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Inflatable Love Lounger


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I won this in the "favorite sex position" contest. I was so shocked that I won it...I didn't know what to do with myself...that is, until I got it in the mail and opened the box!!!

I actually started opening the box in front of my SO, at night, right on the kitchen table. (we don't have curtains or blinds so people driving by could probably see that I had, but I didn't care) He was really embarassed and was like...take that up stairs and open it later. lol. My whole family knew I got it cuz I was so excited to use it. I'm so open about stuff like that!

There are some pros and cons though, like with any product...

For the cons, I would say that the weight limit isn't realistic for couples...I don't know any couple that is under 300lbs. When you first see that limit you don't think anything about it...then you start thinking...my SO is 250...and that leaves me 50?! So we can't use it together...or if we do then we will probably break it! So its just a toy for single person use I would say. Another con would be that the "in and out" motion for the vibe is only one speed...and if you tighten your PC muscles...then it has some issues pumping. It does take some time inflating the whole lounger and seat and is tiresome. Its not something that I would carry with me and keep deflating and inflating...takes to much time in my book (now if you hand an electroninc one that might be different). Now if you had a nice young straping man to help you out that might be another story! I also wish that on the remote some how you could start and stop the vibes or increase them...and also increase the pumping motion.

For the pros now...when I opened up the box I really was only expecting the lounger and detachable seat part (didn't look at the picture close enough when I won it, I read what the product description said, and now thinking maybe they should tell you what all comes in it cuz its hard to guess by the little picture)...but lone behold under those were lots of eye catching goodies that I couldn't wait to get my hands on! 3 vibrators that all can connect to the seat portion. (ranging from small, medium, and large) The medium is also a g-spot vibe. And the large has some realistic features like veins and so on. It also comes with a blind fold, leather whip, toy cleaner, lube, and a sex feather! :) It comes with batteries for the remote and an inflator pump so you don't have to blow the whole thing up by mouth...wouldn't be able to save any of that for later ;) I enjoyed myself greatly even though it took me awhile to get used to it and just relax. Once I relaxed...the "O's" followed!

My overall rating would be 4/5. I haven't tried it with my man due to the weight limit. I think this should be a personal lounger...not for couples...

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Oh I forgot to add...for some reason when I was using it....I started to think about maybe trying it anally.......and this is coming from me...a person who was always turned off by the thought of anal anything. So this probably opened some doors for me..... :) whatever happens, happens!

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I was wondering how that was! Nice review and congrats on winning!

I took the liberty of linking in a photo pd2194-00main.jpg

and a direct web link for anyone that may wish to order.

Inflatable Love Lounger

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Yeah I have given it a good home! I didn't know how to add the link on there. Thanks Aiden!

You're very welcome. Tell me, is it noisy?

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yeah it is fairly noisy. so best if your are using it yourself...make sure no one else is home. lol. The vibrations you can hear through the whole lounger and same with the motor for pumping it in and out

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