyone here writes beautifully and the descriptions are well written out...I don't know what sex feels like so I can't describe it properly but I try. Lately most of the stories i've written revolve around my favorite TV show "Prison Break" but I have this one story that so far has filled three notebooks its called " A Detective Story" my dad is a cop and I always wished he could be a detective and used to want to join the LAPD so I can work with him. Anyways "A detective Story" is about how I thought working with my dad would be like and my main character Sierra Longoli has her husband die right in front of her courtesy of a Mob boss both her and her Father have dealt with.

She's left pregnant and in the cross hairs of the mob. Sierra goes on a security detail just months after her husbands death and guards a man on trial for murdering his wife...only he didn't do it and Sierra befriends the guy, falling for him while her dead husbands twins babies grow in her belly.

I haven't showed it to anyone yet though..its sitting in my box with all the other stories i've written over the years :)

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WOW!! That other story sounds really interesting to. You did a fabulous job writing the one here. I will be honest with you when I was a virgin, the first time I had sex I was with a man you was just as caring and loving. He always made sure that I was okay and comfortable. Your story reminded me of him, which isn't a bad thing at all. It was a very impressive story, you are very talented it seems in the writing area. The story you just told me about that you are writing regarding the Detective sounds like the book I read at night. I read alot of murder mystery books along with what I like to call hotty books.

Great job, on your story, and Good luck to you!!! Your fantasy is very well written and though out!

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WOW!! That other story sounds really interesting to. You did a fabulous job writing the one here. I will be honest with you when I was a virgin, the first time I had sex I was with a man you was just as caring and loving. He always made sure that I was okay and comfortable. Your story reminded me of him, which isn't a bad thing at all. It was a very impressive story, you are very talented it seems in the writing area. The story you just told me about that you are writing regarding the Detective sounds like the book I read at night. I read alot of murder mystery books along with what I like to call hotty books.

Great job, on your story, and Good luck to you!!! Your fantasy is very well written and though out!

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What a sweet story!! I think this is how we would all like (or would've liked) our first time to be. :) My first time was with my fiance, a man who's a sweet as the one you describe, but we were so hot for each other, our first time wasn't as sweet as you describe here. :) It was more of a spur of the moment, on the bathroom floor king of thing. :) But I always pictured my first time more like what you describe. You write really well!! Don't think that yours isn't as good as others just because it isn't as graphic or you don't have alot of experience. This was really good, more about love than just fucking. I like to read stories like that just as much as the more graphic ones. I really enjoyed this, and I hope you'll post more! :)

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Thanks bondagejunkie :)

I have always had this fantasy in my head about what my first time will be like...albeit it will probably not happen that way lol. I will post another story tomorrow...its 1am here so i'm going to bed right now. thanks for the words of encouragement It means alot because I don't share my work very often. Everything I write is basically the things I wish I could say to people around me, and about the love I wish I could give to and recieve from a good man.,Its my personal thoughts basically. If a guy really wanted to get to know me all he'd have to do is sit down at the table with my box of poetry, and stories and read them all, when he's done he'd know me inside and out :)

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i hope when i have an orgasm it is like yours in your story hun that was an awsome story it was a type of love story you did a good job you really did

loved it truly loved it


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