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Do Family, Friends, Co-Workers know you're into BDSM?

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I was wondering if anyone close to you knows that you are into bdsm? How did they find out? Do you share your experiences with them?

Once upon a time I was at a convention with a female business associate who happens to be vanilla in nature. Somehow the topic of handcuffs with sex came up and she asked me if I ever did that? Then I shared with her my life as a domme. I told her about a few of my subs who are into it. We then talked and joked about some of the stories I shared.

Kindly feel free to share yours.

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I’m not really into pain, but I love having a woman bite my neck while I’m fucking her. The harder the better. 
When I was younger, I’d always wear collared shirts to work but they couldn’t hide the dark bruises up and down both sides of my neck. Especially when co-workers would get close enough to see the teeth marks. 

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Whenever I get the chance I try to bring up the topic of BDSM in conversation. Discretely at first to see what interest is there.  Love to have someone bite, nibble and suck hard on my nipples during sex. Nipple clamps are a must. Ball bondage used to be quite enjoyable. Often my wife will place a sexy tight collar around my neck when we go out in public. Also love to have my breast bound tightly but that's another story for a rainy day.

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I would say very few do but II've also learned that it's not too hard to bring the subject up. More like hinting at it. No overt conversation. More like flirting in a way. But everyone is different. Obviously, here...it's easier. We're relatively anonymous. Probably (maybe sadly) at a distance but reasonably free to discuss things that aren't normally in everyday conversation. On another site I know someone who is highly sexual and masturbates a lot. At home and at work and in her car and I hear a lot about her getting off and I get pics sent. No one in her family and among her casual friends know this but it's easier online. In person, it might take longer but it's not that difficult. 

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No.  Absolutely not.  I could never share this with family, friends or coworkers.  My family and friends would be shocked, and I would probably be unable to stay in my day job.  This is private and must remain that way.

To be honest, I was surprised my husband didn't run away when I broached the subject with him years ago.  I was afraid he might, but he was actually pretty turned on by the idea of some scene playing, and we've moved from some light B&D to heavier scenes as our relationship has progressed.

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Anyone we know doesn’t know my wife and I enjoy that lifestyle! However it might make things interesting if they did know! My wife first talked to me about wanting to indulge into BDSM a few years back! I didn’t know she was interested in it! She told me she has been since she was 18 but didn’t want to tell me because it might have scared me away! It would have been just the opposite! But to make a long story short we got into light bdsm a few years back and really enjoy it! We kind of go a little further some but nothing hardcore! We always make sure each other are comfortable with what we do! It has really spiced up our adult play time! My wife talks with our older daughter a lot about our sex life and when she does I usually leave the room because of being embarrassed.! I really don’t know what all she’s told her!😀

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