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Still Not Prego!

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Hello again Too Timid!!! 1st I wanna say that you guys are alot of help!!! We are doing the "training" for my hubby and his contol issues, they are helping. Slow but in progress. Thanks alot! I hope someone knows something about this :)

We are still having problems getting prego. I am keeping a diary of sex days/nights, ovulation days and end of cycle days and all that stuff. Now for the question. I dont know if this is normal or not but is it normal for some of the cum of come out of me afterwards? It seems that everytime we do, it all comes back out. I know I have posted before about "tightness" issues, but could this be possible or is there other issues? We really cant afford a fertility specialist so we are trying everything we know how to all the way to old wives tales... Someome, anyone... Please help. :) I have 2 other children. But what other problems could there be?

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oops! I just realized I put this in the wrong place!! Sorry!!! I will move it!

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That's ok, it's here, and we can answer ya.

Yes, it is normal for your body to expel the cum afterwards but not like contractions, it just comes out, sometimes a bit more sticky than when it went in, due to your body's natural defenses attacking the foriegn substance, and trying to kill it, and for it to leak out. After all, what goes in, must come out! It's not like it's absorbed into your body, since, as I mentioned, your body thinks of "jism" as something that is attacking your body, and it must get rid of it.

If you stress out too much about becoming pregnant, and are healthy, you may be stressing yourself out, which can affect ovulation. I would definitely call an OB/GYN, and let the doctor know about your plans on becoming pregnant, issues, and concerns you may have. Just trying to conceive a couple of months really isn't a long time to try. Usually, once you have a child, you become more fertile, but, for some women, I have heard that it cuts down on fertility, depending on health issues.

I have a friend that has 2 kids, spaced 6 yrs apart, and due to endometriosis (sp?), which is internal scarring, she is extremely INfertile. She hasn't used birth control in 8 years, and her and her hubby only have the 2 kids. So, it all depends on your health, as well as your husband's. If he's stressed, tired, or overweight/unhealthy in general, his sperm count may be low too.

You may find that the less you really worry about it, the easier you MAY become pregnant (again, depending on your health).

After having 2 kids, you should know a bit more than just wive's tales. If your OB/GYN from the past pregnancies and deliveries wasn't informative, then I would highly suggest finding a different one that will help you and answer your health questions. We are NOT medical professionals here, so, please understand that all of our responses, are, in fact, opinions, experiences, and POV's. We are NOT a replacement for medical advice.

Best wishes!

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