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Coochy Cream


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"Coochy Rash Free Shave Creme is formulated to protect skin and provide a smooth, moisturizing shave to any part of the body".

My 4oz. bottle o' cooch cream seemed unimpressive at first, but I sure have been proven wrong!

Most folks out there have tried this product and loved it.

I am next on that list.

I have really sensitive skin (so sensitive that I put on baby sunblock EVERY day of my life to protect me) and was resistant to trying anything other than Aveeno on ANY part of my body. I tried Coochy on my legs first and was really presently surprised that I got so much cream from one little dollop, not to mention the fact that I fell in love with the feel and smell. This company has found a way to make their product silky without being greasy, it's amazing. I let it soak in for a minute and was really pleasantly surprised at how soft the cream made my legs.

I decided to go for it, and try using it on my pubic area. My wife and I made a date out of it, and shaved eachother. I will enver go back!! Coochy Cream was able to soften the coarse pubic hairs and left me (remember me, with the most sensitive skin ever?) without a rash, bump or sore spot to be found! I love this product, and did I mention it smells yummy?

I actually went and bought some for my wife and my sisters to put in their stockings this Christmas! B)


You won't regret this.

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Great review!

This item has already been reviewed by several members. Please remember, before posting a review, check this forum to see if there are any reviews for an item and post it under the original first posting.

Here's the link to the first one done by several reviewers:

Coochy Cream Review

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Thanks for the reminder. Its early here, I don't know what I was thinking :)

I added mine onto the bottom of the previous reviews.

Won't happen again.

Take care!

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No biggie! :P I KWYM about early too!! I was rudely awakened early this AM by a army of kittens determined to take over my side of the bed.....

(The same applies with DVD reviews too, just so you're aware...) :rolleyes:

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I just stick a large $20 bottle of this stuff in my wifes christmas stocking a few hours ago, we still have plenty in the bathroom butthis is so great it was worth it as a stocking stuffer.

In fact Igonna go use some in a few minutes


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