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Looking For Some Suggestions


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Long time lurker, first time poster. :D

Hopefully this is somewhat simple, but my SO and I can't seem to find a simple solution.

We've been in a committed relationship for almost 6 years now, and having regular sex for...4, maybe 5 years now. As we've both become more comfortable and experienced, we've recently come across a problem...

When we first started out, everything was great, no real problems, but recently (less than a year) I've been lasting longer (yay!) but that's part of the problem. We use lube (astroglide) and we don't rush anything, great foreplay, etc. But it's becoming very tough for her to keep up, lately she's been stating that she gets very sore, and sex becomes VERY painful for her. It doesn't seem to be muscles, or lack of being fit, but I haven't been able to get more than halfway there before she's yelling for me to stop...

As I mentioned, we use plenty of good, old astroglide, we don't rush anything - we're both quite ready before we get into it - but we're consistently running into this same problem. We stopped using condom's roughly a year and a half ago, that didn't seem to cause any problems, though we started using a spermicidal contraceptive at the same time, on top of her birth control pills.

The only thing that stands out in my mind is the spermicidal contraceptive, or the fact that she has recently changed birth control a couple months ago (though she had been on the same for quite some time beforehand - and this issue was happening before as well).

If any of you wonderful sexperts have a suggestion, or something we should look into, I'd appreciate the help greatly!

Thanks in advance!

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There are a couple of things that I can think of off the top of my head. First of all, the spermicidal contraceptive. I found that I was allergic to them, (the film and foam) don't know about her personally, but that's a thought. Also, the pills mess around with the hormones, which can be causing her to be drier than before, may want to try another type of lube. Hope this helps. :unsure:

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There are a couple of things that I can think of off the top of my head. First of all, the spermicidal contraceptive. I found that I was allergic to them, (the film and foam) don't know about her personally, but that's a thought. Also, the pills mess around with the hormones, which can be causing her to be drier than before, may want to try another type of lube. Hope this helps. :unsure:

She doesn't really have a problem with dryness, so I don't think that's really the case. But I hadn't even thought about an allergy to the spermicide...That's certainly something to look into.

Thanks for the quick response!

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a couple years ago the hubby and I had this same problem for about 6 months, I was always sore, it was painful, and I was worried something was really wrong with me. Like you said we took our time, used lube, dryness wasn't a problem, and we were both trying to enjoy ourselves. And I realized after about 6 months that it was my reaction to my birth control pills, I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription a they switched it to another generic brand i had used before and all the symptoms stopped! When I thought back I realized all the symptoms had started when they switched my birth control for a similar generic 6 months before, so problem sloved and that brand of birth control avoided for now on! Sorry so long but the just of it is it possible its a reaction to birth control?

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a couple years ago the hubby and I had this same problem for about 6 months, I was always sore, it was painful, and I was worried something was really wrong with me. Like you said we took our time, used lube, dryness wasn't a problem, and we were both trying to enjoy ourselves. And I realized after about 6 months that it was my reaction to my birth control pills, I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription a they switched it to another generic brand i had used before and all the symptoms stopped! When I thought back I realized all the symptoms had started when they switched my birth control for a similar generic 6 months before, so problem sloved and that brand of birth control avoided for now on! Sorry so long but the just of it is it possible its a reaction to birth control?

Sounds like a trip to her doctor may be in order, I'm not sure if she's discussed it with her before.

Thanks for the response!

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It could be an allergic reaction to the spermicidal stuff you're using (foam? Gel? Sponge?).

I guess it depends on what kind of PAIN you're talking about.....cramps? Sharp pains? Rash? Sore spot inside?

You could also be hitting her cervix, if it's a pain that comes when you thrust in deeply.

It's definitely cause to go talk with her doctor.

Most birth control pills are over 98% effective if taken correctly (around the same time, everday, no pill-skipping), so the spermicidal stuff is usually not necassary. I doubt it's her newer BC pills, since she was having this problem before.

Have her talk with her doctor and discuss what's happening. The sooner, the better, so she can enjoy sex again.

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It could be an allergic reaction to the spermicidal stuff you're using (foam? Gel? Sponge?).

I guess it depends on what kind of PAIN you're talking about.....cramps? Sharp pains? Rash? Sore spot inside?

You could also be hitting her cervix, if it's a pain that comes when you thrust in deeply.

It's definitely cause to go talk with her doctor.

Most birth control pills are over 98% effective if taken correctly (around the same time, everday, no pill-skipping), so the spermicidal stuff is usually not necassary. I doubt it's her newer BC pills, since she was having this problem before.

Have her talk with her doctor and discuss what's happening. The sooner, the better, so she can enjoy sex again.

Wonderful, exactly the help I was looking for from you awesome folks!

Yet again, thanks for the quick responses!

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