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Looses Erection!

Guest Denise

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I recently started sleeping with my x again he has always been amazing in bed. He always lasted an extreme amount of time at times 2 or 3 hours never less than an hour... now that we are not exclusively dating he has multiple partners and just recently he started loosing his erection while he was inside of me we have very open relationship we talk about everything. He was honest with me and I trust him says I turn him on a lot because I was sure it was somethin I was doin or not doing... and i took the blame so to speak for a while till he fessed up this was happening with other gurlz 2. I told him to be completely honest n not try n spare my feelings incase it really was me and he said he wished it was but that it was him and he's so worried!! we both are.. he's only 21 I dont think this should be happening. He said some days he can go like a champ - i kno he is having a lot of sex, but I dont kno that thats what could cause this if anything it would make him go longer no? with a different gurl who he was too ashamed to tell, he had to resort to pretending to cum.. because he went soft inside of her anyone have any possible idea why this is happening he shoud be in his prime!! I thought it could be stress he says theres nothin on his mind - upon telling a different person whats been happenin she suggested to him that he may have old "feeling" for me in his sub-conscious...?? He has no idea why and neither do I if anyone has any thoughts... he has told me he wants sex and enjoys sex with me the most - and its not just a line cuz... he is brutally honest with me... we both are but I'd love to figure this one out THANKS

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