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Anal Atimualtion

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Hello All:

I am a straight single male. Really enjoy this site after curiosoty set in. I recently experimented with stimualting myself anally, while masturbating. At first I was hesitant, but curiosity won out. My 1st experience was using a SMALL condom covered bananna coated with astroglide. I found this very arousing and enjoyed it more than I thought I might. Am I A MINIORITY for this recent curiosoty ?? I don't feel that it means a guy is gay! Not sure how to approach fiance' ABOUT IT OR KEEP IT MY SECRET?

Any suggestions to what I might try for a toy?? Any and all would be appreciated. Thanks

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First off, WELCOME to TooTimid!! It's always great to see another person speak up that they've joined and equally great to see someone's willing to ask about the curiosities they have about sex. Learning is a good thing!! :)

I was very glad to see you state that you know a man having anal sex/stimulation doesn't make him gay. When I first started reading your post, that's where I thought you were going with it as that seems to be the biggest taboo fear. You're right: A man having anal sex does NOT make him gay!

More and more people -- men AND women -- are finding pleasures in anal sex. My husband and I both do, as a matter of fact. We're both still novices to this venue, but we're enjoying the ride! ;)

If you click the 'shopping' tab up above, you should easily be able to find the anal toy section. TooTimid reviewers are working hard :D to review all the toys available, so read the reviews as well as the toy descriptions to see how people thought particular toys worked for them -- it might give you a better understanding of what you want for yourself.

Secondly, if you click on the 'sex education' tab above, there is a whole bunch of articles, most written by knowledgeable people here, about anal sex. There's lots of information there that many of us revisit from time to time -- my hubby and I do!

Thirdly, if you continue down the forums, you'll see an entire board dedicated to all things anal (Anal Avenue). Read these posts -- you'll find many people have similar questions to yours and you'll see what was suggested and how they handled it.

Above all (and I'm glad to see you already did this!!!), take your time, go slow, use lots of lube and enjoy yourself. As far as your fiancee is concerned, my biggest wish for anyone in a serious relationship is that they have open communication. Hopefully one reason you're involved with her is because you feel comfortable with her and CAN talk about anything. Ask her what a fantasy of hers is, then tell her yours. Maybe it's something she's interested in trying, too. If not, that doesn't mean you have to stop pleasuring yourself! :)

Good luck -- and again, welcome!!

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Valntyn stated everything very well. She's right. More & more people of both genders and straight, are finding the joys of anal. There are several toys that can be used for either men or women anally. Again, check the shopping tab, or type in plain ole ANAL up in that little pink box up there that says ENTER PRODUCT SEARCH HERE, and hit GO.

As a beginner myself, both me and hubby have started off small, and so far, the most comfortable thing for me, at least, was the glass anal plug:


Glass Petite Plug

The picture doesn't do it justice! It's pretty, stimulating, small, easy to use and care for, and comes with a neat little velvety pouch for protection and discreetion.

As far as introducing your new found pleasure to your fiance', I would suggest you talking with her one night, just a normal sex talk, a fact-finding mission. Who knows? She may like anal stimulation, and has been nervous asking you about it!! If you're engaged to this woman, then your communication should be really open and honest. Why keep something so fun and pleasurable a secret? Where's the fun in that???

Good luck & enjoy the site.

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