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How To Give My Husband What He Wants?


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My husband has expressed interest in anal play. We have purchased the Blue Man Corkscrew for our upcoming vacation and have every intention of using it for the first time.

I am not quite sure how to add it in to our foreplay. He wants me to use it on him. I know he needs to be very clean first. Should he use an enema? I know he needs to be very aroused, we need to use lots of lube, and go slow. What position should he be in for the easiest first insertion? Doggy, side, back with legs pulled up? Is there a position that men have found easier for insertion?

Any advice would be helpful!

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Great for you guys!! Let me tell you, he is going to freak on the orgasm!!

OK, make sure that he is pretty aroused and relaxed. Maybe play around the area first with finger, tongue or whatever YOU are comfortable with! Use something small for first insertion like a finger(you can put on a condom or rubber gloves with the right lube) or small toy. Let him adjust to that first, then try the bigger toy after he is comfortable. Lots of lube throughout the whole process and take it SLOW!!! Might use towels or something under you guys so if it gets messy with the lube!! Lube takes a while to dry on the sheets or whatever and niether of you want to sleep in a lube wetspot!!haha

As for the enema, that is up to you guys. That may help get him more comfortable quicker and give you better peace of mind!! If we are going to do the anal thing, I will try to have a good bowel movement and then take a shower and clean really good back there! But, that is up to you guys and what makes you guys feel better about everything!

Posititon is a personal thing! I haven't really found that one position is better than others. If you want to give him oral while you are doing this, put a pillow under his lower back and part of his butt. Leave room to play!! Better access to both of his ass and cock!! If you want to just play with his ass, put the pillow under his pelvic area. That way he can be comfortable and give you plenty of room to explore him with either position!!

The best of luck on this and I think he will love it! Remember, that is where the male g-spot is located!! Intense orgasm!!!! Let us know how it goes when you guys do try!!



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The guys have given some fantastic tips (true too).

The one thing i want to address is the enima issue. Most people that find anal sex arousing get use to the idea of some slight residue on toys that needs to be cleaned up. Enimas are fine, however, even like vaginal douching, they should be used sparingly, so your body's natural "flow" & balance isn't interupted.

If any sort of residue is an issue, use condoms over your fingers or toys. Clean up is as easy as slipping it off your finger/toy! :P

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Thank you all so much for advice. It was exactly what I was looking for!!

The enima issue is only as a precaution. I am currently pregnant and heard it was better to keep things as clean as possible. I know not to cross contaminate but wanted to be as cautious as possible.

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I'm glad someone was brave enough to ask this question.

We have been talking about this for a while and I'm just not brave enough to do it yet without having more info. I had been searching this forum and looking for how to do it to a man and had just about given up hope of knowing and was about to post the question myself the other day when I saw someone had asked for me!


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