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Lipslick Cinnamon Oral Arousal Gel


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LipSlick Cinnamon Oral Arousal Gel

The LipSlick Cinnamon Oral Arousal Gel has a nice light cinnamon smell without the taste. It felt slippery on my lips without leaving a tacky feel. Once you unscrew the cap of the plastic tube, the applicator has a slanted top for easy application. All you do is lightly squeeze and swoosh over your lips, a little dab will do ya. My ‘AEH’ (always eager husband) was very willing to let me know what his thoughts on the product were.

We had the house to ourselves (a rarity) and before ‘AEH’ knew what was happening his belt was undone, his pants were at his ankles, and he was getting some play. True to form, his soldier was standing at attention; I needed to re-apply the LipSlick to lavish the twins in a cinnamon bath. Like most men,’ AEH’ loves anything oral, so during the process I asked him if he felt any heat or anything from the gel. He wasn’t sure. Since LipSlick seems to disolve/break down when mixed with saliva, I re-applied a heavier coat to my lips and set off on a new mission to see if some light breathy blowing mixed in our play added anything. ‘AEH’ did say after the second heavier coat of gel he did feel a little something, but the best part was the slippery feel of the gel that gave it a nice twist. He also said he’d like to try it again so he can pay more attention to the sensations next time. Hmmmmmm makes me wonder.

This product did add a lot of fun and excitement to our day and that’s really what it’s all about.

LipSlick Cinnamon Oral Arousal Gel

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