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I am a Registered Nurse & have worked in the field of Gynecology for a little over 15 years. I encourage anal play to my patients, digitally & orally. I personally enjoy anal stimulation during oral sex. Actually, I adore it! I do not encourage anal intercourse to my patients. Nor, do I discourage it, although, I do tell women some of the potential risk factors. They are as follows:

Rectal Prolapse- Repeated anal intercourse can weaken the rectus muscle which helps hold the rectum inside your body. Yes, ladies, your rectum can & may "fall out" upon coughing, sneezing, lifting or getting up out of a chair. Treatment? Major surgery & the embarassment of having the nursing staff glove up to reinsert your rectum if you do cough etc. while in their care. Reality can really bite!

Decreased Rectal Tone- As we get older we produce less estrogen. Collagen is attracted to estrogen (collagen keeps things elastic). Therefore, we also have less collagen. When having anal intercourse, you are stretching tissue, same with vaginal intercourse. Difference is....we don't pass gass or have bowel movements vaginally. So ladies be aware that involuntary passing of gas &/or BM's may occur down the road due to the repeated stretching of the anus & the decreased collagen. I encourage kegeling, but some stretching just cannot be reversed.

HIV- One of the best ways to transmit the HIV virus is anal intercourse. Upon penetration tiny blood vessels are broken. No matter how much lube you use, you will still have broken vessels! ALWAYS use a WATER based lubricant!!! & a CONDOM (if in a relationship(s) under 6 mos). Throw that vaseline jar away girls, Aqualube Advanced Formula Gel or Astroglide are 2 very good lubes.

I truly don't mean to scare anyone, but i have personally cared for all of the above patients. Informed sex is great sex. The anus is chock full of vessels & therefore is sensitive & responsive to stimulation. If a partner uses a properly lubricated finger, inserts it slowly & gently during cunnilingus well...it can very well throw you off that cliff you've been on way too long. Anal play can be wonderful & anal intercourse can be also, if used infrequently. A lot depends on your genetics, your age & your personality. If you are a "pleaser" it will be hard to say no to your man if he loves it. Consider the risk factors, the pleasure factors &, your factors & make an informed decision. CB,RN

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