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How Long Should It Take?

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Short but sweet, there is no "set time frame" for how long sex lasts. However, unless you're having a fun quickie, then there should be sufficient enough time for both of you to have an orgasm.

A man that hasn't had sex at all, or has gone without for a long time, may "go off", and ejaculate a bit sooner than he wishes. It takes practice to control that.

So, just take some time, pay attention to your lover, and allow her to teach you how to please her, and do the honor of doing the same to her.

Good luck!

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It matters for instance, if Your culture, and religion teach you that women have no rights, that a wife is a husband's possession, with which he can do anything, even kill her if he is offended by some actual, or imagined offense. That does not happen in America, so our concepts about sex may seem just downright strange to you. I hope not. When Television because common around the world, I had hoped that so much of the world that still held on to some pretty repressive ideas about family and spouses, would get the message that this is just not right. Now, with computers linking countries around the world, and information available as never before, uncensored by governments, tyrants, and religious leaders, I can only hope that young people will recognize a better way to live as equals, and enjoy their lives together so much better than their parents did.


:D no no in our culture and religion a woman do have rights and she isn't her husband's possession but she is his partner and they have responsiblities toward eachother :lol: but u seem not to know much about our culture and i hope u may know soon :D

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A man that hasn't had sex at all, or has gone without for a long time, may "go off", and ejaculate a bit sooner than he wishes. It takes practice to control that.

So, just take some time, pay attention to your lover, and allow her to teach you how to please her, and do the honor of doing the same to her.

Good luck!

is the first time to have sex is going to be diffrent from the whole other times?

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The first time having sex is usually awkward, clumsy, and, short lived. But that's not always the case. However, very few people will tell you that it was the most "magical moment of their lives", the first time they have sex. Romantic, sure, sweet and caring, sure, but people need to be taught how to do it well, it just doesn't come naturally.

After you start getting use to your body, and how to please your woman, things will get better. Just remember, a good lover is made, not born. Listening to her wants and desires are very important. As it is for her to do with you as well. The willingness to listen, learn, and teach, all at the same time is the key. But, it does take time.

Best wishes to you.

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