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Most Embarrassing Moment


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This probally has been done before, but I thought it would be fun to revisit the topic for us newbies.

I guess the most embarrassing moment for us was when my son walked in on us. We both thought the other had locked the door. What made the situtation worse was our bed was right by the door, we were not under the covers, and the lights were on. To add insult to injury, I was performing oral sex on Sweet Peach at the time. I can only imagine the image that is seared into his brain. All I can think of is the Kilroy image from WW2. A pair of eyes and a nose between his mother's legs. LOL :lol: Poor kid locking eyes for a good 5 secs with his father in that position. Needless to say he always knocks on our door before he enters now.

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I guess I should add that we always triple check the lock on the door before any clothing comes off. And no he isn't scarred for life, he is a well adjusted 17 year old honor student. I am sure he still has the occassional nightmare about it as do I.

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I guess I should add that we always triple check the lock on the door before any clothing comes off. And no he isn't scarred for life, he is a well adjusted 17 year old honor student. I am sure he still has the occassional nightmare about it as do I.

Gee I realize my kid only 5 months old but I guess it be a good time to start developing that habit early on wouldn't it?


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Yes, I believe I started a thread similar to this a long time ago.

But, I will answer again! :P

My step-brother decided to wish me and my BF a HAPPY NEW YEAR! while we were um, engaged in some oral fun (me down on him to be exact). My step-brother opens the bedroom door, and yells "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" and shuts the door. Thankfully, there was a light behind him, and I was under the covers. His glasses darkened up enough so he couldn't see us. Then, about 5 minutes later, and me and my BF had gotten over the initial shock of what he'd done with a chuckle or 2, the fool did it AGAIN!!!

We were able to get past that, but afterwards, I went downstairs and gave him hell for doing that. My step-brother is an admitted PIG, but I made the bastard blush! It was great!!

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