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I'm a virgin (unfortunately!!!), but I'm always horny so I decided to invest in some vibrators. Here's the problem, since getting them I haven't been able to orgasm. When using a clitoral vibrator, I've come really close. It starts off really intense, but then kinda plateaus and dies. I will keep practicing and hope it will eventually pay off, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips. Thank you

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Sometimes you get so focused on trying to orgasm that you tense up and it doesn't work. just take your time, and maybe envision some really hot guys ;) . It may be that the vibes aren't strong enough, or that you are holding the vibrator in one place. for me, if I hold it in one place too long it kind of desensitizes the area, so try stroking with the vibe.

hope that helped a little.

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I agree with Silver. Sometimes people get so focused on HAVING an orgasm, that the pressure is too much for the brain to allow you to relax. Try taking deep, long breaths. Exhaling deeply. It really does help. Also, if you're a worry-er, make sure things are done around the house, enough for you to relax. Play some music, soft lights, romance yourself. Whatever makes you relax. Maybe even when your half asleep.

When I use my clit stimulator, I breathe deep, and have fun. I make sure the pets are settled in, the daughter is asleep, and I don't have anything to stress about (that I can DO anything about). If the clit stimulator isn't doing it enough for me, I jerk the vibe up and down, kinda like a flicking tongue. It works!! Other times, just putting the vibe (on it's highest settings, since I need a STRONG vibe to get off with) on my clit, and finding JUST the right spot.

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Well besides making sure you are totally relaxed, breathing deeply is a great one. I do agree with the other posters here. I also have a few questions. Have you spent time like about an hr to explore your entire body ? or are you just heading straight to that special spot? The reason why I ask is it sounds like you are getting there but then trying to hard. If you can maybe take a warm bath with bubbles and relax, then explore every inch of your body slowly, before even heading in that direction.

Mikayla has written a wonderful article on this issue there are also alot of post regarding this, Read the article and give yourself alot of time to explore your body and get your self worked up before you actually head to the special areas of your body.

Wish you the best!!

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Thank you all for the input. I've read the articles, love them!!! I've done everything they've suggested. I've relaxed and explored, but still nothing. I'm thinking that maybe since I've had so little experience with guys it's hard for me to imagine. I'm just going to give it some time. Maybe I am over thinking it.

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